《The false master of death》Chapter 3 – Meeting


"An angel"

Refnier thought dumbfounded, seeing the adorable girl with golden hair, porcelain skin, sapphire eyes, and white and warm dress that was waiting for her sitting on the garden furniture.

[Calm down, calm down, focus this is important]

Coming out of him trance for a second Refnier approached the girl, and as if remembering a protocol, taking a few moments, he leaned very slightly while bringing her right fist to he heart and then tried to greet politely

"Greetings and good morning, my ..., my beautiful lady, I hope that you are pa .., having a good time, allow me to introduce myself, although you will have to assume, I am Refnier Arkas Domiteer Colosses, the future heir to the Domiteer house".

Next, the adorable girl smiled at him, and cheerfully replied after he stood up and made a slight bow of a lady.

"Thanks for your concern and pleasure, I am Sofia Pristina Bermunt Conclave, daughter of Count Bermunt, hehehe, sorry, it seems like this is your first official meeting,¿right?"

"I ..."

"Easy, I was nervous the first time when I attended my first tea party, so come on, let's talk without worrying much."


After accepting the pain of a first-time Refnier sat in front of Sofia and both began to talk about life. In the beginning, Refnier did not speak much but he was gaining confidence during the talk, in which they touched on many irrelevant topics in a good way such as magic, the weather, and others a little more serious but superficially like the situation of both houses without exposing the dark things they might have, and also, Rafnier was learning that Sofia was happy and outgoing but still maintaining modesty.

"¿Do you have a pet wyvern? Kufunn, I'm sorry, I was surprised" Sofia said after Refnier mentioned her pet.


Cheerful and proud of her pet, Refnier continued excited, trying to maintain her manners.

"Yes, his name is Lifnerion and he's just a 5-month-old baby, he's very pretty and obedient".

“Ohh, tell me, wouldn't you mind showing it to me, ¿if it's not too much trouble?” Said the girl, bowing slightly to Refnier looking at him with tender twinkling eyes and expectations.

Before such eyes and you beg he could just surrender and say.

"Sure, but I have to go ask, I'll be back".

Already lost to the girl, Refnier entered the mansion to ask and after a while he returned smiling carrying little Wyver, who upon seeing him Sofia could not help but stop and approach and say.

"Oh oh how cute"

"Yes, this is Lifnerion but I tell you Lif, come on Lif say hello to Sofia," Refnier said as he directed his pet towards Sofia, but this one, instead of saying hello, roared and tried to bite the lady.

"Ahh" the lady shouted slightly taking a step back avoiding the bite, at this the boy nervously said.

"Sorry, I forgot that Lifnerion is bad with people but don't worry, he is very obedient, look" he then turned to himself and repressed him saying "Bad Lif, don't offend her, she's good, if you misbehave I won't give you food."

After scolding him, he put him on the floor, and he looked menacingly at Sofia, who took other steps back at this, but then felt the threatening gaze of his master and calmed down.

"Now Lif, go and SA-LU-TE to Sofia as it should. Sofia does not worry and stay still trust me".


Lief then grabbed at Sofia's feet, then sniffed her, looked at her, snorted, and then returned to her master's feet.

"You saw that obedient hehehe"


"Yes, I see ..., but it is impressive that you have tamed a wyver, in the future when it grows you will be able to ride it and be a wyver knight, that would be impressive, according to my father there are only 5, and they are very, very strong".

"¿Right yes? my uncle and my father also say so"

And with these prayers and more the two children continued talking and playing with the Wyver until it got late and it was time to have dinner, apart from here and for 5 days Sofia's family stayed while they made the commitment official, Refnier was very Happy and he got his first friend, but this happiness faded, when after his parents and he saw the carriage go away until he saw her, his father violently turned him by the shoulders and told him strongly.

"¡¿Are you an idiot or what?!"

"¿Huh? What happened I did wrong, I think ... that I behaved very well ... father"

"¡Not that!, fortunately ..., what happens that you are lost by her, by the gods, that's why I tell you that you are! You idiot."

"But ... this ... is not true ..." said the boy with the red face

"Just look at your face, afffff, look I'm telling you now so that you don't forget, you're going to be the head of the family, not her, you're the one who is going to be in charge, that's why, more You better hold back those feelings and have sanity, or it will go terribly wrong if she has bad purposes.

"But she ... is a good, father ..."

"¡ You who will know if she is good or not!, You who will know if she is not cheating on you, you are only a credulous innocent child, begin to mature, there are nobles of your age who already kill their brothers by power, and girls who manipulate their fiancées as they get old fiancees to get what they want, ¡React once!

"Sorry ... ¿but what about mother?¿you and she is not married?" Refnier said saying his sight to his mother who was right next to him who replied seriously

"Honey, your father is right, you can't trust anyone, in our case it was a marriage for convenience for both of us, I wanted something, he too, and about love and trust, it's just something secondary that appeared later, that can or it may not appear in your case, I have acquaintances who destroyed their husbands in the past, now look at me and promise us that you would not trust that girl, ¿okay?"

"Yes ... I promise ..." said the resentful boy, but in his inside, that promise was not valid.

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