《The 7th Hero》Chapter 2 - Truth hurts


So, I felt kind of guilty, just leaving whoever has been reading this (Thanks a lot by the way, I appreciate it so much that someone likes this) and just dumping that picture on you guys, that I wanted to make this, when I had gotten some free time. This doesn't mean I'm through just yet, I got 2 more days until schools out.

P.S. I'm considering releasing another book alongside this one. Not too many spoilers, but lets just say even robots should enjoy fantasy worlds for a time. Let me know if you like the sound of it and I'll get started when I can and make chapter 3 while I'm at it.

So at some point in the nothingness that was never time. I remembered. I remembered everything. All the things I did until it lead up to that day in the forest. Turns out, I made quite a name for myself, not Sage, but my real name, Vincent Bailthis. I am a master at every known form of magic that has ever existed. Including the forbidden magics like the Void Series, which lead me to be stuck here in the first place. I remember fighting ice giants, having tea with the dragon king, creating the world's major mode of transportation, the warp runes. Giant runes scattered all over the continent, a total of 12 runes at each major allied city that teleports from one to another. The 12th one though is an exception as it is hidden at my house in fact, which only I have access to. I also remember--

*tweet* *tweet*

Birds? In the Void? Couldn't be. Wait, my eyes are closed. I see... blue. Not white, but blue, as in sky blue. My hands, I feel grass, and dirt, I smell pollen. This is amazing, that means it worked. Since I know Void magic, I figured I could try to create a counter-spell to Void Banishment to try and free myself, and it worked. By the blood, it worked. "IT WORKED!" My voice echoes through what I now see is a grove that I materialized in. Okay, now what. I'm most likely forgotten, so maybe this is like a 3rd chance at life. You know what they say, 3rd times the charm. This means I can redo everything, and create a new story for myself. Although I know my name, let's continue using Sage. Sounds cooler.


First things first, I need to find a town to gain information, I don't recognize where I am at. ... So after about 3 hours of walking East, I'm beginning to get hungry, and I finally see a town in the distance. When I reach the town, I notice it looks pretty established, I mean usually towns out in what looks like the middle of no where are sort of well.. hicks. Not these people, they look like they came from a city or something. I find what looks like an inn, and as I walk inside, I get these strange glares and glances. I ignore them as I walk up to the bar and begin to ask the lady behind the counter, whom looks as if she runs this place, where I am. When suddenly.

"Well you're different." (Inn Keeper)

"Huh?" (Me)

"Usually we get some stereotypical adventurers, historians, and the occasional tourists, but you look like you're trying to be everything at once."

"What are you talking about?"

What's wrong with my clothes?

"Well, you're wearing a blue, mage's shirt, a warrior's cargoes, combat boots, a long white scarf that would suit a rogue, a finger-less glove, goggles, and a metal gauntlet. What exactly are you trying to be son?"

"Well first off, I am a mage of sorts, the scarf is a gift from my mother, my boots and pants are just random items that were comfortable, same goes for the glove, I rather like goggles, and the guantlet is my hand, and why am I explaining myself to a complete stranger?"

*shrugs* "Anyways, what can I get you for? Names Bertha."

"Well, Bertha, I'm looking for some information."

"What kind of information?" Bertha says as she gives me a guarded look.


"The location. Where am I exactly, what is this region called?"

"Well this is Abraxia Grove, just up the hill there is where the battle happened 400 years ago." She says as she gives me an "Are you stupid?" look.

"What battle?"

"The battle between the demon king and the 6 heroes, you idiot. What have you been living under a rock this whole time?

400 years?! Couldn't be, could it? Time doesn't work in the Void. Then I realize, that just because time doesn't move in the Void, doesn't mean it never moved outside it. 400 years. I've been gone for so long. Then... most of them, the others, they must be dead now...

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