《The false master of death》Chapter 6 – The beginning of twilight


A new moon night, dark and silent like many others, passed with indifference in the Domiteer mansion, a few years ago, when little Refnier had just turned 7 years old, he was alone with his father in the attic, only lit by some candles that only serve to increase the terrifying ghostly atmosphere projected by the silhouettes and leftover furniture and other things that had been lost in it.

"Son, listen carefully, what is going to be very important to your life, ¿how many types and attributes of magic do you know?"

The boy replied somewhat nervously.

"Wind, fire, water, earth, light and darkness Father"

"Well, I suppose you learned something from your tutor, but that's just the basics, there are many more depending on the attribute and how you use it".

"Null and lightning would you lack for the attributes, the handling of the mana in its pure state are null, and lightning the control of the energy. There are specials such as the control of plants or living beings, or light literally. But today I focus on 2 light and dark, more specifically in the dark, your attribute of birth, the attribute of absolute evil".

When he was done talking, the nervous boy silently gulps and increases his tension.

"But before I will tell you about what you have, I suppose you are wondering, because of what you have, will it be that you are a demon or not, the truth is not so masterful, it's more, so not entirely clear, but the truth is that you are not evil or anything like that, the magical attribute or affinity of a magician you can call it as the particularity or talent of your soul and mana, if you are good in a certain element, this can vary your level, from just having talent literally feeling The element as a part of your body".


The father took a breath and continued.

"This attribute along with the amount of mana and the ability to control mana, is cultivated through the generations, that is why the old families are so deadly and terrible, but this is only an advantage, it is not the law, he saw subjects rise from nothing to the glory. Now about our family, we by inheritance try to cultivate the attribute of the earth, being my case and that of your mother the attribute of earth, but here you enter your attribute of darkness, where it came from."

The boy held his breath waiting for his father's response.

"And the answer is, by chance, as normal like that, your mother and I in our despair for a son like you, we investigated, the answer was something that was at the public's hand, luckily, and dictates, that things like spontaneous mutations like being born white, it also happens with the attribute, and there are several cases of that, like from a long-lived family of fire attributes, there are suddenly born with the attribute of water, and several more cases throughout history, you are one of those, a causality."

The boy was then able to sigh in relief after a long time, but the father continued.

"Yes, a coincidence, an unfortunate coincidence, tell me ¿do you know what the dark attribute is?"

"¿Is ... is ... something wrong?"

"You lack more to cover, the attribute darkness by definition next to the light or rather the sacred attribute forms the serious the attributes of karma or karmic support. Good and bad, light and darkness, two sides of a coin and above all rare and strong only when it has a good affinity as in your case, The sacred attribute are characterized by giving beneficial support such as increasing dwelling, healing, among others, on the other On the other hand, darkness is its opposite, it is characterized by causing damage, fear, and other harmful things."


After a pause, the father continued.

"¿But now the detail, how? Easy here comes their category as karmic support, since they, through the other elements, are manifested, ¿in what way? automatically, according to the affinity and the magician, but in their base form is useless, the sacred could a magician issue a relaxing aura, while the dark one oppressive aura, ¿so far you understand?

The boy nodded and his father continued.

"Now why do you to those of dark attributes so hated, 2 reasons the church, and the influence and power of its attribute. The first is that the church abhors darkness and spreads habit and rumors against it, and the reason why there is more of its faith and its history, has to do with the second, you should know that with the talent of affinity sometimes not always there is also a temperament to match, but this is half-true since for normal elements it is something very indifferent, but not for light and darkness, which are elements that have to do with morals and feelings, these if they can affect your mind, if they are misled, stupid brave heroes who die in vain, saints who donate everything by starving or betrayed by envy, they are some bad examples of light, the detail is that their actions are almost always good for others and are well regarded."

The father took a deep breath and continued.

"The darkness, on the other hand, can form the worst maniacs and angry villains only by the last simulated in some way, and of course their actions are all less good, this is why their attribute is hated and is So dangerous, influence bad actions and improve your destructive power, that is more than enough. So ¿why am I telling you all this?"

The boy looked at him, believing a little that he was bad again.

"For you to know what you are, and thus be able to have a base to start to control it, and you had better succeed, I would hate to know that this old family would end up with a criminal in charge, therefore from today you will come at least 2 times a week without anyone even knowing and you will get to practice your attribute, you understand"

The boy nodded, regaining hope a little

"Well, I'll leave you, but you know, nobody knows, and he never uses those powers in the presence of others, remember that you only practice it for control purposes, not to use them."

And with that I leave the Refnier alone in the gloomy attic, starting with this the gloomy and secret independent classes that years later would be able to face an accident.

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