《The false master of death》Chapter 8 – Normal day


humans and different races of similar reasoning feel, think, and grow equally, but above all they grow, for better or for worse, they grow. They grow by the thoughts of what was, what is and what they will be, they grow by the emotions and feelings lived and especially they grow by the decisions made throughout his life since these are the ones that will define his current being.

And just as many humans grow, Refnier after 4 years from that terrible night also grew, thought about what happened, thought about what he was, thought about what will be, as well as reasoning about his pain and suffering, as well as other happy ones. emotions that he longed for more than live them and decided, he decided for his relationships, he decided for the promises and commitments made, but above all, he decided to fight for happiness and he continued to decide despite everything until he took him to who he is now.

5/10/1312 6:02 AM -Institute bedroom (Refnier's room)

A young 12-year-old Refnier stood with tears in his eyes after dreaming of the past, then in silence with a somewhat empty gaze, as a morning ritual, he approached his desk and took a box from one of his drawers wooden the size of a small suitcase, when closed it is padlocked.

After settling on the desk, with the box in the middle, he took out a key and opened it, revealing the clean and white of a large lizard, denoting a skull in the middle of them.

“Good morning, Lif, how are you today?” Refnier said, empty but disturbingly happy, to the rest of his hitherto only friend.

"Oh I'm glad, I'm fine too,¿do I have tears? No, it's that I dreamed something sad, don't worry, well I'll leave you I have to go to classes, I have to be very strong and imposing for our good, behave well ."

Saying goodbye to his late friend, I keep him, and following his routine, he prepared monotonously to attend classes at a certain renowned magic institute in the country where even the princes of the same attend as well as some sons of noble foreigners.


5/10/1312 9:42 AM -Classroom (in full class)

"So, does anyone here want to solve this magic formula?" Asked a teacher to his students.

Then after a few seconds, Refnier who was in the front positions raised his hand without any nerves.

"Ahh,Sir Domiteer, always so ready, go ahead and pass" praise the professor

Then Refnier silently, without nerves and with elegance, he stopped going to the blackboard where he began to solve the complex magic formula but while this was happening, from the posts behind, various whispers began to flow over him.

"There goes again, the perfect golem Domiteer."

"He looks like a golem with no feelings, like the ones he controls."

"¿How will you know so much?"

"How arrogant, clutching the know-it-all."

"There is Refnier, your coldness drives me crazy, I hope your engagement ends."

These, and other whispers and thoughts, developed until shortly after Refnier finished and commented to the professor.

"I finished."

"Let's see, let's see, yes yes, yes, that's fine, excellent as always Refnier, you can sit down now."

The teacher replied approving the work of Refnier who then, just like when he stopped, sat at his post, where being calm he continued listening to the class.

5/10/1312 1:23 PM -Gym (in the middle of magical combat class)

"Then to finish the class, Señor Domiteer, Señor Alfer, please go to the circle, it is your turn to fight."

The teacher instructed all his students, especially those named, who were located at opposite ends of a large circle 10 meters in diameter.

"¡Hey Refnier!, today you will see that my flames will knock you down from your undefeated position" Alfer boasted but he was left without an answer from his opponent who only looked at him.

"Well then, first! Salute!" Ordered the professor who both obeyed by greeting each other with respect, bowing their upper torso as they brought their right fists to their chests.

"Okay, now ready? ... Ready? Start," the professor instructed, beginning the duel."

Alfer on his side started generating fireballs around him using a high concentration, while Refnier simply undeterred, raised several Golem of hardened earth in the form of human mannequins.


Finishing preparing both his letters, it was Alfer who first lunged at Refnier while throwing his fireballs, but nevertheless these were blocked by the golem not without suffering damage from the impact.

But before this, Alfer continued to generate and shoot fireballs relentlessly effectively decimating the golem, and seeing this he could only boast.

"Look how your golem fall little by little, aren't you scared?" After continued boasting

But his boast did not last long, since among the golem and the explosions of the fireballs, he quickly emerged, hidden by this, a small stone that hit Alfer's forehead, leaving him only unconscious, if it were not for the magical barrier that Students wear in their uniform.

The silence, imposed on the situation, only lasted a few seconds when the teacher declared.

"The winner is Sir Domiteer, students saw well, Lordship Domiteer took advantage of the smoke from the explosions and the carelessness of his rival to implant a stealthy but accurate attack, I hope that everyone will follow his example."

After his speech, the class ended as always with only an unconscious as a novelty.

5/10/1312 5:05 PM -School Campuses

At one of the many tables on campus, Refnier was quietly talking with Sofia.

"Ahhh Sofia, if you knew how much I have thanked the gods, that you could recover and accept me again as in the old days, after what happened" refnier thought randomly about Sofia.

"Hey Refnier stop looking at the clouds with that static face, for a reason there are many rumors that you are a Golem" Sofia lectured pulling Refnier out of his stupor.

"Ah sorry, I was just thinking, about something," Refnier said subtly changing his face to a sorry one.

“Umm, I wonder ¿what it will be?” Asked Sofia, looking at Refnier with mischief, who replied blushing and denying.

"¡It is not what you are thinking!"

"Oh what a pity, it is sad to know, being your fiancé that my future husband, does not feel anything for me after so many years " Sofia lamented in jest

"Come on Sofia, enough with your jokes, you know how I feel about you, don't make me say it, gods, you always find a way to bother me."

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, it's that I enjoy seeing you like this and more now that you've become a genius in magic and I can't beat you."

"That's because according to your words, you don't study."

"Oh come on, don't use them against me," Sofia said cheerfully.

Tender conversations like these and more, only appeared until just 2 years after the festival incident, when Sofia began to trust Refnier again, little by little, and their relationship reached an innocent and tender point.

5/10/1312 8:15 PM -Institute bedroom (Refnier's room)

Already in the dark of the night, Refnier after studying, as in the morning he stood at his desk with his deceased friend only illuminated by a dim magic lamp.

"Hello Lif, how did you spend the day, okay?" I'm glad, mine was too, nobody despised me and I was the best, but above all, it was being with Sofia, I think I'm being very childish seeing our situation, but I think soon we could move forward in our relationship, and start kissing and that ..., hey Lif don't laugh, I'm being serious, you know that although we are engaged, I love her and I want our relationship to be more than just a role.

"¿What would be good to have friends ?, What things do you say, Lif you know that I don't give up talking to people."

"Well, I suppose that is all for telling you today, it is time to sleep, have a good night and dream with the god Ener."

And thus saying goodbye to his late friend, putting it back in its place, he lay down on his bed, thus ending a normal day like another.

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