《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 68: At Mercy


The request for his audience confused Disung. The night settled hours ago and most of the palace laid in bed. However, his emperor requested him. Why? As he waited in the main hall, anxiety expanded in his chest. This felt like a trap; why steal him late at night during Joaolong’s most vulnerable state unless he meant harm?

“You summoned me.”

“Yes. It came to my attention that you have not properly thanked me for your marriage happening tomorrow.”

The emperor sat on his throne, dressed in maroon instead of the royal red colour. The understated attire signified the informality of the conversation and lack of importance the meeting held. This infuriated Disung but he remained kneeling on the narrow carpet, feeling Huli’s mismatched eyes stare at him like a demon.

Disung bowed low. “You are magnanimous, your majesty. My gratitude towards you goes beyond words can express.”

“How is your child? Still alive? I foresaw the thing to be dead by now.”

And I foresee you dead by my hand if you keep this up, Disung replied darkly in his mind. If he did have a child, he would have killed the emperor on the spot for speaking in such a manner, his status be damned. “The gods have blessed my child to stay in the mortal realm.”

“Or they curse you. It is all in the interpretation. Anyway, I requested you company to offer another deal. If you wish it, I can cease the wedding. It was arranged to show my mercy but now that the citizens care no longer, I can withdraw my command.”

“Although I appreciate your kindness, there is no need to stop tomorrow’s events.”

Huli grinned so wide all his teeth went on display. “I have a feeling your mind will change.”

Before Disung could react, a knock sounded on the door. A eunuch scurried towards it, talked to the person outside and then faced the emperor.

“Your majesty, that housemaid is here in distress.”

Something changed in Huli; his arrogant expression got replaced by worry. Meifan took a tentative step into the room with wide eyes. She didn’t speak but Huli reacted as if she had and raced out the room. This left Disung alone on his knees, forced to wait for his master's return. However, he cared little for formal permission to leave; he needed to escape and find out why his gut feeling warned of danger. So, he ran away in search of Joaolong.

It didn't take long to discover the reason for his unease. After his eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw silhouettes of men around Joalong’s courtyard as he approached. They spoke in hushed, gruff voices and slinked around any nearby fire’s light to keep their presence hidden. More shadows emerged from the building and heaved a body behind them, which caused a collective, satisfied chuckle. Disung planned to stop the chilling sound; he would not let the true heir die so close to the ‘unveiling’.

No thudding feet sounded nor groan escape as one man fell to the ground, hit hard on the back of his head. This silent onslaught continued. It was as if the wind played tricks on the kidnappers, taking them into its invisible grasp one by one. However, two men realised the danger and dragged the body back inside to lock themselves with it. Disung grinned, enthused by the challenge.

With energy boucing through his body, he crawled under the building and wiggled along his self-made path. In his head, he sung a childhood song and when the lyrics finished, he stopped moving. Just above him, he saw light shine through the trapdoor edges. The secret escape route was installed to hide Joaolong if Disung failed to protect him but tonight, it served a greater purpose.


“What should we do?” He heard a voice grunt above him. “They said Anshu would be dealt with.”

Another man cursed. “This isn’t worth two gold rings.”

“Let's leave before we get killed.”

“Fool! It is too late for that! We are already doomed!”

“He is right,” Disung agreed, suddenly appearing in the room. He sat on the floor and dangled his legs in trap door opening. “It is even more dire because you lit a candle in the room too. Now I have seen your faces. Your only option is to bargain with me.”

“What do you want?” The smaller, panicked man asked.

“Uncover the body.” The man obeyed and removed the blankets from the thing behind them. He revealed Joaolong’s face and Disung ground his teeth. “What did you do?”

“He isn’t dead! He is drugged! It will wear off!”

“Stop talking,” the other man warned.

Without hesitation, Disung threw a dagger on his belt at the domineering assassin. It stuck into his forehead, instantly killing him. He fell to the ground, blood pouring over his face like a stream. This caused the remaining man to quake.

“What have you planned with Wang Joaolong? Disung asked, scarily happy and studying his withdrawn sword.

The cheery tone took the man aback. “Er—”

“Should I make you a eunuch to get you confessing? I could make it as quick as you should be talking right now.”

“Please! Have mercy!”

Disung sighed and approached the feeble man. “Drop the knife. Attack Wang Joaolong and I will do more than castrate you.”

The man, who tried to sneak a weapon into his hand, did as instructed. The blade clattered to the ground.

“What was the plan?”

“We were following orders! We had to take the man to an abandoned shop in Yinying Yueguang.”

“Why?” Disung asked, his voice too calm to be his real emotion. Were they intending to slaughter Joaolong? Maybe they wanted to sell his organs to the poor as animal meat. But why? No one else knew of his true identity except allies. Qiaolian’s suspicion died with her.

“I don’t know! We were told to put him there with the girl.”

“What girl?”

“Y-y-your betrothed. The m-maid.”

Disung snapped. He grabbed the man's shirt, bringing his closer to Disung's sword. “What were you going to do with the girl?”

The man didn’t meet Disung’s eyes, which answered the question. Someone orchestrated for Joaolong and Mingzhu to be disgraced in the city. Huli’s words seem to echo around the room: I have a feeling you mind will change.

“Where is the abandoned shop?”


The building came into view. As described, it looked haunted with cobwebs and discoloured wood. The splintered sign on the left pillar had no distinguishable letters and the unhinged door leaned in the doorway. Yet, light came from the back room. Disung barged in, fuelled on adrenaline and rage. Please don’t be too late, he pleaded to the gods. Please let me save her.

“Let her go!” He roared as he entered the space.

To his shock, he didn’t see Mingzhu helpless and dishevelled on the floor. Nor did he see men having their way with her. Instead, his mouth dropped open at Mingzhu holding a jagged piece of wood on Cheng’s neck. Scratches reddened his face and covered his arms, accompanied by small droplets of blood. Based on this, his ripped clothing and bound limbs, Mingzhu had fought back and won. It filled Disung with relief; this was why he loved a warrior and not a meek, helpless maiden.


Mingzhu pressed the wood harder against Cheng’s neck but turned to face Disung. “I was just about to ask my dear brother-in-law some questions. Care to join me, boy?”

They hadn’t talked since visiting the cabin. A wave of conflicting emotions rolled over Disung. He wanted to both hate and protect her. She lied to him but also reunited him with Hanxiong. Yet, any angst towards her lessened when he saw the desperation in her eyes.

“Sounds like fun,” he replied with a dark grin. He stalked towards Cheng like a hungry predator. “What will you ask first?”

“Help! Anshu! This is not who you think! This woman is—”

“Bai Mingzhu,” Disung finished at the same time Mingzhu punched Cheng.

She shook her hand to lessen the pain from the blow. “Screaming will be of no use. You picked this place because it is far enough from any nosey people. Also, let me tell you a little secret: Liu Disung knew my identity months ago so he won’t help you. The only way you will get out of here alive is if you answer my questions. Understand?”

Apparently Cheng took too long to answer because Mingzhu kicked his ribs. This knocked him onto the floor. Then, to express her irritation, she stepped on his bound hands and applied all her weight. Cheng cried out in pain.

“Do you understand?" Mingzhu asked and when Cheng nodded, she stepped back. “Who arranged this kidnapping and why?”

“The emperor! The emperor did it all! I am but a puppet to him! I want no part in all this but my life is at stake! I swear!”

“Why did he want me kidnapped?” Mingzhu asked.

“T-to…win over Anshu. He wants a loyal human weapon at his command.”

Both Mingzhu and Disung released a breath, as if sharing the same thought. It meant Huli didn’t know about the true heir’s identity yet. Tomorrow wasn’t ruined.

“Did he plan all of the assassinations on Joaolong?” Disung demanded to know. "Even those years ago?"

“Yes. He and my sister were behind everything; they didn’t want a smart man ruining their plans. Wang Joaolong intervened himself too much in bribes and councilmen's exploits so they feared he would target them soon. Everything happened because of Qiaolian and Huli!”

“You are not innocent! Do not blame everything on others! What about my sister?! Will you try say they killed her?”

“They d—”

Mingzhu cut his arm with the rotting wood. It ripped his skin and left a trail of splinters behind. The wound looked ghastly and judging by Cheng’s shrills, it hurt worse than breaking his bones. Tears streamed down his ruined face and the sobs sounded more like screams.

“The truth only or I will do it again,” Mingzhu warned. “Start with the fire that burned my farmhouse. You started it. Why?”

“How did you know?” Cheng gasped.

Mingzhu spat on his face. “I am asking the questions. Why did you do it?”

“I didn’t mean to! It was an accident! I knocked over some candles and then it blew up out of control. I married you sister to rectify my own clumsy mistake. Please believe me! I treated your sister with care!”

“With care?! You murdered her!”

“I was drunk!” Cheng tried to explain, not noticing he confessed to Mingzhu’s suspicion of what truly happened. “I was scared. Qiaolian gave her these scrolls full of lies about my past to scorn me. She believed her! I didn’t want to be trapped by my sister! I didn’t want my wife to be so foolish! I was so frightened that I—”

The sickening crunch from Mingzhu’s punch indicated his facial brones broke. “Let’s leave him to die of starvation.”

“Wait! Please! Spare me! I can tell you more!” Cheng shouted in desperation. “It has been planned to frame the visiting Linlong royalty. I was to hide false battle plans against Shanhe and stolen goods in their belongings. They would be publicly found and treachery would be declared. The people would rise for war! Please spare me! I’ll tell you everything!”

“When the pig is forced, he does squeal incessantly,” Mingzhu commented in disgust. “Too bad it’s all for nothing. You won't live to see the sunrise.”

“Mingzhu, this is too cruel," Disung whispered, considering Cheng's confession. "He is just a toy in someone else’s game. Just like…”

Their eyes met. Fury and malice retreated from her expression as she considered the unfinished sentence. He didn’t mean to imply she shared Cheng’s situation but knew it was too late to rephrase it. Accepting the accusation, her shoulders slumped in defeat. “Do as you wish. I’m leaving.”

Disung ran a hand through his hair then walked to Cheng. He loosened the restraints. “You will be able to wiggle yourself free of these bindings in a few minutes. By that time, we will be nearing the palace. Tell anyone of tonight and Joaolong will reveal his knowledge about Bai Juan’s death. Your reputation will be destroyed and the kingdom will only see you as a murderer.”

With the final threat, he left and greeted the cool night. He breathed in the fresh air. It appeared like nothing happened; the city remained peaceful and silent. Who would have thought someone was just beaten to a bloody pulp on a calm night?

"Can you be sure he won't ruin our plans?" Mingzhu asked.

"Joaolong has something on him. He won't risk it," Disung replied. "I need to ask about how you escaped? I feared the worst when I came here."

Mingzhu smirked. "For the past week I have been eating goji berries in everything. Tonight was the first meal without them. It was too odd. I already took a few mouthfuls when I realised this and it was enough to make me tired. When I finally woke up, he was carrying me into the building. I didn't give him the chance to do much else."

"I'm impressed."

"Did they target anyone else?"

"Others were hired to handle Wang Joaolong. I just made it in time."

"Where were you?"

Disung frowned, his anger bubbling inside at the image of the emperor. "Being a lapdog."

"Not for much longer. Tomorrow, our battles end so the war can begin."

"We must keep our guard up at all times. Tonight demonstrated our lapse in judgement. We'll return to the palace together," Disung said and grabbed Mingzhu's hand, determined not to let go.

Mingzhu stared where their skin touched. “I can handle myself."

"I refuse to risk it."

"You should hate me. Why did you try save me? You saw what I just did to that man. Did Master not explain everything? I was the reason the village was destroyed. I was the reason you had to run away and live in poverty. I was the reason for so many deaths.”

“You are not nor will ever be your father. To me, you will always remain as Bai Mingzhu; my childhood rival, first love and the woman who shoulders everything."

The words had an auspicious effect on Mingzhu. He saw the invisible wall she built around herself crumble. Vulnerability shone in her eyes like twinkling stars. The insane happenings, from kidnapping to torturing others, broke her. A single tear escaped and Disung hugged her tightly. Finally, she opened up and accepted him.

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