《The false master of death》Chapter 7 – Fracture


Once the full and perennial darkness brought by the new moon has begun and almost nonexistent winds, dark and sinister clouds softly covered the entire starry sky that adorned the stellar view of the Domiteer territory, giving rhythmically slight threatening grunts like a pack of ferocious beasts Slowly cornering his prey he traced himself, as the hours of the night passed.

At 10 o'clock, in a world in total darkness, due to the thick blanket of clouds that finished covering the sky, between the constant rhythm of its soft rumble representing the prelude to the work, it gradually fell until it increased to the entire mantle, Silently and softly, cold and indifferent tears of sadness, the constant sound of which was the background of his mother's great trumpets, which now presented the beginning of the work, which its events are sinister and unknown.

12 at night, thunderous saucers invoked by the twinkling dragons and trees that began to dance between heaven and earth, brought with each movement, flashes of painful and stressful memories formed together as the nightmares now lived in Refnier's dream, which the origin and forms of these were triggered from the unfortunate accident of the festival throughout the week until today.

Both double-faced families reunited trying to take the blame to themselves, A confinement in a dark attic as punishment and the face of fear of his loved one, can be seen changing to the sound of the dance between heaven and earth until everything it was darkened by the illumination of the awakening at the end brought to the beginning of the work, saying goodbye to it the brief dance of a magnificent nearby tree that brought with it the rhythm of the soft voices of the chorus that adventures the beginning of the interlude of the work.

"Ahh!" Refnier wakes up at the beginning of the interlude, rising from the cold wooden floor of the dilapidated attic where at certain times it was used for his private practices.

"Aff, was a nightmare ..., it is raining " he finished saying when realizing his situation and looking at the window to see the brief dance of the electrical discharges.

"Sofia I hope you forgive me, Lif... Damn, lif I hope you are well ..."

'Knock Knock knock '

Refnier listened and noticed some slow but strong footsteps that went up to him and that were sounding harder until he reached the door now invisible in the dark, and then it is suddenly opened, showing his dark father carrying a lamp which dimly illuminated the place, which coldly and with controlled anger said briefly.

"Follow me"

That authoritative word was more than enough for the still sad Refnier to follow him without even saying a word.

Only the sound of the footsteps of the 2 together with the symphony of the storm, could be heard while both, alone illuminated by the small lamp, constantly walked to the entrance of the backyard.


Once there, the father turned around and said seriously to his son, who wondered what was going on.

"I warned you, it's time for your punishment"

And when he finished saying it, he suddenly opened the door, welcoming the storm to the house, and at the same time entering the end of the interlude.

Wind, thunder, lightning, and rain were witnessed and felt by a frightened Refnier, through the door and much more when his father urged him to follow him towards the limits of the garden without any covering of the elements.

"We arrived, go look carefully."

His father spoke pointing to the beginning of the forest and Refnier when he saw, visualized 2 rows of soldiers carrying some with them furious monstrous hunting dogs barking at something in the darkness at the end of between the 2 rows.

"What will it be ..., I hope not ..." Refnier thought trying to see in the background and praying that it was not the worst thing he was imagining, but nevertheless, by the lightning flash, he could see him, chained to a tree, harassed by the dogs, screaming and suffering from the cold, his pet, his friend and perhaps his family, the wyvern Lifnerion.

"No. Lif no ... " Refnier said starting to sob and at the same time he was going to run for him, but his father's hard hand grabbed him by the back of his shirt stopping him, then turned him around and said.

"Yes, it is," his father said in response, the back lightning thunder accompanying him, beginning the dark climate of the work.

"Did I tell you, no?" His father continued, "and many times the truth, that if you ever let me and the house down again, that beast would die, and now is the time."

Then Refnier fell to his knees and begged

"No, please no, father, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for using dark magic but that was only to save us."

"¡no! ¡apologies!" He said as he slapped him so hard with the back of his right hand, that he threw him to the floor.

"Look at yourself pathetic, weak, ¡begging for an animal! ,¿Where is your strength?,¿ Where is your nobility? ¡You are just a spoiled and unruly childish child! ¿ What do you feel? ¿So why did you escape?

"Sorry, sorry."

"¡You only know how to say that, knowing you she was the one who urged you to this.!"

"Sofia not ..."

"¡Be quiet! by the way, you are a liar, look at yourself defending and lying for a stranger, who you do not know who planned on you."


"Shut up, your escape, your disobedience, these things would probably only severely punish you and not bad at all, but using your magic that's something I can't tolerate, didn't you see the faces of Sofia and her family, ¿didn't you? ,¿Did you dress well? repulsion, disgust, fear, contempt, that is the opinion of people in general about dark magic, now, the earls already knew about you, but until now they only thought of you as an unfortunate patient, ¿but now? If it wasn't that I fairly convinced them, they would think you were a heretic, ¿did you hear ? heretic, dark magician, monster.


"But I save her ..."

"¿Does it matter?, By the gods, it would have been better if they kidnapped you and then went to save you than go through this, and furthermore it shows how weak you are, if you had practiced the magic of golem as it should, you would have defended yourself, but no, you are lazy and weak, you think I don't know that you are only trying hard enough not to get my attention, because no if I know if it wasn't for your mother I would have whipped you properly.

"I'm sorry, I'll improve, I will study carefully..."

"¿Will you study? ¿will you improve? It is late, it was late when you used your dark magic instead of the Golem for lack of study and practice, and now is your punishment, your retribution, for being disobedient, for being weak, look" The father point to the wyvern and continued

"There is your precious wyvern, chained and weak, and when the order will release the dogs to eat it" as he said this, the Refnier became more and more desperate, but the father continued.

"But rejoice, you have a chance to save him, just go and rescue him as you like, so you will show me that you are not useless, now, the guards will not do anything to you, the dogs either and even me neither, but that you will not be able to use Dark magic because if you do, I will simply participate and you don't want that to happen, ¿right?

When he finished saying the rules, Refnier in his despair saw a little hope."

"Oh it seems you look determined, that's good, so let's get started,¡guards let them go!"

And to give the order, the guards released the dogs you want, they went to the wyvern by their side, the boy desperate for the sudden start, ran towards his friend, who was unfairly far away.

Squeals of pain began to be heard seconds later, but he was still 20 steps away, luckily Lifnerion was rude and could resist but not for long.

When Refnier arrived where Lifnerion was surrounded without space for him, but even so, he entered between blows and scratches to his now very injured friend.

"Stay away."


"Get away."

"Hold on Lif, we can do it"

Refnier said, desperately hitting the dogs either with neutral magic or with blows without doing much damage to these half-monster dogs and also vainly protecting Lif who was receiving more and more injuries.

And at the end of the whole, both already wounded, a dog knocked Refnier down trapping him, while the others taking advantage of the fact that Lif was badly hurt, threw themselves on the covering him and attacking him with ferocity.

"Noo, getaway, get out!" Refnier said wildly at his situation and then released himself to find himself before the cruel helplessness of not crossing the dogs and saving his friend."

"¡No!,¡No!, Outside, outside, don't hurt him, please, ¡no Lif!"

Refnier kept trying to get past, screaming and pleading, as the rhythm of Lif's heartbreaking screams grew louder, but then faded, amidst the sounds of the storm, the growling of dogs and the tearing of flesh.

"Getaway ... please ... stop, no more ... sorry, Lif, sorry, sorry"

He said sobbing and hitting in total sadness and hopelessness to the mound of dogs playing with his food.


His and the guards immediately said, they called or looked for the dogs, leaving Refnier and the cold remains of Lifnerion alone, which were embraced as they had the opportunity without caring about the loose parts that came from him to Refnier who was now muttering inconsistencies while crying his body.

"Lif already happened, already happened, you did very well ..., you were very rude ..., you are the best, the best, the best ..., those dogs were very ugly, yes, but everything is fine, do not worry, you are already ..., in a place ..., better, you can ... rest ..."

And he kept muttering as little by little his eyes died in pain.

"¿Why don't you move? ... Why don't you wake up? ..."

Continuous and continuous, as his body cooled and his mind reasoned.

"Because ... this happened, it's my fault, I'm weak, it's my fault, I'm useless, I'm the worst, I ... killed him ..."

And he continued in his misery with his friend, while little by little his soul fractured.

"I ..., because ... no ..., no ..., mu died, yes ..., I'm bad, I'm sorry, Lif you're the best ..."

And he went on and continued crying now in lifeless silence, holding the corpse firmly, even after the guards left, even with the storm now fading into a sad epilogue, even as he followed his father back to the mansion, it continued even when she slept with him in his bed and it continued when he swore before sleeping.

"I ... will be ... strong ... I ... will be ... well ... I ... always ... will be with you."

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