《Quitting the Hero's Guild》Chapter 8: Blood Pact


Rain keeps pattering against the glass windows. Lightning snaps across the dark skies outside, with a roaring thunder striking at the next second. The white streak of light trails over me and Nikolas. He meets my eye and averts his gaze, wearing the same stoic expression.

Thanks to Alastair, even his gold irises are swapped for dark hues.

But the lingering obscurity that keeps me from reading the boy’s thoughts—stubbornly remains.

“What…brings you all the way out here toward the cemetery?” Lavi asks, abruptly.

For a moment, Nikolas turns to face Lavi, who sits directly in front of him. His brows narrow as our carriage glides over the muddy road outside.

“I was looking for someone.” The boy replies.

Curious, Lavi goes on, “And did you find that ‘someone’?”

“...Yeah, I did.”


That is when I notice how intense Lavi’s eyes are on Nikolas.



Somehow, I forget that Lavi already saw his face when we were all in the underground slums and—

“You…remind me of a guy but you don’t seem as bad as he is.”


Lavi can be dumb as shit.

From the corner of my eye though, I catch a glimpse of jet-black sparks entangling itself with Nickolas’ hand. However, he closes his palm and rests the hand on his kneecap.

Wait, was he thinking of…?

Right away, I find that Alastair is looking at me.

Thankfully, Isleen is oblivious to what has transpired, leaning against her window. She has fallen asleep in her seat, mumbling while dreaming what could be sweet dreams.

☆*:・゚・:* ☆

As the hall’s towering windows wept in rain, I soon stop by to stare through the glass and out to the front lawn. I am holding the porcelain tray that cradles a bowl of steaming soup and some shining silverwares. With my long, dark hair tied back in a large bow, I suppose…that my faint reflection also shows that I look nice. Plus there is the adorable cream-colored apron with lace trims.

The entrance gates are closed, still appearing pristine as ever.

It can be difficult, trying to not see the blood that once stained those iron bars…

“Hello there, Ellen!” I nearly jump from surprise. I soon tilt my head up to see the person’s face. “Oh, where is the maid? You didn’t need to come all this way!”

In my past life, she too was among the dead.

“Ah, he is…my guest, so I insisted on bringing the soup to him instead.” Actually, I wanted to minimize Nikolas’ contact with other guild members. I don’t fully trust him yet. After all, he was too close…to wanting to kill Lavi in the vehicle. “I’m his only friend here too.”

The white-robed woman chuckles and nods. “Oh, how cute! What a lucky boy he is then to have Ellen taking such good care of him.”

“I-I’m not taking care of him! I’m just making sure that he’s being taken care of!”

Silence passes through.

My face is warm.

“...You didn’t think that through, did you?” The woman awkwardly asks me.

“No, Miss Fernanda…” I bow my head, suddenly finding the soup to be more intriguing.

“Those two things mean the same thing.”

“...I’m not doing this be—”

“Hey there, Alastair!”

I nearly jolt out of my skin when the boy stops short of approaching us. Apparently, he has been walking up the long white corridor this entire time without me knowing. Behind me too!

Don’t you have anything else better to do, kid?!


“Our little hero!” The woman waves her white-gloved hand at Alastair as he slowly joins us two. A huge, bright smile spreads through her lips. “You were quite the big shot on our last expedition in the Aurelia Forest!”

“You’re exaggerating, Miss Fernanda.” The child grins. “I only did what you would’ve done.”

“Ah, no, even Ivan says—” Fernanda pauses sharply. She tightens her lips together and lowers her eyes to the white marble floor. Bit by bit, the woman raises her hand and moves her crow-black hair back. Gone are the chuckles. “I mean…Ivan said you had a bright future ahead of you, Al.” She sighs. “I apologize.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.” I assure the woman, forcing a pleasant smile. “I’m fine, Miss Fernanda. You can go back to your guarding post now.”

“Yes, you’re…right. I can’t slack off yet.” There is a light laugh, masking the person’s grief. She flips her long white cloak and turns at the heel. Her lone back faces us. “Well, don’t stay up too late, you two, alright?”

With that, Fernanda rests a hand against the glinting hilt of her sheathed sword that leans against her hips. She smiles and goes down the other hall. Shortly, the woman disappears through the opened tall, white doors.

Seeing that we are left alone, I quickly avoid the boy’s prying green eyes. I stiffly rotate my body to go on my way… Thankfully, the tray is rather hot despite the time that has passed.


I internally sigh and stop walking. I muster another smile and turn to Alastair. “Yes?”

“...Don’t you think that Nikolas…is suspicious?”

Well, yes! But you’re the one who keeps getting in the way!

“I don’t know what you mean by that.” I lie with the straightest face that I could conjure up. I try to maintain eye contact between me and Alastair. He raises a brow. I try not to give away a tell and blink once. “As far as I know, Cole is my friend.”

Which begs the question…

“Also, how…did you know Cole’s true name, Alastair?” I ask the boy. “And why were you following us in the underground sector?”

“Right… It’s been a real pain, trying to talk to you alone without other people around us.”

E-Excuse me?

“I’ve met him before.”

Aiyo, what a straight answer from an honest hero!

Still, it is more confusing, ah… “But you’re always with us or with the other adventurers. How would you have time to meet Cole outside of…” I ask.

“Outside of our social class, outside of the luxurious Moon Flower?” A dark tone overtakes Alastair’s polite voice. He looks out of the windows that towers over our small figures. The boy examines the crystalline raindrops that trails down the glass. “It’s not that hard, actually.”

“He seems familiar with you too.” I add.

“Well, good, then.”

“...Why is that good?”

Upon hearing this response, Alastair glances toward me and hesitates. He stares at my face before looking at the meal that my tray holds. He frowns. “...Because that’s the only proof I need.”

“Proof for…what?”

‘Come on! Say it!’ I want to yell at him.

“He’s not good for you, Ellen.” The boy answers, his lips tugging to a partially sorrowful smile.

…Says, you? It’s not like there’s anything special between us?

Also, that was not even a proper reply!

“Nikolas Redfield…is dangerous.” Alastair continues on. “Don’t let his ‘kindness’ fool you.”


“But he’s just a kid—like us two.” I refute. “Is it his fault that he grew up in the underground sector, separated from us and the rest of society? It’s not like he wanted to be born as a…you-know-what. Even if he did bad things, he didn’t ask for most of the guilds to not take him under their wing. He had to do what he needed to do to—”

“I’d rather die than do those types of deeds, to sully my morals, to commit such atrocities.” The boy’s tone is hard and cold like a douse of wintry rainwater. “If only…you’ve seen what he did and know…what that child could do in the future.”

I feel my face flush. Pressing my lips firmly together, I grow quiet.

“...Ellen, you’re too nice. I know that it’s hard to believe it but he’s a—”

“Well, Cole’s waited long enough to have a bite to eat.” I say, turning away from the young hero. Irritation is seeping through my veins. My face is unbearably warm. “If that is all that you want to say, I need to get going…”

“You’re acting differently than usual.”

Leave me alone, ah!

I had never interacted with Alastair this much in the past, but I am starting to understand why the Goddess forbade it in the first place!

“Did something happen that makes you hate me?” asks the boy.

He’s pissing me off like no tomorrow! F*ck!

Lecturing me like some old, entitled geezer!

Sure enough, no sooner do I start walking away—the boy follows me from behind. Given by the rushed footsteps and grumblings.

The hero is acting very much like a whimpering puppy.

“I don’t know why…” I sigh, tightening my grip on the clinking tray. “...you’re the one acting like everyone has to love you no matter how unreasonable you’re behaving, Alastair.”

There is an icy silence that drapes over us two while I keep ambling up the extensive corridor of glass windows.

I go on, “I’m not some helpless girl who needs your consistent protection.”

Not anymore, at least.

Frankly, I do not blame Alastair Skye for not appearing when Moon Flower needed him most.

At first, I did.

After all, did he not know how much his own guild depended on him?

But that was the problem.

It was not him, it was partially on us.

We should have cultivated our skills more and held our own.

And since I am the only one who is now aware of this, I cannot help but blame myself.

What Nikolas said to me during our adventure in the underground slums…really got to me.

I was content with being a healer and being cooped up in the Guild Hall.

I was okay with being provided for, with being protected, and watching the world from inside the gilded cage.

But it was a cage for slaughter.

And…the strange thing is that I don’t entirely blame Nikolas either.

I could not even protect the ones whom I loved.

It used to make me feel better, thinking that if the hero had shown up during the Scarlet Dawn Massacre, none of the bloodshed would have happened.


“Did you know…” I glimpsed down at the dazzling ruby pendant that hung around the thin silver chain, resting against my chest. “...that Cole could’ve sold this Silver Armor Necklace for at least a hundred thousand gold? But he…”

I freeze in my steps. So does Alastair.

The white door is left, ajar.

Meaning that…he must’ve heard…

Quickly, I stride over and open the door, only to see a rather—shocking sight.

I nearly drop the tray; however, the blond-haired boy is fast and, with a flip of his hand, the dishes are left, suspended in the air. Thanks to his green mist of magic, not a drop of broth touches the floor.

“...Guild…master?” I utter out.

Inside the room is a massive, intricate array that takes up the entire floorspace. The glowing blue lineworks are impeccable, featuring numerous elaborate symbols and characters inside the magical formation circle. There is no doubt about it…

The Guild master has casted this high-ranking spell.

Sitting in a large white chair is Cedric, with one hand raised in the air. Red runs past his right wrist whereas Nikolas is bleeding in the same way on his. The child’s face is beyond pale with blue lips. He is unfazed by our entry when both Alastair and I step into the expansive bedroom.

“And there we have it—witnesses.” Cedric flashes me a gentle smile while his long, platinum-blond hair flutters back like dandelion wishes. A soft breeze has manifested from the man’s blue streams of magic, swirling around his and the boy’s wrists. “To our blood pact here.”

Wh-Why would the Guild master make a blood pact with Nikolas?!

Even Alastair is not surprised by the scene.

“Remember your oath, Nikolas Redfield.” The Guild master averts his cool gaze toward the red-haired boy and gets up from the chair. “I will keep my end of the bargain…if you keep yours.” He pauses to watch Alastair's magic adjust the tray, bowl of soup, and silver utensils. “If you don’t…”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll die.”

The man blinks a few times and chuckles softly. He reaches into one of his broad blue sleeves and takes a handkerchief out. Slowly, he wipes the lines of blood from his white wrist.

“You ought to break that habit of yours in the near future, kid.” says Cedric. He talks as though he is speaking…to his son. “It won’t be a good look for me if I let it slide in front of others.”

“Oh, please…” Nikolas rolls his eyes and observes the blood trickling down his arm. “It’s only Qin Yang and Alastair.”

“You…!” The hero clenches his teeth and approaches the bed where Nikolas rests. He halts to meet the Guild master’s eyes, asking for permission. “Guild master, he…”

“I can handle myself if you’re worried about that, Al.”

“N-No, I didn’t think that you were incapable of handling it yourself…”

Right. Cedric is not dead.

Things are different now.

“When did you get here, Guild master?” I ask, breaking up the ambiguous atmosphere.

“About a few minutes ago, I think?” He laughs and fixes his thin-framed glasses. “Before informing you all though, I felt an unfamiliar presence and just had to check it out. Turns out that it was just your friend here…but I didn’t want to leave him be and had to…” Cedric smiles once more. “...keep him in check.”

“With…a blood pact?” I set the tray down on the small table that is closest to Nikolas. Perhaps, a bit too roughly. It startles the boy. I gulp and try to re-compose my demeanor. “But why…?”

I could not hold back. “What could be so important here that you’d make Cole enter a blood pact with you?”

What the Hell is with these guys and their secrets?!

Because I’m going to have a f*cking stroke if they keep this up!

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