《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 72: Spider's Web


The Zhao family name had always been associated with poverty. Their history consisted of generations of beggars and Cheng’s mother worked at a ‘special’ dance house, which led to accidental conceiving of two children during her duties. This pitiful background left the family, especially bastard children, vulnerable to cruelty of the world and they turned to crime for survival. The children pick-pocketed and mastered theft at a young age with a very sharp understanding this was their life. However, as they grew, their greed for more did as well.

At first, Cheng formed a simple ambition to become a commoner with comfortable wealth to let him live humbly. However, his sibling rivalry pushed him to achieve greater feats. Qiaolian had always been the favourite and their mother became convinced she would save their family by marrying into high society. Yet, he wanted to be the hero.

Any stolen money afforded him small business beginnings. He observed the desire of others and sold items similar to their wants. To keep his market stall popular, he limited stock and changed products every full moon. This strategy gave him enough income to dress in styles matching noble families, frequent expensive taverns and undergo testing for a council position. Every word he spoke or action was purposeful and had an ulterior motive, which helped him gain good graces with noblemen. Then, the greatest opportunity came.

The annual hunt commenced after his last exam for council. Rumours whispered of councilmen attending this year, desperate to win land of a recently exiled family. Originally, Cheng planned to kill one of them to take their position but during the adrenaline-fuelled fight, he targeted the imperial advisor instead.

That day changed Cheng’s life forever and although he did not win the hunt, the young emperor recognised his brave efforts when ‘saving’ other councilmen from wild animals. Soon after, he entered the Lotus Palace as a friend of the emperor and gained the position as imperial advisor by his connection.

He visited home soon after his promotion, ready to show his mother the real hero of the family. He exceeded her expectations. However, instead of showering him with praise, she still fussed over Qiaolian and demanded he put her in a position of power too. Unable to refuse, Cheng began assassinating the empress’s unborn children because of his sister’s suggestion.


This task challenged his morals but over time, the guilt fled and it felt like he was simply a farmer harvesting crops too early. While he did the dirty work, he brought his sister into the palace often and presented her to the emperor, guised under coincidental meetings. It didn’t take long for the emperor’s lust to spur for a new woman, rather than the empress; Qiaolian was selected as a concubine within weeks.

The year of his promotion and his sister’s royal title formed him into a hidden spider, weaving webs and plucking each strand to ripple disasters. Everyone believed him weak because of his submissiveness but they couldn’t see their entanglement in a trap he created. Even now, the emperor appeared ignorant to his affect on Xiaoli and Cheng took full advantage of it.

“Good luck, Miss Ju.” Cheng smiled under the stars.

Xiaoli stared at the hidden residence in front of her. “Are you certain?”

“Do this and you will be empress.”

“I will be empress… I will be empress,” Xiaoli repeated and entered the building.

Manipulating Xioali seemed too easy. At the first sign of attention from Cheng, she grovelled at his feet before he provided her with a chance at redemption and revenge. Qiaolian and Huli threw away a toy and he picked it up. Fools. Those desperate emotions clouded the young girl’s judgement and made her perfect for play.

At the sound of a surprised squeal, Cheng snuck into the building. A smirk planted on his face when he saw Xioali pin Meifan to the ground, hands around her throat. He walked over to the next room and gazed at his sister on the bed. Bandages wrapped around her throat and despite the days of rest, she still appeared ill. It felt beyond satisfying to see her in misery.

“My dear sister. Look at you, so weak and pathetic. I can hear the spirit of our mother snicker at your state. I admit, it does give me immense pleasure to see you suffer this way. Your son’s death will be quicker, I assure you.” Cheng grinned as Qiaolian’s eyes snapped wide open at the last part.


“Guards! Guards!” Qiaolian rasped, unable to move. “Song Meifan! Come!”

“Oh, I wouldn’t bother calling for help. Everyone has been rendered useless. They are too busy handling a Fox problem and your precious new prodigy appears to be battling your original successor. Ju Xiaoli has come back to reclaim her place. That’s the trouble with your play: it gets too messy.”

“You dare talk to me like this?! I will have your head!”

“And here I thought your son took after Hong Weishan,” Cheng mused. “No matter. I came here to discuss other things. You see, we are seeds cultivated from the same tree. We both thrive in manipulation and do anything to fulfil our own selfish desires. The difference is that you like to glorify yourself in attention and I keep hidden in the shadows. Your deluded ways have proven problematic for me and must end.”

“What are you talking about? You weak, pathetic imbecile!” Qiaolian growled.

Cheng sighed and sat on the bed, withdrawing a servant kitchen knife. “Do you know why I convinced Hong Weishan to attack Linlong? It’s because they have something I want. Just like you, I always go to extreme lengths to get what I want. For that beauty, Bai Juan, I burnt her house down so she would marry me. As for Linlong, my intentions require severity that is challenging even for me. I have let your son rule and turn Shanhe into poverty which will force them to merge with Linlong after the war, if they are to survive. Then I will rise, the wise man behind two emperors, to rule over one kingdom.”

“My son will rule!”

“That is hard for a dead man to do. Your precious son will lead at the front of the Shanhe army; I will convince him using his paranoia and thirst for attention. He will die in battle and that will leave me, the only blood relative, to take the throne. When Linlong is defeated, I will triumph as the hero that sought peace by forming the kingdoms into one rich nation. I, Zhao Cheng, will rule this country and you, Zhao Qiaolian, will die like the filth you are.”

"What about the true heir?!"

"Wang Joaolong won't last the war. His poor health will crumble under the stress he now bares. I have no threats except Linlong after today."

“Why are you telling me this?”

“You know why.”

Qiaolian’s body trembled at her failed effort to move. Angry tears screamed down her face. If she wasn’t weak from the rare poison, the paralysing agent he mixed into her tea kept her down. At least, Cheng thought to himself, she’ll die just like those she tricked and killed.

“Oh, don’t cry. It’s pitiful, after all, you only have yourself to blame. Just like our dear mother, you were a fool to underestimate me.”

The knife plunged into Qiaolian’s chest and just before she bled out, Cheng choked her. He wanted to bask in the glory taking her life with his bare hands. Too long, he dealt with her insults and underestimation, letting his pride suffer for the sake of his future plans. Then, when he eyes turned empty, he smiled. It was over.

In the hallway, Xiaoli still fought to control Meifan. They tumbled and grunted, neither strong enough to prevail. While they remained reoccupied, Cheng snuck outside, only to re-enter with a tray of food. He dropped it in fake shock at the girls wrestling and Qiaolian’s dead body metres away, then yelled for guards. They arrived within seconds and shoved Xiaoli off Meifan, before dragging her to the prisoner area after Cheng gave them the impression she killed the emperor’s mother. The orchestration was perfect.

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