《The false master of death》Chapter 11 - New beginning


The almost eternal cycles of day and night bring the perception of a new beginning in each cycle, in life, there are those who look at this philosophy, a philosophy of which, in short, dictates 'a new day, a new adventure', but this is wrong since the beginnings happened in each instant and in each thought, they only differentiate them in how significant, long and different is the new path begun.

And so, the light of a new day, tenderly passes through the branches and leaves of the lush trees of an ancient and enchanted forest, to disperse between the soft mist, and any obstruction, managing to extinguish the misty darkness, giving way to a Calm magical and mysterious environment, where the song of birds and the almost inaudible footsteps of animals, vibrates through the wind and space, bringing happiness to daytime guests, who have the pleasure of listening to it.

It was in this magical environment, where a new beginning began next to the always constant dawn, for a rare visitor to the ecosystem of this cloudy forest, which the tender rays of light like a tender mother who wakes up he children with care, covered he sleeping and battered body, gradually bringing his awareness of his long sleep, until he had opened his eyes, receiving the charming welcome of a new day.

"Aaahhh what a dream"

Refnier yawn after a long night, then stop and stretch.

"Well, walking, a new day, a new beginning, umm where is Lif?"

Seconds after her question, he was able to find him coffin next to where he was sleeping.

"Ohh here you are, you little elusive," Refner said as she uncovered the coffin, exposing her friend's remains.

"I see you very weak my friend, come I will help you to wake up."


Then next, Refnier deposited the remains on the floor, then used his magic on it, managing to assemble his skeleton as best as possible, filling the missing parts with hardened earth and connecting everything with a magic core used for golem, to finish it.

"Uff ready, Lif you're all lazy, it took me 2 hours to get up."

I comment tiring Refnier after finishing her work, the result of which was nothing less than the Lif skeleton standing and moving, as if it were a living corpse, but nevertheless the difference between these is subtle but important.

"Well, now that we're awake now, ¿what do we do? ummm."

Refnier wondered, but her answer came from the roar of his stomach.

"Oh yes, food, we haven't had breakfast yet, umm although I think it would be lunch at this time, but ... where will there be food to eat?"

Refnier asked himself, and then looked around, in a preliminary search, noting that the area around him was in pieces, with fissures in the ground, mounds of earth detached from the ground, some trees destroyed, a large cart destroyed and several deceased. bodies scattered around, then looking at these an idea occurred to him and he said.

"Oh great, I already found that eating Lif and ¡it will be meat!."

And declaring as such, he prepared to prepare his lunch and once finished eating, Refnier now leaning against a tree, while caressing the deceased Lif, stared at him meditating and ended up saying sadly.

"You are not Lif, Lif is no longer, he is dead,"

"You are just a golem made from Lif's bones ... a golem made to calm my loneliness."

"I'm alone, there is no one else left, I think there was never anyone to start, being alone is very sad."


"There is no one to trust, they are all very bad."

"¿Should I kill them? No, that would only bring me trouble, although the mark is bad, he said good advice, I should not act in a crazy way, I should not be corrupted by my attribute and not trust anyone.

"But I feel alone, alone, I would like someone, but there is no one, they are all bad, bad, bad"

"But you will never betray me, you're just a golem"

"Umm, I know it's wrong, but I don't want to be alone, so you will be my new friend, my faithful friend."

"But you are not Lif, you never will be, although you are made of his bones you will never be him."

"So I'll have to give you another name umm, I know, Ragnatium, Rag for short, it doesn't mean anything, but it sounds good, like you, you're nothing, you're not alive, you don't think, but I think you'll be a good help to my loneliness."

"Now I have resolved that Rag, now that we do, umm where to go that there are no people, that there are no betrayals, that there is no sadness, oh what a fool I know, we are in the forest of death, the deeper, the fewer people there will be and more security there will be."

Then Refnier got up excited and pointing to the front he declared.

"After fate has been agreed, and having eaten, it is time to go, we go Rag, towards the depths of the forest of death, to the place where neither the dark nor the enlightened visit him without care, where the miasma corrupts the mind even of him a most insane demon or the most committed saint, where the dead arise and roam wherever you want and where your soul will rest in eternal torment once you fail in the territory, that place, is the necropolis of Silmaria, the capital of the fallen kingdom of Osmaria."

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