《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 67: Kidnapped


The plan seemed simple in Cheng's mind yet he hated his major involvment. Of course, Qiaolian was too ill to help and Huli only ordered others to do his dirty work. However, the opportunity to personally attend to Huian gave him sudden motivation. After months of his suspicion, he could finally check if she was Mingzhu. All he needed to do was look at her back for burns.

While he snuck towards Huain's tiny chambers — allocated after the wedding announcement — with a drug-soaked cloth and dark intent, the hired hitmen ventured towards Joaolong. The emperor would prevent Disung's interferance at this pivotal point in time, just as planned. This left the hitmen to act without fear and deliver the young master to the tavern, after others ruined Huian's innocence. Already, he pictured the drunkards waiting in merry spirits to rape the girl. Poor thing. You do have my pity, he thought. Always a slave to those with power. In the next life, may you never cross Qiaolian's reincarnation.

"Fa Huian?" Cheng called after he knocked on the door. The lack of response fuelled his adrenaline; the drugs in her food worked wonders. "Pardon my intrusion."

A single candle illuminated a small patch of the room. On the floor, Huian laid with a rising and falling chest. Around her neck hung a familiar necklace of wood and jade. Cheng froze; the scene reminded him of his wife's death. That wasn't my fault, he reminded and pushed onwards with the plan. He needed to set the scene of disgrace between Joaolong and Huian, then, Disung would serve the emperor willingly. Otherwise, Huli would kill him for failing. This isn't my fault either.

"I am truly sorry for this," Cheng said and lifted Huian over his shoulder. Despite her small size, she weighed more than he anticipated. In a huff, he straightend his back and headed outside.

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