《Quitting the Hero's Guild》Chapter 10: Surprise


There has been no incident throughout the manor and fenced estate. We have passed by so many people, no one even bat an eye and let us go on our way. However, Camelia is different. She has watched me grow up, heard of the many unlucky events that’s happened to me, and, frankly, I don’t blame her for being paranoid at this point. That’s acceptable.

Because, unlike Alastair, Camelia isn’t trying to follow me everywhere.

Ah, thinking about the hero, I wonder why he was not with Nikolas earlier.

If things don’t get better, maybe I should really leave the hero’s guild and just visit from time to time.

I don’t want the heroine to misunderstand…

“I’m just…showing my friend the garden.” I reply, hesitantly.

The maid strides across the clean-cut grass, through the stone pathway, and halts in front of us two. She rests her hands on the hips of her long black frilly dress. “But you should be in bed, resting! And that boy should be too with his injury!”

“After this, we will head back and rest up.” Nikolas loudly drawls out, “How about that?”

I turn to the boy. While Nikolas is a bit rude, he is actually paying Camelia so much more respect. I mean, he isn’t arguing with her as he does with Alastair. I pull the fluffy cloak closer to myself and adjust the bunny ears.

Camelia’s eyes trail over to the boy. She notices the ribbon in his short ponytail.

The maid’s irises instantly brighten. “...To bring you here of all places…” Camelia looks at Nikolas. “What’s your name?”

“Nikolas…Redfield.” The boy answers, scratching the back of his dark hair.

“Did the Guildmaster recently adopt you?”


“I haven’t seen you around here before. The last child whom Cedric has adopted was Miss Ellen here but…”

“Is he that old?” Nikolas asks, raising a brow. “...’Cause you look older than him.”

‘COLE!’ I want to scream at the stupid villain. ‘SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!’

Immediately, the maid tightens her jaw as she forces a polite smile. “What…did you say?!”

“Eh? So, do you wanna—”

“Like what Cole said! We will do that once we are done with the tour here!” I force a dry laugh and step in front of Nikolas. I turn to the little villain and hiss, “Cole!”

Quickly, I flash the young woman a smile. “We promise!”

But Camelia’s smile falters after observing our brief interaction and sighs. Her brown eyes are solemn, no longer shining. She glances at Nikolas.

“Before I go though, I have a question for your friend.” The maid says, with a piercing glare.

“Shoot the question, lady.” the child says, cocking his head.

“...Who are you, Nikolas Redfield?” asks Camelia.


Nikolas’ eyes widen. He thinks for a moment and rubs a hand over the back of his neck. Not only that, I watch the boy grit his teeth. His ears are bright red. It feels like the child is fighting with every inch of his being against an invisible demon. Who apparently lives in his mind, probably.

Or…maybe he’s not feeling well.

“Cole, are you sick?” I ask the boy.

Right away, Nikolas shakes his head. He re-composes his demeanor and sighs, rubbing his temple. That kid has no room for calling Camelia ‘old.’ Sometimes, I feel that Nikolas is acting like the ‘old’ person here, especially for an eleven-year-old.

“Well?” Camelia still waits but is clearly impatient with the flustered child.


Soon, Nikolas raises his sharp eyes at the young woman, who folds her arms. He drops his hand and gently pushes me aside. The boy stands before me and squares his shoulders.

“I am her shield.” At last, the boy answers Camelia’s question. As he does, a swift draft blows across the grass and sweeps through his dark bangs and ponytail. The yellow ribbon ripples through the air and golden sunlight. “I, Nikolas Redfield, vow to protect Qin Yang with my life.”

With large eyes, I could not wrap my mind around…this. Nor could I comprehend why the murderer of my past life would want to do that for me.

Nikolas is hardly recognizable with his grave, firm tone. “I even formed a blood pact with the Grand Star Sorcerer and Guildmaster of Moon Flower, Cedric Santo Stellae, in the event that I go back on my vow…my death will be a tribute to my cowardice and betrayal.”

W-Wait! What?!

The child bows his head toward the shocked Camelia, who places a hand over her heart. “And if so, I deserve it. I swear…” He looks up at her again. “...that I will never hurt Qin Yang. Ever.”


What did I do, Goddess?

I’m not sure if I messed up—or the possible fact that you felt so bad, you tried to overcompensate for the amount of buffs that you gave to Alastair Skye.

If this is overcompensation, this is too much!

☆*:・゚・:* ☆

“Hurry up!”

With reluctance, Camelia finally relented and set off for the Moon Flower manor. With an answer like Nikolas’, she didn’t have anything else to say and only made us promise her to rest up after going through the maze garden.

I cannot help but grumble, following Nikolas’ lead. He hasn’t looked at me for what seems to be an hour. Oddly enough, Nikolas sure knows the correct way around the walls of shrubbery than I do. It feels as though the boy has been here for at least a hundred times!

“Like I said, I only know the right path because I saw this tree last night and wanted to climb it.”

I listen to Nikolas’ reasoning and decide that it seems pretty sound.

Too sound, ah…

Couldn't Nikolas have used magic since he is obviously gifted in it—and I'm not? Also, why are we walking? No, why is he making me walk?!

On the other hand, I gradually recall the blood pact that I still think to be too hasty.

I wonder…if what Nikolas told Camelia was true.

Ah, maybe it's good that he's making...us walk.

“Cole.” Even when I call for the boy, he persists on going around the maze wall. I have no choice but to trail after him, quickening my pace. “Cole! What you told Camelia… Is that tru—”

All of a sudden, my face crashes into what feels like stone. Rubbing my forehead, I curse under my breath and stumble back. I blink and stare at Nikolas’ back. He has come to a total halt. Slowly, the boy rotates to meet my gaze with a solemn pair of dark eyes.

“I’m not like you and Alastair.” Nikolas says, in a low voice.

“I know that.”

“I’m a new recruit for Obsidian.”

“I know.”

Hearing this casual reply, Nikolas clenches his jaw. His hands curl up into trembling fists. “So, when Cedric told me to make a blood pact with him, it was my only chance to take it!”

“...Why?” I ask, curiously.


“B-Because if I do, I can…!” The boy pauses. He lowers his eyes, allowing the golden sunlight to flit through his long lashes. “...I can enter Moon Flower.”

To think that Nikolas holds Cedric in such high respect, I am a bit surprised. Instead of sneaking around, the boy wants to walk freely in the open areas. Like a black duckling that wants to swim where all the white swans are floating at.

I blink. “...But what about Obsidian?”

“Don’t misunderstand. I can’t leave a dark guild unless I want my head on a platter.” There is a bitter edge to Nikolas’ voice. I step toward him. He retreats from my hand. It is as though my touch could set fire to whatever secrets that he may harbor. “So, I will have no choice but to grow stronger until I can take my freedom back. For now, I need that guild to earn a living.”

So, it is like what the Guildmaster told me. Nikolas Redfield is a prisoner of Obsidian. If he tries to leave the guild, they will take his life.

It’s not like Moon Flower and the other standard guilds.

Who would miss an Inmundus child? Though it sucks, most of the people would not.

If…I want to leave Moon Flower, all I have to do is pay a hundred thousand gold pieces and get Cedric’s signature on paper. But since this is the case for Nikolas…

“Won’t Obsidian get upset when they find out about your blood pact?” I ask him, feeling my heart tighten.

“They won’t lay a finger on me if they know what’s good for them.” Nikolas scoffs. “If they do, Cedric will surely find out, which will only raise more suspicions and confirm some things for him. Even though I’m nothin’ but a low-ranking newbie…” He forces a laugh. “...they will find that my bond with Cedric is the best pipeline for information than they could ever get from anyone else.”

“So, you’re using them too.”

I get it now. Even so, that is a relief too for me know. I mean, it seems that this Nikolas is trying to make things right in his life. It’s good that he does have an upper hand in the messy situation with Obsidian.

“Of course, I am.” The boy grins. “Before I pass on any information though, I’ll make sure to check in with Cedric first.”

My lips curve up into a wide smile. “You’re really smart, Cole!” I stop, remembering something else. “Ah, but the initial cause for our Guildmaster to make that blood pact with you…was because of me, right?”

Nikolas tightly purses his lips. He meets my gaze and swallows.


“Yeah.” It is a curt response, followed by Nikolas turning around. He ambles forward and gestures for me to hurry. “Com’on.”

“Were you serious about that promise though?”

Once more, the boy ceases in his tracks. He glances over his shoulders, knitting his brows together.

“I will always protect you, Qin Yang.” Nikolas firmly states. “And I will never hurt you.”

As the golden sunlight gleams against Nikolas’ face, I study his large eyes, long nose, and countless other soft features. The yellow ribbon in his ponytail—twirls in the air. It slowly dawns on me…that my friend is actually just as handsome as Alastair. Even more so when he will become an adult.

Well, he’s…not that bad looking.

In a single moment, all the questions in my mind disappear.

I don’t know what’s gotten to Nikolas.

The boy was not joking when he answered my question. Furthermore, he is sincere and seems to completely understand the repercussions of his blood pact with Moon Flower’s Guildmaster. It is strange, because though he is a child, he is, at the same time, not one.

Turning around, the boy continues to lead me as I obediently follow. Overhead, I notice that the large clusters of clouds slowly part way for the light. A flock of white birds fly by, further highlighting the season is changing.

Time passes by while we travel deeper and deeper into the maze. As we do, my favorite tree that stands above the faraway central inner walls looms closer with each step. I look up and admire the picturesque beauty of it.

Such a shame…that I was not able to save the tree on that day.

But this time, I think it’ll be different.

“I want to ask you something.” Nikolas says, walking.


“Camelia is right. You should be resting, but you’re not. You want to come all the way out here…to visit this tree. Why is that?”

“It’s my top favorite area in the entire Moon Flower estate.” I reply, cheerily.

Hmm... Wait. How does the kid know Camelia's name? I don't think I said it, and it was their first time meeting each other...

“But why do you want to come here now?” Nikolas asks.

Perhaps, I did say Camelia's name. That would make sense...

“I…haven’t made the time to see the tree lately, and I didn’t feel like running into Alastair while looking for Isleen.” I answer. “I usually like to read underneath its shade and try out new spells here if I want to practice by myself.” I pause, peeking at the boy’s bandaged ankle. “I can say the same for you. You say that your leg is mostly better…but here you are.”

Nikolas’ eyes flit over toward me. He looks away. “Cedric casted healing magic over it earlier. Besides, as if I would give this chance to that kid.”

Those two boys are not going to get along for some time.

I wonder…what the basis for their rivalry is.

In my previous life, Nikolas’ grudge against Alastair appears to be far deeper and more complicated than I can imagine. Even now, it still seems to be that way.

Seeing that I have not answered his question, I smile and reply, “Anyway, I also think it’d be nice to show you my favorite reading spot and see what you think of it.”

“Did you ever take anyone else here?”

I ponder over the question. Ah…

Well, it would be dumb to bring Isleen over here because without me telling her, she already knew. Too awkward. As for Alastair, he was always busy with sword-fighting classes and tutoring sessions. With the recent behavioral changes, I don't think it would be a good idea to tell him about it... Lavi though... He's always hanging around with the patrol squads throughout the city. We also don't really talk to each other.

In this second life, I need to make more friends.

“No, I’ve...never taken anyone else here before.” I answer, scratching my hair. “That would make you the first and only so far…”

There is a moment when the boy stops to stare at the sky-high tree that stands tall and proudly in front of us two. At long last, we are here at the heart of the maze.

From above, a gentle breeze flows through the lush-green garden of high shrubbery walls and blossoms, shaking the strong limbs of my favorite tree. The beautiful pink plum blossom tree.

A stronger draft caresses the branches, which carries a rain of pink petals over toward me and Nikolas. Sweet floral fragrance permeates the air whereas I close my eyes, pushing back my long, black hair from my face. Once I open my eyes, I am startled to find that Nikolas has brushed a hand over the crown of my head.

“Good.” He carefully picks a few pink petals off. Tilting his head, the boy says to me, “Keep it that way.”


“Becau—” The child pauses, sharply. In a flicker of a second, Nikolas unsheathes his pocket knife, spins it around, and readies himself for an attack. “Get behind me.”

Sensing a heavy omen in the air, my stomach churns. I rush over and hide behind Nikolas. My skin feels a chill, with the hair standing at the back of my neck.

The light of his dark eyes fades. A cool shadow falls over the child’s face, framing it like the dark mercenary whom I once knew. His expression is dark, with eyes so cold, it looks like he wouldn’t hesitate to shed blood over anything at all.

“Who’s there?” asks Nikolas. It is a low, icy tone that breathes ‘death’ to anyone who dares to approach him.

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