《The Wind Waker》-i-


This is but one of the

Legends which they

speak, of a golden

power many did


In an ancient land

filled with prosperity,

there was peace, and serene


The fount of providence

was the gem of gold,

that held great power,

unfathomable, untold.

The Triforce, the hidden

light, though hidden,

was in many's sight.

A thief in the deserts

came from the west,

a beast which many

doth now detest,

who sought the triforce

In that terrible hour,

and did cause the

kingdom to fall and


Then, in the land's

great hour of need,

when all seemed quite

lost indeed,

a hero in green did

appear to save them all,

Yea, he did answer the

goddesses' call.

He smote the monster

and freed the land,

but sadly as the desert

sand, did vanish on

the wind.

The warlord resumed his

dark designs,

which did cause the

people to weep and cry,

Cry to the goddesses for

the hero's aid,

But to their shock no

hero came,

to save them from the

Gerudo's raid.

The goddesses buried

the kingdom in water,

and caused the dark one's

plans to falter.

The kingdom was lost

to the ages and Time,

and never spoke another


and the people did

scatter across every


They fled to mountain


and the hearts of the

people became

weak, for Hyrule was lost,

and many wondered if

victory had been worth

its cost.

The Legend survived

on the wind's breath,

lasting the centuries, life

and death.

Islands clothed

boys in green when they

came of age, that they

might receive this important


To always remember the

heroes of old,

and strive to be heroes,

and always be bold.

For these are of whom

Legends are told.

- [The Passage of Time,

an ancient Hylian poem,

as cited in Doil's "The

Era Without A Hero";

circa 281 A.T.]

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