《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 53: Calls of the Past


The imperial building hosted a frenzied stampede of fearful men, all running around to protect themselves from the assassin. Only the most loyal stayed to guard the emperor, which seemed few. The last thing Mingzhu remembered, before her senses failed, was the Fox’s smug face.

In the darkness, she heard the wind whistle through the mountains and smelled the fresh dew which came every morning. Then the memory opened up to her like curtains during a performance. The mountains looked beautiful and had an even contrast of grey stone and vibrant, green shrubbery. In this area, near the border of Shanhe and Linlong, the mountain clan established their main safe haven. Originally intended to be a school of martial arts, it progressed and formed into a small village instead which cultivated ‘Ma’.

The people of the mountain clan continued being nomadic, as intended by the Great Emperor, to ensure their existence remained a mystery. Every two years, they moved to another abandoned city or temple in the steep mountains, providing protection from outsiders. Rice fields were hidden in muddy crevices and livestock was scattered around the land. Everyone lived freely and in peace.

Until that day.

Blood sprayed the temple ruins. The cries of children swirled around the lifeless bodies falling to the ground. The crunch of breaking bones sent shivers up Mingzhu’s spine. She ran away, desperate to escape the terror she created.

My name is Bai Mingzhu. I am no longer Hou Mingzhu. My name is Bai Mingzhu. Please forgive me. My name is Bai Mingzhu. I did not want anyone to die. My name is Bai Mingzhu. I am a curse. My name is Bai Mingzhu. Please forgive me. My name is Bai Mingzhu. I am a curse. My name is Bai Mingzhu and I deserve to die.

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