《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 66: True Heir of Shanhe


Joaolong savoured the remaining essence of jasmine tea on his tongue. He relished the subtle flavour to calm his nerves. Across from him, an empty cup signalled the leave of his visitor. However, it was not who he expected.

In the evening, Shaiming barged into his room in a panic. The note from the garden exchange, which detailed their escape, overwhelmed him. He paced the room, chewed his thumb nail and tapped his foot whenever he stilled. His youthfulness and naivety of danger shone through; he may have shared intelligence but he hadn’t faced death as much as Joalong. The neccessity of sneaking out of the palace to avoid assassination, without his soldier convoy to protection, terrified the prince. As for Joaolong, he expressed little concern as something else plagued his mind.

The Fox arrived tonight. Nerves coiled Joaolong’s stomach. After years of legends and searching for information, he would finally meet a Masked Master face-to-face. It was beyond his wildest expectations. What did he want with him? Through his own deduction and Disung’s confession, he learnt about Mingzhu’s connection to the mountain clan. But why does he want to meet me? Is he a friend or foe? Will he use me or side with me?

A noise startled Joaolong. He looked to the window and saw a shadow leap inside the room. Black covered every part of the intruder’s body except for his face. A threaded fox mask sat on the top half, leaving his smirk visible in the candlelight.

The Fox finally came.

“It is a lovely night to meet you, Master Wang.”


“Are you still pretending to be me?” The Fox asked as he wandered around the room and observed his surroundings. “You gave Zhao Cheng quite a fright with all those carved foxes. I should have made Mingzhu scare him the same way while the past emperor still lived… Where is your guard?”

“Elsewhere. I feared the extra company would be unappreciated.”

“You are far too clever to risk being alone with a Masked Master. Mingzhu warned me of your mind. I suspect your guard is hidden nearby and awaiting a signal if danger arises.”

“And if he isn’t?” Joaolong replied, keeping his expression unfazed. Indeed, Disung hid nearby just in case but he didn’t want to give the Fox satisfaction over his guess. “The emperor calls on him every day.”


“Let’s not ponder over lies. We must talk while we have time.”

Suddenly, the Fox took off his mask, head covering and wig. This revealed a balding, aged man who shared similar features to Disung. In an instant, Joaolong registered the truth; the Fox was Disung’s father. Apart from height and hair, they looked nearly identical. It explained Disung’s change of attitude towards the assassin since Mingzhu’s failed execution.

The Fox noticed Joaolong's bewilderment. “To answer you stumped expression: yes, I am Disung’s father. My name is Liu Hanxiong. No one else outside the mountain clan knows of my identity.”

Then why show me? Joaolong struggled to find a response and keep his calm facade. “How does this benefit me?”

“Interpret it as a gift of unwavering trust and belief in you. I have put myself in a vulnerable situation to prove I speak truth.”

“Very well. What is it you wish to tell me?”

Hanxiong smiled. “Where shall I begin? It has been a long time since we last met. I remember you as a baby. So many years passed and so much has happened. When I heard about Wang Yenay’s death, my heart became heavy and it took all of my determination not to run to the Lotus Palace. The Masked Masters have a plan and I needed to stick to it. However, without guidance, Mingzhu strayed as the fake Fox and when they accused her for terrible deeds, I knew it was time to visit you, especially since the empress can no longer explain everything.”

“How are you acquainted with Wang Yenay?” Joaolong asked, his heart beating fast. He needed answers like a dying man needed water in a desert.

“I protected her while she carried the true heir to Shanhe. I was the one who prevented the assassinations and I took the emperor’s son when he grew ill from a snake bite. I hid him away until he was ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“To take the throne. To read this,” Hanxiong said and withdrew a letter from his tight, black robes. “This was placed in Wang Yenay’s tombstone when I hid her child away. She chose a protector to deliver it when the right time came. However, with her sudden death and the rising suspicion about the Lost Prince, I took it for safe keeping. Now, I wish to hand it to you.”


With apprehensive hands, Joaolong took the letter. He looked at the faded parchment smeared with dirt and stray strands of webs. On the opposing side, the Shanhe crest imprinted a wax seal. There was no denying the authenticity; only the emperor and empress had the special type of stamp. After slight hesitation, Joaolong read.

My dearest son.

Forgive me for I cannot be with you.

I have too many enemies in the Lotus Palace and your existence brings danger. I declared you dead for your own protection. As I write, the Fox is hiding you far away so you may grow to manhood. Although I am saddened to not know your looks nor your character, my heart understands this is for the best.

I wait for the day to proudly speak your name and cheer those words with the people of this kingdom: Hong Yondan, he who will rise like the dawn of a new day.

You are the rightful heir, my lost prince: son of Hong Weishan, the fifth emperor of Shanhe. His blood runs through your veins and mine crowns you the successor of the kingdom.

I will always love you. Stay strong, my dawn.

Wang Yenay, empress of Shanhe.

The fine brush strokes on parchment shattered Joaolong’s conception of the world. The Fox was Shanhe’s saviour. The more absurd idea was his own identity. It couldn’t be…

“Why did you let me read this?”

“You know the answer.”

“It is not possible. For starters, I am older than the true heir.”

“Your birthday was a simple lie. You have lived thinking you were a few years older than you actually are. It dampens suspicions from others.”


“Did the inconsistencies and strange happenings never bother you? An intelligent man must have been a curious child. Why did you look nothing like your adoptive parents? How did the village suddenly get plagued and why burn it? Why did the empress adopt a stranger out of all the Shanhe orphans? Why did assassinations always involve you? Why are you always so ill?”

Joaolong’s mind reeled. From a young age, he admitted he grew skeptical of his life. He shared no similar features to his adoptive parents, especially their eyes. While his parents both had smaller, thin eyes, his were larger and had a slight crease. When they died from a blood disease— not air-borne like everyone believed — he found the announcement of his distant relation to the empress odd. His family consisted of generations of lowly merchants; royalty never came from such backgrounds. However, he altered his inquisitiveness on other interests instead of this to remain blissfully ignorant. He assumed the empress adopted him out of pity, then kept him because of his intelligence, which then ignited assassinations from jealousy, not suspicion of his birthright. Every time his curiosity heightened about himself, he found facts to rebut his idea.

Now, the bold letter answered his fear. Yenay was his mother and the realisation gave him overwhelming happiness, shortly followed by sorrow. All this time, she never spoke a single word about it. She even gave him the jade pendant and died with that secret. Then, there was Disung, his protector. All along, he knew about this.

“I understand it is a lot to take in but there is one last thing I must do,” Hanxiong said and dropped to his knee. “The Masked Masters have intended for you to take the throne since your birth. They have guided you in minor ways all your life to ensure the Shanhe emperor is worthy of their title. You have met their expectations. Therefore, I, Liu Hanxiong, the Fox, pledge my allegiance to Hong Yondan, son of Hong Weishan and Wang Yenay, rightful heir to Shanhe! May a new dawn rise!”

"May a new dawn rise!" Voices echoed from around the building.

Suddenly, Disung jumped through the same window as his father, while Mingzhu and Tai entered through the door. Moments later, the Linlong royalty joined them, sneaking through the darkness and into the room. Each person held their hand on their chest and Disung, Mingzhu and Tai shared fresh tattoos on their wrist. From afar, Joaolong made out a lotus flower, matching the design from the Lost Prince pendant, melded together with a sunrise; this was to be the symbol of his rule.

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