《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 65: Garden Stroll


Nature slowly died. Leaves wilted and animals disappeared in preparation for winter. Less and less bugs chirped outside while birds flocked to far away lands to escape the dreaded cold. Miraculously, while the rest of the Lotus Palace gardens failed to please the eye, Lady Gaze remained beautiful. Amongst the decay, chrysmanthemums, monkshood and asters enjoyed being centre of attention. The whites, purples and blues complimented each other to provide a wondrous sight for those still willing to wander.

Already, Joaolong wore a fur cape over his grey robes as a precaution to the crisp chill in the air. Winter brought dangers for his frail body; he fell sick every year and feared death grasping onto him. With a few days remaining until the escape, he didn’t want to risk getting ill before the long journey began. In addition, he wanted to be strong for his meeting with the Fox tonight.

“Defend yourself!”

Joaolong cocked his head and strengthened his stance. He raised his hands to block his head and readied himself. Out from the bushes, Disung jumped with an extended fist. Joaolong stepped back, dodging the fist but barely managed to block the sudden uppercut. The punch grazed his chin. He cursed. Disung continued to try a few other basic combinations, quickening the pace and grinned when Joaolong blocked the hits.

“You are improving!” Disung praised. Since Joaolong’s demotion, they practiced relaxed defence techniques a few times a week. Joaolong’s body could handle no more than that.

“Indeed but not fast enough I fear.”

“Lucky I have the precious carved flower then,” Disung stated, referring to the pendant in a ridiculous code of his choosing. “It is much safer on my body than yours.”

Joaolong sighed and feared the answer to his question. “Where have you hidden it?”


“With something else just as long, hard and smelling of flowers,” Disung replied with a wink.

“You disgust me.”

“Then go play with your new buddy then. He is close by.”

Up ahead, Shaiming stood alone, admiring the flowers in Lady Gaze. The worry on his face grew evident by the twitch in his jaw and constant need to move. A dark green ribbon entwined with his braid, matching the formal robes that were mixtures of sepia and green.

Joaolong stumbled and on cue, Shaiming pretended to bump into him. During their collide, a scroll fell on the ground.

“I believe you dropped this, Third Prince,” Disung said, perfectly rehearsed and offered him the scroll. “I imagine it must tell of some important dates.”

“Thank you, Anshu. It is pleasant to meet you again, Wang Joaolong.”

“The honour is my own. Please forgive my rudeness for the lack of invitations to tea. I noticed you are busy with the emperor and your family.”

After the Moon Festival, neither of them met again. Everyone in the palace suspected each other of foul deeds and if anyone appeared well enough for tea with company, it was seen as treachery to the dead imperial concubine. Shaiming’s obvious anxiety came from this lost contact, hence, Joaolong created this new form of contact of letter exchanges. He only hoped Shaiming had the wise mind to destroy the parchment after reading.

“Indeed. I am free to take a quick stroll with you now. My wife is currently having tea with your former servant.”

“That is very… interesting.” What is Mingzhu doing? Joaolong growled in his head. He ordered her to stay out of sight. Why is she parading around? Especially when she hid from Disung with enthusiasm. Why has she become so reckless since the trial? If she is out of sight, then she is out of the emperor's mind.


“Shall we walk?”

The main garden path widened until it reached an archway, perfect for tea gatherings. Maids stood still by two women of higher status, immersed in their own world. Yanyan remained seated with refined posture while Mingzhu leaned over the table, reaching out to grasp the hanging material covering the princess’s face.

Joaolong cursed along with the other men. His gut dropped. This was dangerous. Fortunately, Disung found his feet and reacted.

“My dear love! How long has it been since I saw your face?!” He yelled merrily.

The call broke Mingzhu from her spell and she flinched as if cold water splashed on her. She retracted her hand and stared at him in horror. “You.”

“It is me, honey!” Disung confirmed and approached her in a rush. He ran his hand over her cheek and pinched her chin in a fond gesture. “Lucky I came. You almost embarrassed yourself in front of the prince and princess.”

Mingzhu looked like a confused child. Her eyes flickered between Disung and Yanyan. Eventually, she found her tongue. “My apologies, princess. I acted inappropriately. You reminded me of someone.”

“You must miss her,” Yanyan breathlessly replied and briefly glanced at the necklace around Mingzhu. Then, she clarified herself. “Your sister.”

Shadows fell over Mingzhu’s face. Her eyebrows knitted together and she left without another word. They all watched her storm away in a clumsy manner from her new shoes and layers of clothes. Joaolong worried.

"Follow her," He ordered Disung in a low voice before turning back to Linlong royalty. "May I join your outing instead? Third Prince and I were just discussing how long it has been since we've had a proper gathering."

"How could I ever decline your company after all you've done?" Yanyang said and underneath her veil, he felt her grateful smile.

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