《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 62: Sow the Seeds


He was to meet the Fox. Joaolong looked forward to it but his nerves made him hyperaware of every noise and small movement around. Was the man a friend or foe? Trust had to be earned but even then, Joaolong felt wary. He struggled to decipher the Fox’s past actions; did he leave tokens, in the hunt and funerals, to save him or threaten him? At least with Mingzhu, he grew to understand their relationship dynamic. However, this new player made him anxious and there was no time to gain advantage.

A few days before the Fox’s arrival, Joaoloang wandered around the palace to complete a final check for the future escape plan. The guard regime remained precise and they changed shifts to the exact second. This, paired with the lack of visitors because of Huli's ruling, gave many opportunities to sneak in the shadows. No one hovered around the garden much either, which tempted Joaolong to throw the rope ladder over the border wall already. Yet, he did not wish to bring bad luck.

On his way out of Lady Gaze, Joaolong stumbled upon Xiaoli. With clenched teeth, he watched her in anger as she, a murderer, enjoyed her day. On a weaved mat in front of her, the sun glimmered on the wet, black teapot. Using a wooden pouring cup, Xiaoli trickled more floral-flavoured water over the pot and cups, the action puffing out the blush sleeves of her robes. Then, she cupped her hands and extended her fingers to symbolise a lotus flower blooming. This additional action to the tea ceremony meant the occasion was for royalty or a renowned celebration, like a beloved family member returning home.

Following these graceful hand movements, she emptied the teapot to prepare for the beginning of serving. After placing tea leaves on each petal of the traditional lotus flower carving, she immersed the small sculpture into the teapot. A new scoop of hot water surrounded it and she filled each warmed cup with the brown liquid. A small, satisfied smile brightened up her lean face however, her breathtaking beauty, once admired by Joaolong, remained absent from his hated observation.


“Do you wish to join me?” Xiaoli asked, noticing the shadow he cast over the teapot by his figure.

“I will for a brief moment, Miss Ju. May I ask why you are practicing?”

“An excellent brew makes an excellent household. My mother told me this once. If I am to be married to the emperor then I should be prepared.”

How odd. Xiaoli hated to reminisce about her past. What changed? Did it relate to the bruise poking out from the covering of her robes? Do not delve, Joaolong commanded his mind. She is not worthy of sympathy nor pity. She left Yenay to die painfully. Do not concern yourself over a murderer.

“Excuse my frankness but I believe the Linlong princess should be practicing, not you. After all, since we are reaching a calmer time, the true royal wedding will be arranged.”

The comment must’ve hit a nerve because she suddenly scowled. “Perhaps I am practicing a tea ceremony to celebrate.”

“How noble of you,” Joaolong mused. “Most concubines have a deep-rooted hatred for any love rivals. I expected you, of all people, to be especially bitter.”

“A person of the royal family should not harbour pettiness.”

“Agreed but you are not a member of the royal family yet.”

“Stop mocking me like that traitorous Ànshù! What is wrong with you?!” Xiaoli snapped. “You have no right! You are a nobody!”

Joaolong ground his teeth but somehow, manage to keep his soft smile. How did he not see her true, horrendous nature? He hated himself for overlooking these qualities in the past because of her upbringing hardships. Others faced greater losses as children and grew into better people. He was one of them so she had no excuse. Never again would he overlook somebody's viciousness.

“You are right, Miss Ju. My mistake. I am a nobody so I do not understand the need for heavy sacrifices like morality,” Joaolong replied, keeping his facade. He swirled his tea and tried to find the right words to display his awareness of events transpired. “Did you practice serving tea when you kept company with Wang Yenay?”


Xiaoli’s eyes widened into giant spheres. The brief pause in her movements was all Joaolong needed to affirm his suspicions. Why flinch? Why stop? Unless she did kill Yenay that night with Qiaolian.

“She did request I serve her a few times.”

“Just enough to understand her tastes and preferences. How did she prefer her tea?”

“Oh…” Xiaoli swallowed audibly. “Why ask me, Joaolong? You would know far better than I.”

“I wondered if you took much notice. The past empress always loved floral teas but every cup needed to be extra sweet.”

“Ah yes, I do recall that.”

“How did you sweeten it?”

“Honey, of course.”

“I heard nectar is equally effective,” Joaolong said and reached for Xiaoli’s hands. He turned them over, studying without acknowledging her shock. “It must be a relief for your hands to heal so well. Rashes from poisonous plants have unpredictable effects and even I feared for my skin when I found a particularly interesting bottle of nectar. I wonder… if one were to ingest it what would happen…”

“What are you—”

Joaolong smirked, relishing the panic building in Xiaoli’s eyes. He wanted to do this when he first discovered the truth. To see her crumble under his implied meanings and targetted words gave him indescribable power.

“If you plant a seed, you must be ready for it to bloom no matter if the flower has thorns or not.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“I believe you do. Zhao Qiaolian just learnt this the hard way and you will too. If you get pricked by a thorn, it is your own fault for growing such a flower.”

Xiaoli’s hands flung up to cover her gasping mouth. In her haste, a cup smashed. How fitting, Joaolong thought. It poetically symbolised the ruined friendship between them.

“Y-you killed Madam?!”

“No but I wish I had. Rather, it was someone who both you and the past imperial concubine tried to destroy. But wait. Who could that be? After all, you have ruined so many lives.”

“The emperor will have your head for hiding the truth!”

“I disagree. Who would want to listen to the likes of you? Judging by those bruises and your weight loss, life as a potential imperial concubine is not so glamorous as you once told me. Your power is gone. No one cares.”

Xiaoli stared at him with watery eyes, as if seeing a demon rather than a friend. “Joaolong—”

“Miss Ju, I prefer only my friends call me so casually. Do not bring yourself so low to talk with a commoner and nobody like me, and I will make sure not to interact with someone so worthy as you. We have no more to discuss and so I will leave you practice,” Joaolong stated and stood up.

“What happened to you? Y-you’ve changed!”

“Grief is a powerful thing but paired with betrayal, it tends to morph the soul irreversibly. You took Wang Yenay from me, then you took Lin Jiang from me and now, you still reach out with greedy hands to meddle with my servants.”

“But the emperor—”

“You brought this on yourself. Remember these words; do not blame your own flower’s thorns when it pricks you. I must warn you that of all the plants you cared for, I am the most dangerous. Do not dream of crossing me again because I have no mercy left for someone as despicable as you. Have a good day and keep practicing, Miss Ju, as I've seen the Linlong princess do it much better."

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