《Prophecy of the Four Pillars》Chapter 2: Teleportion!


Richardson strolled through the city streets at a leisurely pace. The cool morning air helping to wake him and put the day’s events into focus. He wore the same suit he received for the party while other outfits where being arrange for him. Today he would be starting his training as a hero in earnest, but that was not until later. For now, he planed to have a look around the city. He didn’t know enough about architecture to tell the development level by sight alone, but he like to imagine that the cobblestone streets and the tall wooden buildings were a good sign.

After nearly an hour, Richardson circled back around to the palace. The palace guard ever vigilant even at this time. Just as Richardson was about to head back to his room, he spotted a robed man hurrying down the road with a bundle of long scrolls in his arms. The long ashen beard and the fading bruises brought back memories of the men he first met on his arrival. He looked away, a flush coming to his cheeks at the overreaction, but resolve filled his eyes a moment later. He needed to make this right.

Richardson followed the old man down the street. “Could you use some help?” He called out as he drew closer to the sage. The old man stopped abruptly and looked over his shoulder, however his expression seemed oddly conflicted as he spotted Richardson behind him.

“Oh, Hero, quite early for the youthful to be up.”

“Yes, well, I couldn’t sleep well last night.”

“I would be worried if you did get a restful sleep,” The Sage said with a chuckle. “Did I hear wrong or did you offer to help?” Richardson nodded and the Sage gladly handed over a bundle of this scrolls. “Unfortunately, we scholars can’t afford to sleep in, but never mind that. I believe in our first meeting, I was interrupted before introductions were made. I am Mehdi Badeaux, Grand Sage of Thelibeth.”

“I am Dave Richardson, as I’m sure you’ve heard.” He shifted the scrolls in his arms as he added with less confidence then when he started. “And… sorry about what happen when we first met.”

Mehdi gave a chuckle of an old man who had seen it all before. “I would imagine if I was in your place, I would have reacted much the same. Though, with a bit more flair from a Sage, I would think. Let us not dwell on this any farther.”

Richardson gladly nodded and followed along behind Mehdi. In his first trip out he was careful not to venture too far from the palace, but now they seem to be heading away from it. It wasn’t long before the two of them came upon a dome building of smooth gray stone with pillars that wrapped around it. “What’s this place?” Richardson asked.”

“This is the headquarters for the Mages of Thelibeth.” Said Mehdi, and with a flick of his wrist the double doors opened.

What would the headquarters for mages be like? Richardson wondered as he followed along. Various images from RPGs and books filled his mind: books flying through the air and speaking aloud the content they contained. Mystical beast roaming the grounds, each a match for a knight of the highest caliber yet yelled to the magi. And more images of magic being thrown about like water in a rain storm, however, he failed in take into account the scrolls he carried.

Past the doors, Richardson was greeted to the sight of shelfs as tall as a man and stacked three high. Each shelf was filled with scrolls and leather bound books, and formed natural hallways through the building. The sight of a mage reading at a table killed some of the excitement Richardson had when he first set eyes on the building. Than he saw another… and another… and yet more still. “This is just a library!”


“A what?” asked Mehdi.

“A place where the public can go to read books for free.”

Mehdi gave a chuckle at that. “Oh, commoners entering here and reading as they wish. What an amusing thought.”

Soon Richardson and Mehdi left the main area behind as Mehdi opened the door to his personal office. He set his books onto a deck before taking a seat behind it with an exhausted sigh. “Place those scrolls...” He looked around yet every place his eyes fell were already filled with books. “Somewhere.”

Richardson dumped his armful on top of another pile, yet to the surprise of know one, the pile tipped over, spilling books all over the floor. Mehdi didn't seem to notice, as he busied himself with his own collection.

“What do you need all of these books for?”

“How much do you know about the undead?” Mehdi asked in answer.

“As far as the undead… or anything magical is concerned, just assume I have no idea what that is.”

“The concise version is that the best way to kill an undead is with holy magic. However, the priest class is unfortunately rare. So we magi work to find a way to replicate the holy arts through arcane magic. Not a simple task I assure you.”

Richardson stepped around the mess on the floor to peer over Mehdi’s shoulder to see his research for himself. Not that he knew what he was looking at, but such information could be useful when he started fighting for real. “What progress have you made?”

“I would not call what I’ve done even an ounce of progress. But we know it’s possible as there are records of the ancient elves having achieved it.”

“Elves!” Richardson cried out. He had forgotten this was a fantasy world. That not only meant magic but other races.

Mehdi didn’t so much as look up from his papers as he shot down that hope with a bored indifference. “Sadly, they are extinct. For around three hundred years I’m afraid.”

Richardson just sighed. At least there was magic. “So what happen to them? Was it a war?”

“No one knows. It’s one of the great many mysteries they left behind. One day they simply disappeared. But I’ve never really been interested in why they disappeared, only what they left behind.” He pulled open one of the side desk drawer and retrieved a tightly bound leather bundle. Even from where Richardson stood, he could feel the energy coming off it. Mehdi waved his hand over it and muttered a few words and a runic circle appeared but for a mere moment before it was gone.

Mehdi opened the bundle to reveal a single sheet of old parchment. It was covered in intricate runic designs and overlaid with what looked like a written language Richardson had never need before. Just looking at it made his eyes hurt. “What is that?”

“In my youth, I ventured to the ruins of the once elven capital city. It had been looted time and time again for hundreds of years, yet for some miracle this single page with but a single spell written upon it was left untouched. I’ve spent countless years of my life studying this page. However, after all this time I can read but a few words. I do not even know what kind of spell it is.”

Richardson continued to stare at the page and the beating behind his eyes grew worse. The letters started to blur… or where they vibrating? He wasn’t sure. Despite the pain, he felt he needed to keep looking. Even after Mehdi’s shock of surprise, even after the page began to glow, he kept looking.


Adaptation has been activated.

You have gain a partial understanding of this page.

You have gain a spell hidden within this page: Teleportation

Will you accept?

A mix of shock and delight filled Richardson’s face and he accepted without giving it another thought. “What happened,” Mehdi asked. “What did you do?”

“I’m not sure, but my system says I learned a spell: Teleportation.”

Mehdi jumped from his seat and grabbed a hold of Richardson’s shoulders “Do you speak the truth!” He cried a mad glint in his eyes. He pointed to the page on the desk. “Can you read that?”

The boy looked it over and spoke aloud, “Oh we who gaze upon the heavens and see our rightful place. Oh we who, rebuked by the Laughing God, take our first steps on that path. Oh we who…” Richardson grasped his head as the pain came again but this time far too fast and painful for him to continue. Yet that didn’t seem to matter to Mehdi who embraced the boy in a hug.

“Grand Sage, I take it I read it correctly?”

“More than that, my boy, you have learn Teleportation!” He pulled back to look Richardson in the eyes. “That spell! There is no spell more significant to the ancient elves than the teleportation spell. That very spell shaped their civilization.”

“Should… I try casting it?”

“Could you… wait!” Mehdi quickly stopped himself as he looked over his office once more. “Not here, and considering the historical significance of this, we should do this properly. Come with me!”

Close to three hours later Richardson found himself back in the garden. What should have been just a quick test of a new skill was now the biggest event of the year by the way more and more people where filing in. Princess Yseult, The King, and Prime Minister all had a table at the front while dozens of other senator watched from the back. Not to mention the many scholars from the library that were hear to see.

He stood on one side of the garden with twenty feet of empty space to the other side. While the Grand Sage and the other scholars were setting up their detection magic, Richardson read over his new skill once more.

Teleportation Lv. 1 Instantly travel to any point within range.

Must have a clear line of sight or a clear image within your mind before you can active.

Cast time 10s

Range: 20 meters

Mana used per cast: 20

Intelligence required: 10

“We are ready, Richardson,” Called Mehdi as he took his place in the crowd.

Richardson couldn’t help but to glance over to everyone watching him and expecting something great from what he thought was just a basic spell. He took in a breath. “Now or never.” With his eyes on his target he called out, “Teleportation!”

And the world went black


Dave awoke to the rushing wind rising up to meat him, the tail of his suit flapping nearly as hard as his heart. He was falling. But how? The question screamed in his mind. A moment ago he was in the garden, putting on a show for the nobles. Something had clearly gone wrong. Did he somehow picture this place when he cast the spell? He looked around the racing wind and down to the ground coming ever closer, but he didn’t recognize any of it.

“So, is this how I die?”

He closed his eyes and waited for the end. But instead of pain and darkness, he was embraced by the water of a slimy pit. Deep did he sink before his eyes opened and he realized that death had not claimed him just yet. With all the strength he could muster, from both himself and the system, he swam to the top. The liquid was thick, almost like was trying to pull him down. His head broke through the surface and only than did he realize how much worse it was, as the stench of the water hit him. He struggled, trying to breathe through his mouth for a moment, but it paled in comparison to the rancid taste that threatened to make him lose his stomach. He feared if that happened he would have little strength to stay above the water.

He swam for all his might. A shoreline, half covered in reaching vines and dying withered trees, was a sweeter sight in that moment than his very home. He pulled himself on it and being unable to hold back any more, vomited out everything in his stomach.

When his stomach was empty and he could stand once more, he rose to his feet yet the slight shaking of his body would not stop. The area looked like a forest but the trees seemed wrong somehow, withered and misshapen. The water he emerged from was a lake enwrapped by these trees. As he stepped away to move from the smell of the water, the smell of rot hit him. It wasn’t strong but it was there, like it was simple apart of this forest.

“Where the hell am I!” Dave shouted but there was no one to answer.


Richardson emerged at the other end of the garden to the sound of applause. The spell was a bit disorientating to use, not helped by the brief lost of sight, but it was as instant as the spell described. Princess Yseult and Grand Sage Mehdi where at his side before he could turn around, both of whom spouted question and praise in equal measure.

“How do you feel?” Asked Mehdi.

“That was wonderful, to think you could bring back a lost art.” Said Yseult.

As if the two of them had just realized the other was there they glared at each other while keeping a friendly smile. “Grand Sage, should you go check on the date you were so keen to collect.”

“Of course, but after such a spell, you should give the boy some room to breathe.”

Richardson payed the bickering no mind as a notification appeared from his system.

Adaptation has been updated

This passive is now unique.

Nether by magic or might can this skill be given to another.

“That’s odd,” He muttered, but the two bickering where quick to chime in.

“What’s odd?”

“Oh it’s nothing. Just my system updating I guess.” Before they could go on about that King Gaetan rose from his seat and the chattering died at once.

“Oh, Hero, truly Khivohr blessed us twice when he send you to us. To have rediscovered lost magic at just the start of your journey speaks volumes of what you will accomplish going forward. If it is not too much trouble, could you show us this skill once more.” The crowd cheered at this request.

Richardson gave a wide smile for the crowd. “If that is what his majesty wishes.” He raised both hand into the air to make it a bit more theatrical this time around. “Teleport!”

And once more the world went black.

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