《Foxes among Wolves》Chapter 49: Worthy of Saving


The trial stirred a ferocious storm of rage, heartache and astonishment inside Disung. Councilmen moved out of his path in fear, sensing his animosity, when he left the hall alongside them. While stamping towards the study, where he saw Joaolong slither into, he huffed and slammed his fist against pillars, alerting others of his dangerous mood. This bite of pain did nothing to settle his emotions but he believed beating Joaolong might.

“You did nothing!” He spat as he entered the study. “You watched her get unfairly trialled over preposterous crimes and did nothing!”

“Why do you assume they are preposterous?” Joaolong asked nonchalantly. A sigh drifted between the shelves while he searched for interesting scrolls. “Take a break and return when you have calmed. I cannot talk with someone in your state.”

Disung grabbed Joaolong firmly by the robes and slammed him against the shelves. How could he act so relaxed and uncaring? To toss someone aside so easily was despicable! He expected it from Huli or Qioalian but never his friend. Was Disung equally disposable?

“If you don’t help Mingzhu and she dies, I will never tell you the secret about Wang Yenay,” Disung threatened, desperate for some reaction to make Joaolong’s façade fail.

“If it is about her death, do not bother. I already learnt the initial cause was poison, not stabbing. I also know Ju Xiaoli shared the same rash on her skin as the empress. This rash occurs from contact with a rare nectar, which I found hidden in Qiaolian’s personal belongings. The Zhao family is behind the rulers’ death. You cannot bargain with anything which will surprise me further.”

The overwhelming desire to punch Joaolong washed over Disung. Always a smart arse, he thought darkly and clenched his fingers tighter. One punch would wipe away the effortless smug responses. One punch and he might break. Yet, Disung restrained himself from any assault. Although his friend was intelligent, he did not know everything.


Disung smiled but the light never reached his cold eyes. “I wasn’t referring to her death. I was referring to her secret. The greatest truth which will affect whole kingdom of Shanhe. I know who is the true heir of Shanhe.”

After letting go of Joaolong, Disung leaned back on the opposing shelf and watched his friend’s poker face falter. He relished the shock.

“You would withhold valuable information over a woman?” Joaolong asked incredulously.

“A war will start over less. Make your decision. Save the girl and get the secret or lose everything?”

Both men glared at each other, too stubborn and proud to back down. Only when Disung prepared to leave, Joaolong broke. The mask he wore shattered to show his true self.

Emotion shook his voice. “Do you not think I am as angry as you? Do you think I wanted to do nothing? I may not have a deep relationship with the girl but that does not mean I disregard innocent lives. I wanted to get involved. Trust me. But I am but a weak man since the new emperor ascended to the throne. The mere mention on my name sealed Bai Mingzhu’s demise. You forget I am disliked by many and have no powerful connections. That is why I did nothing. That is why I couldn’t interfere.”

“You should have said that to start with!” Disung snarled, unable to let go of his fury. “I feared your harsh scrutiny of her overcame you!”

“She is impulsive, uncontrollable and angry. These are displeasing qualities but I am not heartless to let her die for it. I only scrutinise because of her secrets.”

“She has a right to keep them since we haven’t told her everything either.”

Joaolong groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, as if trying to stop a headache. “Fine. I will try to help. Happy? Now tell me about the true heir.”


Disung backed away, still feeling too heated to talk normally. “Save Mingzhu first.”

“You are more irritating than normal,” Joaolong muttered. “How far are you willing to go to save this woman?”

“I’ll do anything, even if it means to go through fire and water.”

“Remember that. We may be about to meet the end of our time at the Lotus Palace, alive or dead, especially if you are determined to save this slave. Meet me again tonight and we will discuss it.”

The men parted ways, both needing time to soothe their stew of negative emotions. Disung disappeared to practice fighting while Joaolong aggressively rummaged through scrolls, finding nothing of interest. It wasn’t until late in the afternoon, when their anger fizzled out, the men reconvened and invited Shaiming to join them. On good terms once again, they formulated a plan in haste. Already, gossip spread about the Fox’s execution at sunrise.

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