《The false master of death》Chapter 13 - Facing realities


What is it that differentiates dreams from reality? Many could say that one is real and the other is not, and it could be easily seen in the coherence lived in them, but there are others who say that reality is defined by oneself. And in a world where fantasy becomes reality, the limit of both concepts tends to become blurred.

"¿Lif is you? ¿Why are you all hurt and about to die?"

This question was asked on a sinister morning, in some ruined house covered in mist, by a recently awakened Refnier, seeing his former friend in such a state 2 meters away from him.

"Ahh it's because I couldn't protect you, sorry, I was very weak back then."

He sincerely apologized but without much visible emotion other than his tears of blood.

"Well, I'm already full of apologies for today, if not, this will have no end, and I promised to keep going, now how can I get rid of that illusion umm, well it will be resolved, I'll just have to get used to Rag looking like Lif."

"Then, this is my second day here, it was more complicated than I thought but I am near the castle, in the middle area, but you have to see, these skeletons are a problem, they are too many and strong, but I will solve it, now, to the charge Rag."

It was then that Refnier, with the spirit on top, left the house in ruins, to continue his path, but nevertheless, he could achieve little, with the number of skeletons, leaving him trapped in a ruin even in the area where he was injured in your body after several hours.

"How painful, these skeletons are a nuisance, what to do, what to do, I think I'll rest for now ..., maybe I can think of something ..."

Refnier ended up deciding, after reasoning the difficulty wall he was facing, but contrary to serious thinking, he spent playing with Rag in the form of Lif, getting some food, drawing on the floor 4 circles one inside the another which represented the city and being the last thing he did was think of something.

And he continued with that way of acting until the next day, where luckily, Ragnatium stopped seeing himself as Lif, and among his spontaneous ideas, it occurred to him to capture a skeleton around noon to experience a possible solution.

"Well step one, capture a clever undead, now step two, camouflage myself by posing as them."

Refnier explained, having reviewed his plan, to then think and experiment on how to achieve his objective, his idea to continue is covering his dark aura similar to the undead, whose result was not seen until the next day, being This satisfactory, but with the disadvantage that he had to always be concentrated in the camouflage state, which constantly worn down his mind, as well as suffering from the influence of the dark attribute, but these difficulties Rafnier as many others when waking up from the forest faced him with a smile despite looking paler from the horrors in his mind, the infrequent illusions and that half of his hair was already white.


And with this same smile and a focused mind ignoring all his regrets, he calmly began to walk to the top of the city, to his goal the castle, saying to himself, every now and then

"¿Why I'm climbing? Why should I go to the castle? I can leave this and live in the forest, I can die in peace"

But he always answered himself over and over again, getting the courage and ignoring all the evil that concerned him, as if it were something trivial.

"How little I am, to die peacefully, I will do so after living for many years, and why am I going to the castle? I remember, it is for the fun of having something to do, I feel that I am being forgetful about my convictions."

Although it was still difficult, all the time concentrated, all the time recovering the spirits, and with more and more effort, as the miasma increased its density, to levels that anyone would either kill for a mental collapse or would make insane. But it went on and on until it reached the colossal main entrance to the interior of the castle devoid of any door, of which in the late afternoon a large room with several columns was barely visible, but nevertheless this entrance was guarded by two non-residents. -colossal dead.

"Kuf kuff, hahaha finally arrived, this trick if it works, Rag don't think."

He coughed up a bit of blood but was finally able to rejoice seriously after such a long walk.

"Well, what's the use of waiting at the entrance, we're going to enter Rag."

He was saying while walking inside the castle, after graciously greeting the fearsome guards who ignored him, but to Refnier's misfortune, once he had taken some steps inside, his vision changed completely leading to the place and moment when Lif was killed, along with all people present.

"What was missing, ahh this is horror."

Then after complaining, breathing deeply as tears of blood fell from him, he kept walking forward, ignoring the ghosts of his past yelling at him as images from the scene developed and repeated randomly.

"You are useless, weak, useless ... weak, you don't deserve to be my son ..." his father's voice sounded.

"Lif don't die, resist, please don't kill him, I'm sorry I'll be better I'll be better, I'll study a lot, a lot" his past self sounded.

But all those voices, although heartbreaking and desperate, even though his soul was corroded with sadness, he continued walking with his friend, until the front, always facing him, until he ran into a wall which he followed with his hand, like a siege until Touch, I enter another room, which did not know, because the scene now changed to a restaurant.

"Now it seems like it's Sofia's turn."

He said with anger and pain, at the prelude to an illusory encounter, but even when all the characters and voices appeared, even with the contradiction of love and anger towards his former beloved, he continued walking as always.


"I hate you, I always hate you, I never loved you."

"Look, look how happy I am with Alfen your classmate and not with a monster like you."

"There is Vicrel please in public, no less before this garbage."

"Oh Vicrel, look our little one is kicking, how good it is not from Refnier, and it is with you."

"You are a monster, I hate you, I don't love you, it was all a lie, how delusional."

And it continued even when scenes that he lived and other fictional ones that lay in his worst thoughts, appeared in front of him, as real as if there were, so real that he could raise his hand and strangle her, or kiss her, or perhaps kneel down in apologies, but no, he continues, he continues until running into another wall and guided by it and he enters another room and scene.

"Hehehe 2 for one, I don't know if it's the miasma or another spell, but the necromancer who did this showed off, well Lif, say Rag, let's continue, I feel that this is the last one.

Refnier prophesying the future or praying for it, he continued forward, now facing 2 scenes one on his right and the other on his left, working somehow in the middle."

On the left, exile by his parents was developing and on the right, his sale by his uncle.

"You are useless, a shame, out of here, you are no longer my son" said and repeated his father.

"I should not have had you, I regret having you, I do not consider you my son," said his mother.

"Sorry, I had some debts, but don't take it personally," said his uncle.

But just as these horrible words of detachment were repeated, echoing behind, were words of union and happiness that increased the damage of the betrayal of the former.

"I'm tough, but this is for your good and for the family," said his father.

"Is there a son, are you okay?" His mother consoled.

“Hey little one, ¿did I already tell you about the time I chased a dragon?” His uncle happily recounted.

However, with all the pain and emptiness, it continued to move, it continued although its hair was mostly white, it continued even when its dark and fearful aura sent from its body even imitating in the core an undead, it continued moving until after to pass another room, to another illusion, continued even when he lost track of time, he continued although the horrors repeated in his mind over and over, he continued until he almost forgot the name of Ragnatium, he continued until at some point a dark.

Endless darkness, that went in the belief of Refnier, walked between he until Lifnerion appeared in front changing between half-dead or in perfect condition that I ask him, in such a way that I stop him in his tracks.

"Refnier, because you abandoned me, I believed in you, and now you deprave my body, as you have been able."

Refnier sadly replied.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my only friend, I have no forgiveness, I was weak, very weak and I still am, but I will still continue."

Finished saying that, he went through the illusion of his friend, and then another one appeared before him, this time being Sofia telling him.

"Refnier, because you lied to me, I hate you, I hate your type, I hate the dark magicians, I am afraid of them, and I will never love you, I was only with you because I had no choice."

Like his friend, but this time with the feeling I hate you and love he said.

"Sofia, I'm sorry for lying to you, I'm sorry for being born with this attribute, but my love for you was not a lie, unlike you who never loved me, unlike you who betrayed me while I saved your life, so, So much, I will tell you that I am better than you and that you are a bitch and my love for you will overcome someday."

And courageous with that statement he went through it with momentum, giving way to the appearance of his father and uncle, but none said anything, instead, they waited for Refnier who responded with a hollow in his heart more than sadness and hatred.

"Father you are the worst, I'm sorry for not being your perfect son, but you are not a good father, you scare me and you make me angry, maybe Lif never persuades you, but even so I appreciate your advice and thanks for them, Without them, I would no longer be alive."

"Uncle, I hate you, what you did to me is unforgivable, I don't regret killing you and eating the remains of you and my friends, the only good thing you have done for me is meet with Lif, give me some happiness in my childhood, and maybe. To finish breaking my mind, perhaps bringing with it, the freedom of my spirit."

Refnier then finished venting, he calmly walked through them, making them disappear and along with them all the illusion that surrounded him, revealing that he was in the middle of an old study, in the orange light of the decaying afternoon.

"It seems that finally, I got out of this, how horrible it was, wasn't it Rag? It was like being in hell, a lot of suffering, but I think being relieved, but damn, that was heavy, I felt like I spent several hours on that, but in the afternoon light it seems not, ¿now where am I ?."

Finish questioning Refnier who immediately began to review the study noticing, in a very short time a letter and a newspaper that emitted a terribly sinister aura of them, and died of curiosity, began to read the letter first, giving birth without intending to the origin of the necropolis of Silmaria.

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