《The Wind Waker》-XXVIII-


DRAGON ROOST island was shadowed by a pillar of darkness.

The mountain that Link had once climbed seemed on the cusp of eruption, like any second, the column of smoke rising from its peak would change to a burst of smoke and ash.

"Well," Tetra said, "looks like we picked the perfect time to come here."

"And looks like Valoo chose the perfect time to take a holiday," Link said unsarcastically.

He anchored the boat just off shore like he had at his last visit, and they both got out, and stepped into the shallow water.

"So this is where your friends are from?" Tetra asked.

"You don't know Dragon Roost?" Link asked, "I would've thought -"

"Of course I know the place," she said with annoyance. "I asked it rhetorically more than anything else. I've been to here and other Rito post stations a number of times."

"How many places have you been?" Link asked. He glanced uncertainly up to the smoking volcano again. Seeing such a majestic peak was awe-inspiring... but he preferred Outset's smaller, less impressive ridge. It couldn't kill you.

"I've been more places than I could possibly remember," Tetra said. "All of the larger populated islands. We even took a long journey to the Labrynna mainland once, but the unrest there was too dangerous, even for us. That continent is an inhospitable place and I hate it. If our islands had anything to offer them, I assure you, they'd be plundering us all."

Link looked down as the volcanic sand they walked on gradually changed to stone. "I would've liked to see the old Hyrule continent," he said, "before it sank. Maybe Labrynna wouldn't have become so starved for resources if our continent had survived."

Tetra too, seemed to be taking in the volcano. "You think there's any chance of finding our sage here? I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

"I... I think I have to agree with you on that," Link said.

It was a somewhat selfish thought. He cared about the Rito. However, he may be able to fight monsters, but natural disasters were something that were only prevented in the deepest words of Hylian lore.

As they came onto the wooden platforms that led to the Rito city, Link saw many Rito men and women flying about, many carrying supplies, and others just generally in a hurry.

When they came into the Rito city proper, the whole place was in an uproar. Everyone was running from one place to another, and it was impossible to make sense of anything. Although Link would've preferred discretion, he felt he didn't have time.

"C'mon," he said to Tetra, pointing to one of the tiers of the cavern, "follow me."

On another day, the sight of two Hylians would have turned some heads, but today, no one had the time to spare to so much as glance at them.

They finally approached the opening to the king's chambers.

"Excuse me," Link said, "I need to talk -"

"Hey," one of the guards said, "I know you."


"Yes," Link said, "I -"

"No," the other guard shook his head, his brow tightening, "her."

Link glanced to Tetra, and her face went slightly pale.

"I don't know what you're -"

"You're that Hylian pirate!" the first guard said, "that ruthless brigand who nearly hit me with a catapult!"

In a moment, Tetra was seized by the guard. Link expected Tetra to resist, but the action against her was only met with a roll of the eyes and slight groan.

"Tetra," Link said with tenseness, "what did you do?"

Unable to take a situation like this seriously, Tetra gave a brief smile, before being taken by the guard... into the king's chambers. That was... odd. Link followed before the other guard could protest.

These rooms were much quieter than the rest of the cavern, though there were still a number of Rito running about with different tasks. Soon enough, Link found what he was looking for.

"Well what I'm saying is that if we do not send an advance group right now," the king said with several advisors, "is..."

The king trailed off, and looked down at Tetra as she was shoved into the room. The Rito had bound her wrists as he forced her along.

"Guard," the king said with restrained, but still obviously furious emotion burning in him, "this... is not the time."

"But sir," the guard said quickly, "it's her! I told you that -"

"Cease! Our home is threatening rain fire down upon us, and if this evacuation is not organized, then we could lose just as much to starvation and cold as we could've from being drowned in ash. Now..."

It was only then that he looked more closely at Tetra.

"You...," he said with coldness. It was as though his fiery temper had been quenched in water like a newly formed sword, from one extreme to another.

"For years," the king said, "our postal service has been harassed by a little girl?"

"A bit off in terms of age," Tetra said, "but thank you for the compliment."

"Ruto curse you," he said. "I don't have time for this. You're lucky that you came in such a time of desperation, or we would have executed you."

And then the king's emotions took another turn again as he now noticed Link.

"Link," he said, "what are you... are you with her?"

"Well," Link said, "in a way, I suppose. First, tell me what's going on."

The king shook his head in befuddlement, running his feathered hand through his hair.

"The mountain is erupting," the king said. "Despite it not having erupted in generations. I can only call it the work of Ganondorf. If it weren't for you, then perhaps Valoo would've been too weak to flee, and I'm grateful for that, but..."

"You're evacuating," Link said.

"It is a necessity," the King said. "Actually..."

He clapped his hands with a surprisingly loud sound, getting the attention of his confused advisors.

"I've made up my mind," he said to them, "start gathering families. Grab guards, or post officers, and set them to lead them. We send them to the Star Belt isles. That's my final decision."


"Sir," one of them said, "but as I said, Starbelt -"

"Has less tree cover," the king said, "yes, and will be quite difficult to live on if we need to remain there for an extensive amount of time. But it is closer than all our other options. Move. Now."

The Rito men and women then rushed off to fulfill the king's duties. He then returned his attention to Tetra, and now it was much more fierce.

"I don't have time to recount the problems you've caused for us," he said to her with hawk-ish eyes. "You may think that because you shot us out of the sky, that your actions aren't vile. But when you entrusted a valuable package to a trusted postman, only for him to be scammed by you..."

Tetra did not show a great deal of remorse, which made Link rather upset too. On the other hand, she wasn't wisecracking at the king, so at least there was that.

"I don't know why your are with a criminal Link," the king said, "but I would encourage you to leave her here to test the wrath of Din."

"Don't misunderstand me, when I say this king," Link said. "I don't know what wrongs Tetra has committed against you, but she has helped me greatly. I likely would've never found my way to your island in the first place if it wasn't for her."

"Hmph," the king grunted. "No amount of moral tenacity in you will rub off her crimes. But as I've said, we have greater matters at hand. I don't have much time to speak with you, I'm afraid."

"I understand," Link said, quickening his words. "I came here, because I am searching for a sage."

"A sage?" the king asked. "What do you mean?"

"A sage," Link said, "like one would find in the old stories. It is essential. If we are to have any hope of defeating Ganondorf -"

"Yes," the king finished his thought. "We will need such aid. I'm afraid though, that we cannot provide it. Especially not in our dire state. If there is any scholar who can lead you to such a one it..."

The king trailed off, and stepped out of the room and into the hallway.

"Rushing skies and waters," the king said, "where is that youngling? Ever since Komali recieved his wings, his former nursemaid has been fluttering off to who knows where."

"Medli?" Link guessed.

"Yes," the king said. A Rito man ran in, and whispered something to the king. The king's eyes briefly snapped open, and he gestured for Link and Tetra to follow him.

"Yes," the king said, walking briskly. "Medli is quite knowledgeable about the ancients, on the point of it being near obsessive. Honestly, that girl lives as though the future will never come!"

The king led them to a balcony extending out of the back of his chambers, right as a familiar sight swooped down into view.

"Oh father," Komali said "and Link and the girl too! Thank goodness everyone is safe."

"For now," the king said. "I just ordered the first groups to evacuate to the Starbelt isles."

"What?" Komali said, "but father, after I heard that the mountain was in danger of eruption, I met with the mayor of Windfall, and he offered us refuge there."

"Windfall is far too crowded for our entire island," the king said.

"But if the mountain does erupt," Komali said in anger, "and Dragon Roost becomes inhospitable, then countless will starve on those islands!"

"Better than us starving at Windfall and overwhelming the native inhabitants there," the king said. "Besides, many would seek to profit off our misfortune in that grounded nest. I fear already that they will run us dry anyway."

"Father," Komali protested, "surely you see that -"

"Enough," the king silenced his son. "If we had the benefit of weeks to plan, I would not exile our people to the Starbelt Isles, but what is needed now is a place that the elderly and fledglings can fly to quickly, and rest. Not all of us can cross the sea in a single updraft like you."

"Father," Komali clenched his fists, "I have done so much..."

"And I am proud of your efforts when I've read reports of your visits to the other isles," the king said, "but now is not a time for bickering. We need unity in this crisis."

Komali breathed deep, and relaxed. "You're right," he said.

He glanced at Link, seeming a bit embarrassed at losing his temper in front of the Hylians.

"Where is Medli," Komali said, "is she safe?"

"I have no idea," the king said. "But I have no more time for discussion. I need to oversee the evacuation. I want you to talk to the royal quarter master and ensure that all my essential documents and records are collected and stored.

"Then, he continued, "I want you to go with her around our chambers and collect our valuables. Our cherished relics are of great importance to our family and to our people, but look also for items of great monetary value. We will need as much wealth as we can muster to feed our people, and rebuild if such a thing is needed."

"I... I understand father," Komali said. He appeared quite shaken by the crisis around him.

"Quickly now," the king said, beginning to walk away from them, "leaving our home to be destroyed is heartbreaking, but the survival of our people is much more important."

Komali watched his father rush out of the room, and then tears burst from his eyes.

"Despite the Valoo's restoration to health," he sobbed, "our people are still doomed."

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