《Summoning Liberty》Chapter 7: supremacy
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Port city clahad
After the airborne units managed to suppress and restrain the remaining volandian soldiers trying to escape,
Their next task was to defend the city till the main forces arrived, currently the 82nd airborne troops were setting up Barb wire fences to trample cavalry, and sandbags to protect the soldiers coming under enemy musketeers, some also built some good ol fashioned pill boxes.
The LAV-30s were parked somewhere secured and can be deployed to the front anytime.
Then the locals came out.
The locals came out confused, where are their oppressors? Then an Iron car passes a confused group.
They looked closely and saw the flag that the port master showed them.
“T-The americans….” they didnt know how did they get here so fast or how they handled the Volandians, 70% of the locals opened arms to the americans and the remaining 30% were skeptical or acted aggressively, which some did and drawn out their knives since they were brainwashed by the Carniuan officials and local leaders, but they were easily retrained as the Airborne troops were trained to fight the chinese advance army which were trained more then the people's liberation army or the main chinese army.
The ones who opened arms knew that the americans were here to liberate them and give support, as they knew the Carnian monarchy were filled with corrupt officials and war-mongers which triggered the 1 week war between the Carniuans and the americans, a week because the Volandians arrived first.
Some air borne troops played with the children too, teaching them games from the united states, like basket ball, which the african-american air-borne troops participated and trained the local kids interested on this sport/game called “basketball” which they enjoyed the sport and some of them were making teams and setting up competitions throughout Port Clahad.
Port city Clahad
Frontline defense
Many soldiers were currently holding supply boxes to fortify the main routes to Port clahad, currently there's a huge straight barbed wire barricade to trample horses, dugged up trenches, sand bags, and pill boxes.
Currently 80 soldiers and 2 LAV-30s were stationed here, many soldiers were in the borrowed houses near the frontline defense, they mounted M2 brownings in the windows facing the frontline.
Currently the soldiers were sitting in makeshift chairs and boxes, do to the heat, they pulled out their Hand fans which were a gift from the philippines to the american forces after liberating the philippines for the 2nd time but with china being the sole enemy, there hand fans had the american flag integrated to it.
But unknown to them, they were being watched.
“Stupid americans, you guys dont see me cause you guys are inferior! Inferior as i say as you will fall to my rifled musket!” Thought a Volandian sharpshooter as he aimed at an airborne soldier eating his fried rice MRE provided by the Koreans before getting transferred.
But unknown to the Volandian sharpshooter, he was being watched too!
Lieutenant Bailey was hiding in the forest tundra mountain high up about 2 miles, and is 8 kilometers from Port clahad, he had his trusty Barrett X90, a improved version of the Barrett M82 50 cal, except this thing had more range, better scope, and thermal vision more advanced than the integrated helmet thermal vision, and has better accuracy and is equipped with an optional external suppressor.
“Hehe, this guy is not gonna know what's comin” Bailey said as he aimed at his targets thermal visual head, “3…2…..1” He counted before he pulled the trigger, the recoil was pretty rough as the Barrett X90 uses 70 caliber armor piercing rounds or anti-material rounds.
The 70 caliber armor piercing round could be seen exiting the muzzle as slow motion begins to fade away making the bullet disappear from the audience in an instant.
Just as the Volandian sharpshooter was to pull the trigger, hes world then turned black and he will never know what happend
-Max POV-
Just as I was gonna finish my MRE, I heard rustling and falling and immediately went to check.
Once I reach where the rustling came from, I saw what caused it, a Volandian, with a hole in the right side of his head, next to him was something that looked like a Pattern 1853 Enfield rifled musket but scoped, though I was not fazed as this was the forth time a Volandian sharpshooter has died to the hands of one of the best snipers, lieutenant Bailey Jefferson.
I then pressed the speaker button in my helmet and shouted, “Another Span-tard sharpshooter! Need help dragging him to the bonfire.” I said as 4 Airborne soldiers were approaching my position to help me.
(Span-tard = Spanish retard, inspired by the word “Spaniard”)
3rd person
As the 5 Airborne soldiers were carrying the dead Volandian sharpshooter, Max then interrupted the silence, “God damn, it's been the fourth time since Volandian sharp shooters have targeted me!” Max was annoyed as he was shot by Volandian sharp shooters 4 times during the day, though it didn't do any damage as the bullets were sphere shaped and easily ricochet off and didn't even leave a dent, plus the impact didn't effect max as a Barrett M82s Impact would only be significantly felt if shot at the special helmet.
“I saw the guy, but I didnt wanna get shot by Bailey by killing his target” The African-American directed his words to Max as he just learned that Max killed a soldier for killing his target and was court-marshalled, but it looked like Bailey didn't even care.
The group arrived at their designated place and zipped up the dead guy on a body-bag for cremation.
After that they departed to do their own things for a few minutes.
All the soldiers were just slacking around, talking about their experiences and stuff as all of them were from WW3, some were playing chest, cards, and rock paper scissors.
They were like this until a message was given through their helmets
“Everyone to their posts, I repeat, everyone to their posts, Volandian soldiers ranging to the
Thousands spotted 3 miles away” Everyone began running to their post as they knew a battle would come.
--Volandian redemption army–
–2pm EST–
After port city Clahad got captured by the enemy, admiral Afonso alongside generals who arrived at Carniua rounded up a redemption army to “liberate” the Carniuns from the “Devils' ' of the west.
Second grand Paella(Grand Paella is a rank below general but higher than colonel in Voland) Hermandos was commanding 2 Brigades of the VAC aka Volandian army corps, a subdivision of the VAP( Volandian Army Poderoso).
Hermanos was really confident of the 2 brigades he had in control. which included 50 wyverns, 4000 soldiers and 60 Manaphants(mana-elephant), even the most powerful nation located in the Playo continent, Volcandroon, would have struggled to.
located in the rear side of the army, protected by specially trained guards from the church, he was the safest person in the redemption army.
“Men! Ready your weapon!” Troops then began to proceed with the order from Hermanos as they cleaned the muzzle of their muskets while walking, after that, they proceeded to get their sacks and eat the food packed by their parents.
The soldiers were eager to battle, they were super eager that they even boxed a tree to relieve the urge.
They hated the Americans so much they would shoot their body’s even if they were dead.
“Halt!” The troops stopped their advance as Hermanos ordered to stop the advance, Hermanos then observed his surroundings, spotting any suspicious activity….
“Forward!” He then ordered as the troops continued their advance once again.
Hermanos then gets out his trusty mana-scope as he watches the route, he looked south, west, east, nort-
“Americans! American Butt-lickers! Sound the horn!” The musicians began playing battle music as the lead musician sounded the horn for battle.
Soon the troops shouted their battle cry and charged at port-city clahad 2 kilometres away, they were so focused on port city clahad, they didn’t notice the Barb wires in front of them, “Stop!” Hermanos shouted, but the troops didn’t listen at all as they were still shouting their battle cry.
Soon, the troops that were too late to be aware of the barb wires in front of them, died as they impacted the spiked
Barb wires at 17 kilometers per hour, rendering 10% of his forces dead, the troops that were aware of the barb wires stopped their tracks and proceed to push the barb wires aside, the same can’t be said for the calvary, the horses coundnt jump over it and broke their legs after impacting the barb wired and tripping over them, rendering all of Hermanos Cavalry units immobilised.
Though 87% of his forces lived so he was still confident, Hermanos was notorious for using human-wave tactics.
But soon he’s army was met with a hail of bullets.
Several volandians started going down 1 by 1 in 0.5 milliseconds.
—82nd airborne brigade defense front—
The airborne brigade were ordered to engage as the volandians had crossed stage 1 of the defence line, all of the airborne troops began popping out of trenches and started shooting their M16A10s or M-4carbineXs while some were shooting behind defense like houses, pill boxes and sandbags.
But they were overwhelmed.
“Shit there are too many!” A LAV commander shouted as he was firing his mounted m2 browning, several troops already knew they were gonna be close enough to hurt them in time, but they were still shooting at the volandians to slow down their advance.
The volandians were 400 meters away, still ranging in 2100 in number, all hope was lost as they were being overwhelmed.
—New world carrier strike fleet—
--A hour before—
The new world fleet increased in size compared to before, with the additional 5 American class amphibious assault ships carrying 2000 main army troops and 50 M1A3 Abrams each to land in port city clahad captured by the trusty 82nd airborne brigade
Admiral Tarr- W-wait I mean Fleet admiral tarry has been promoted to Fleet admiral in the state of war against voland, he is currently in his headquarters watching his computer screen as it showed drone feed from a M4C Triton.
He was focusing on the screen observing any tiny detail that looked suspicious. And if the 82nd Airborne brigade did their job.
The drone then arrived at Port city clahad. Tarry sighed in relief as he thought the 82nd brigade couldn't do it. Turns out he was wrong. Then he’s radio crackled.
“Sir. Shall we keep going?” The drone operator asked as the radio crackled again. Fleet admiral Tarry was quick to respond. “Yes, keep going. We need a map for our soldiers in the army” Tarry ordered the drone operator which responded with a “Aye I sir!”
Tarry then resumed to focus on the screen once again.
After many minutes of nothing. He then saw it. A huge army, numbered in the thousands, tarry was not shocked as this was expected to be the response of the volandian monarchy, he then got his walks-talkie and ordered.
“Ready the F-X55s”
USS Franklin D Roosevelt
1:30 PM EST
The runway. Was busy as usual. Status reports, inspecting the runway for any debri. And refuelling by throwing a kind of dart to a ship.
But what was different was the aircraft, there were no F35s, no F18s in sight, they were all in the hangar.
The multi-role fighters parked on the Franklin’s runway were multiple Lockheed Martin F-X55s, a product from the FA/XX program, a program that was for the making of a 6th gen Navy fighter, commissioned in 2032 May 23. It participated in Operation Dragon sky and dominated the sky’s. Decimating
J-20s and J-30s alike, yet it was a multi-role fighter. It would’ve rivalled the mighty F-22 raptor in a dogfight. It had the latest HMD(Helmet Mounted Display) Bone domes(Fighter pilot helmet)
Equipped with the pilot which was a improvement to the f35s HMD helmet system,
The fighter can carry around 10 GBU-53 storm breakers, 6 Aim-130 radar guided missiles which had a range of around 100 miles. And 2 Aim-7 sidewinders in beast mode.
In stealth mode it can carry around 6 Aim-130s and 2 Aim-7 sidewinders.
All the carriers in the fleet were supplied with them. Each of the carriers are gonna launch 5 F-X55s.
Franklin’s F-X55s had the air superiority role, armed with 8 Aim-130s and 4 sidewinders which would protect USS Theodore Roosevelt’s F-X55s armed with nothing but storm breakers which accounted for 16 storm breakers in their bomb bay.
And finally with USS Ronald Reagan with the combatantan role which serves as air support for the troops down below, in summary, it will stay longer in the air then the others before losing too much fuel and returning back.
The scenery then changes to us the viewers seeing F-X55s being launched in each carrier.
The F-X55s then formed a squadron of 15 almighty aircraft.
“This is Eagle-1. You copy eagle 2?” Call sign eagle 1 requests for Eagle 2s attention.
“I copy Eagle 1”
“Cool ready to avenge our comrades back in Pearl harbour everybody!?” Eagle 1 shouts into his comms as the squadron shouts yeah! “Then let's give lieutenant colonel James Doolittle a smile shall we?” Just as eagle 1 said that. He pushed the throttle up to high transonic speeds with the rest of the squadron following.
Skys above port clahad
2:10 PM EST
“I have a lock eagle 1” call sign forest destroyer reports to his superior aka Eagle 1.
“Same here! I got a lock too!”
“I copy squadron A, Eagle 2 eagle 3 ready to split?” Eagle 1 asked eagle 2 and 3
“Roger!” Eagle 2 and 3 said in unison
Squadron B aka Theodore Roosevelt’s squadron commanded by Eagle 3 ascends as the 5 Aircraft are to bomb the volandian horde
While squadron C aka Ronald Reagan’s squadron commanded by eagle 2 descends for close air support.
While Eagle 1s squadron, squadron A from the a USS Franklin d Roosevelt’s stays on course and doesn’t change its position
“Eagle 1. Fox 3” Eagle 1 presses the pickle button which opens his bomb bay and launches a Aim-130 100 miles away from the locked on enemy targets
“Forest destroyer, Fox 3!” Another Aim-130 passed the squadron as 3 more followed.
The 5 Aim-130 are now visible on eagle 1s radar moving at hypersonic speeds(Mach7) impacting the enemy bandits in 1 minute
Currently around 50 wyverns are flying close to each other in formation. They were flying to the battlefield to support their comrades
“Our army is overwhelming the enemy with their magical light arrows, you hear that men? The American butt-lickers are gonna regret the day they stood in this colony of ours!” Commander Leu exclaimed as he’s men began to berate and insult.
The Americans for their inferiority and insulting them again that even 1 wyvern could defeat the whole American military in one swoop.
Leu opened his eyes and he saw something unknow-
Leus' men saw a sudden explosion located and directed at their commander. They covered their ears against stone deafening sound while some fell due to the huge shockwave and fell to their death.
“What was the-“ one of the wyvern riders tried to shout but he was also hit with this magical spell. With others near him dead from the explosion or the shrapnel
“SHIT SCRAMBL-“ he died the same fate as Leu before he could say his sentence to the others.
Now due to the initial shock. All living wyverns in the sky started acting out of control and started to knock their riders out of their backs and fell to their death while some couldn’t control their body and couldn’t stabilize and died falling while doing a barrel roll.
The wyvern air force died as they were impacted with 5 hypersonic high explosive initial shock Aim-130 missiles.
“This is eagle 1 to command, mission has been completed and squadron A is returning to the boat.” Eagle 1 finished his report and did a Hand sign to inform his squadron to return to the boat.
High up in the skys
Eagle 3 and his squadron. Code named squadron B is currently 55 thousand feet in the air and heard the report by eagle 1
“Eagle 1 has wiped out the enemy air targets team. Ready to make uncle Doolittle proud again?” Eagle 3 asked squadron B which responded with a “YES SIR”
“Then let's do it”
Eagle 3 then presses hes pickle button alongside squadron B and dropped 80 GBU-53 storm breakers
A airborne soldier currently manning a m2 browning was shredding a fuck ton of volandians but they keep coming and coming
“Shit I’ll be overwhelmed like thi-“
Before he could finish. a whistle could be heard and the volandian never ending horde he faced was gone with a huge firework festival in return.
He then heard the sweat screaming of jet engines and sighed of relief and smiled
“I love the smell of gunpowder” he then proceeds to get his cigarettes pack and lit it with the fire caused by the precision bombs
The jets that passed him was squadron C commanded by eagle 2
“I got eyes on target” eagle 2 says in comms as he presses the fire button in his joystick
Eagle 2 fires his F-X55s dual M61 Vulcan minigun killing the volandians that were grouped up together while he’s team mates do the same.
They strafe back and forth and back and forth killing all volandians in sight
The volandians were getting shredded by dual m61 Vulcans with 20mm munition
It was a very big mistake for them to not invest is bullet proof vest
Oh wait I remembered a bullet proof vest can’t stop multiple 20mm coming at you
“Crackles, this is squadron leader eagle 2 of squadron C. No enemy contact was found. We returning to the boat, let’s give the army the chance to search instead of us” Eagle 2 orders his squadron, they regroup and fly over port city clahad being cheered on by civilians and kids.
Heya readers, sorry if the ending was again really rushed. I usually finish these chapters late at night so yeah, hope you can cope with that.
Also forgot to mention that the angels will play a big part tomorrow with information about the world to the United States.
So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned!
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