《Summoning Liberty》Chapter 6: Liberty
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City of Grenze-stadt
Grenze-stadt, the border city separating the First world continent, Europa, and the summoned barbaric continent, or mostly called, the barbaric continent, Icespike.
2 year ago, residents of Grenze-stadt experienced a light engulfing there beach, which leads to the Cacuya continent, be replaced by snowy land, the reich army arrived, they explored the unknown land when suddenly a convoy of trucks and auto-mobiles arrived, they were diplomats, but were turned down because they lived in what the military calls, the barbaric border, the diplomats left when the reich army pointed there Gar99k(Kar98k) at them, we never saw them since.
“Hermann, remember those inferiors who arrived with their diplomat?” Elias asks his friend, Hermann, “Yes Elias, those inferiors, they would just leach to us, they probably knew we were the third most power out of the other, sucks to be them, we where to smart, and they where to dumm(stupid in german google translate) Elias laughed and looked back, “Yeah, those guys also spoke with an accent I didnt like, ugh, widerlich, though it was surprising they had automobiles and motorcycles.” Elias had a cautious tone when he said that, Herman shrugged, “hmm, Kein problem, they probably had another superpower supplied them before the SS met those inferiors”
Suddenly, explosions could be heard outside, “What was that hermann!” Elias shouted, Hermann shrugged, “We should check it out, Folge mir!” Elias shouted which hermann stood and they ran outside the door
They were met with a crowd running to there right with automobiles honking, when they suddenly saw a light heading straight for the crowd in front, which it exploded on impact, the force killed a lot of the crowd and pushed back Elias and hermann, the automobiles had enough and decided to go even crushing civilians running away, then they heard something.
Something screaming, they looked up in the opposite direction and saw the thing responsible for genocide they witnessed, “A-Aircraft!”.
What they were seeing was a squadron of soviet aircraft utilized with soviet engineering, a squadron of 6, made up of Su-25 Frogfoots
Soviet Pov
“This is Agak-05, we have visual on the nazi-scum city” a Su-25 pilot says in normal slavic accent, “Copy that Agak-05” a radio operator from the base the squadron left from says in heavy slavic accent, Agak-05 then presses a button in his joystick which fires an S24 rocket from its wings, the rocket hit a building which the civilians notice and move away wondering what the fuck happend, but when they saw the aircraft, they knew what was gonna happen so they tried to run.
“Hah! Look at those nazis, trying to runaway!” Callsign Yuri-06 says in comms which made them laugh, Yuri-06 proceeds to press the release button in his joystick which launched his S24 rocket, “annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd BOOM! Direct hit at the nazi civilians!” Yuri-06 exclaimed, “Nice comrade Yuri-06, command also says we will have five barrels of Vodka if we complete the mission”, after Agak-05 says that, the soviet comms could be heard with gasps, “five barrels!? Oh ho, you know we getting that today comrades,” callsign Faga-04 says in comms, “Yes comrade”
“Yes yes! Scream in fear!” Jaga-01 says in a sadistic tone, “Alright comrades, I see their oil factories, blast it.” All Su-25s can be seen launch all of there S24 rockets at the huge Oil factory
The huge oil factory explodes in many areas upon impact against the rockets,including secondary explosions from the ignited oil which finished the factory off, killing everyone inside of it, “HAHAHA! Mission accomplished, we're getting that vodka now!” they then scream in comms “URAHH!”
“Wait a minute, are those Bf109s?” Yuka-02 says in comms as the others looked at the side of there cockpit, “ah blyat, 12 Bf109s, come on comrades, we have to make it back for the vodka” The squadron makes a tight turn and try to outspeed the Bf109s
“Blyat can this thing go faster?” Jaga-01 complains, “Nope, wait, the Bf109s are getting closer! Cyka blyat!” Yuka-02 shouts as the Bf109s were faster than they were expected, 200 kilometers per second, that's what they were told “God damnit! Command made a mistake!” they knew they would die but they wanted to die on soviet territory, not in this wrecthed nazi land.
Then they saw a missile impact the Bf109 squadron, what they saw was their saviors.
4 Su-27s then pass them and then pass the Bf109s, The Bf-109s scramble trying to dog fight the Su-27s.
“Blyat, they are really Bf-109s, well no problem”, Savoy-01 does a hard left turn and faces the Bf-109s, “DIE VERMUNTS!” Savoy-01 fires his Su-27s Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1.
Its 30mm ammunition tears through 2 Bf-109s and destroys them, Savoy-01s Su-27 passes the Bf-109 squadron, ascending, the Bf-109 pilots hear the jet engine and cover their ears against the deafening sound while trying to stabilize there plane
One pilot though, Ace pilot Gunther rall makes a hard turn and manages to get behind Gauler-02
“Blyat, those moves remind me of Gunther rall, wait am I facing against gunther rall? Well he's not gonna expect this!” Gauler-02 pulls his Joystick and his Su-27 immediately pulls up, Gunther was confused until the Su-27 pulled back and the pilot managed to stabilize it, he was super shocked,”what was that maneuver!” He thought as the Su-27 now became the pursuer.
“Yes! I managed to do a pugachev cobra, now I'm the pursuer, though i'll not let your skills be wasted.” Gauler-02 decides to aim his guns at the Bf-109s wings, Gauler then fires his 30mm which decimates the wing of Gunthers Bf-109 and begins to do aileron roll while descending, Gauler-02 watches it descend, he smiled when he saw a parachute come out, Gunther ejected.
He then proceeds to target more Bf-109s.
“ScheiSAAAAHHH!!” a Reichland pilot dies as a R-27 launched from a Su-27 successfully intercepted his Uf-109, all hope was lost, all the Uf-109s were destroyed, and the Su-27 set there course to base, flying in between the Su-25s
“This is Savoy-01, contact with Agak-05 do you copy?”
“I copy comrade” Agak-05 responds to Savoy-01s radio contact, “Will be heading to base for refueling, once stalin's land and sea campaign starts we will be deployed and decimate these vermunts” Savoy-01 says which everyone responded with copy.
Port clahad, C17
June-2 1701, 11:59PM
Port clahad was seen illuminating, as volandian soldier are partying everywhere.
But high in the sky at around 20 thousand feet, 4 C-17s turbofan engines were screaming, 2 C-17s carry paratroopers, and the other 2 carries light armored vehicles, which is the newest LAV-30
There are about 102 troops in both 2 of the C-17s and 6 LAV-30s in the next 2 C-17s.
Every paratroopers ready themselves to be dropped from the C-17, carrying alot of equipment, with the standard rifle being the M4 carbineX, a very good assault rifle towering in comparison to its former variants, it includes a laser sight, a much better scope, and a internal silencer which is equipped in all M4-carbineXs.
“Soldiers, today is the day that america is going to war in 3 years, surprisingly, it's the third anniversary when world war 3 ended”, the commanding officer points at a calendar which it i June 3, “Today is the day, where we liberate another country after 3 years! In a new world! We shall show this world what the United States are! We will show them that we are not! And I mean not! To be underestimated!!” the soldiers cheered, the commander slides the side door of the C-17 for the troops to parachute, one by one, paratroopers could be seen being deployed out of the C-17s.
“GO GO GO!” the commander shouted when paratroopers were jumping out.
The vehicle carrying C-17s open up their hatch and drop 3 LAV-30s each, the crew of these LAV-30s were dropped from the other C-17s with the latest tracking device able to pinpoint where their vehicle landed.
“This is squadron commander 05, I have visual on port city clahad” Second lieutenant Jacobs talks to his internal radio implemented in his helmet, “Copy that 05, we are still setting up here so you can do some shootus amogus on those volandians” Squadron commander 01 responds to comms, “Roger” Jacobs switches channel to his team, “Alright team, lets go” Jacobs platoon nods and they go through the forest then the entrance of port city clahad
There helmets helped them talk without making a noise, all Special forces/Airborne brigades have this as this was made to counter the chinese noise locator, which it detected and locate enemies who have talked measuring vocals and etc and locating them with pinpoint accuracy, which lead to the invention of the HRD(Helmet radio defense) it is a multi-role bullet(50.cal) proof helmet which manages to negate 45% of the bullets impact and can stop 2 50.cal shots from a Barrett m107, this was not integrated to the main army and armored battalions as these things were expensive as hell.
The platoon enters the brick road and hide behind a house, suddenly Jacobs raises his hand, a gesture to stop the team from advancing, he presses a button in his helmet which had text “WD”(Walking detector) a improved version from the chinese noise detector, except detecting talking, it detected footsteps with pinpoint accuracy but had terrible range of 40 meters.
“Hostiles, ready your firearms” Jacobs alerted his platoon which all of them settled their m16a10s and M4 carbineXs to semi-automatic mode.
Meanwhile at the volandian group approaching.
“Man, I had a nice day” Volandian guy 1 said to his comrades, “Same for me, I raped a local celebrety!” the group congratulated Volandian guy 3 for his amazing act, “Nice Volandian guy thre-'' Suddenly, dark green figures with helmets covering their entire face, with a dark red Visor showing little visibility of their eyes, Volandian guy 1 raises his musket.
Before he demanded the people's identity, he was shot, dead, a small sound was heard, they expected a loud boom but just a small bop, the volandian musketeers stumbled back trying to reload there muskets which were in there backs, but before they pointed their muskets, they were shot continuously by M4 carbineXs and M16a10s in Semi-automatic mode
The volandians drop dead from all the bullets that tear through them, “Man, Thank god these guns have internal suppressors” one of the platoon members was thankful they had these modern weapons, “Yeah private, yeah” Jacobs responded agreeing with him, “Alright lets move lets move!” he gestured and shouted in comms to advance.
The platoon advances deeper into port city clahad, they also knew that the others were already infiltrating to, they killed any volandian in sight, which they knew were they were coming with the walking detector feature in their helmets
“Wait!” Jacob again gestured them to stop the advance, “Get in that building, gag the civilian inside” They nodded and went to the house Jacob pointed at, Private E3 Gary breaks down the door with his elbow, the civilian inside woke upstairs and went down the stairs, but was immediately gagged and tied with ropes, “Aight his tied up” Gary reported, “Alright, am upstairs come up” the rest of them go up to see him climbing up through the window to the roof, “Sir what are you doing?!”
Jacob looked at them and ordered, “Come on! Once I'm up here, all of you will be going to, we're gonna dash our way through the roofs, dashing by volandians and head to the center where the rest of them are partying” Jacob then successfully gets up the roof, which then everyone gets up.
They run and jump through the houses close to each other, stopping when they spot volandians and shoot and dash, they reach the middle of port city clahad.
“Aight team, were gonna go up their” Jacobs platoon were hiding through the other side of the triangle roofs in the houses to not let the volandians know they were here, “How sir? It's tall and how are we supposed to climb up?” Jacob observed the building and saw it, “Their!” he pointed at it, he jumped and managed to climb the wall which had abnormal brick placings, all soldiers in the army and navy are trained for rock climbing so the platoon swiftly and quietly climbed the tall buildings in the middle.
They hood behind the other side of the double wedge roof, they inspect the area and one of them saw a figure in the other building, they looked and recognized them, it's one of their allies.
Jacob made hand signs to join their channel in comms which the Second lieutenant in that team made a thumbs up and told his team which they joined.
“Ello jacob”
“Ello matt” Jacob greeted his friend, Matt, “Man I didn't know you were here?” Matt said as he didnt know his friends platoon was here, “Don't know man, probably a coincidence”
“Aight, also, the plan made by command is by the LAV-30s blocking all 4 pathways to escape in the center so they don’t try to escape, once the LAVs shoot one 30mm we attack, my platoon has there grenades ready” Matt told his friend as command always forgot to tell him plans and stuff, “Ah ok, thanks”
“Aight, i'll go back to my platoons channel so see you when we kill those damn volandians” Matt leaves Jacobs voice channel back to his platoons voice channel.
“Aight team you heard him, reload and prepare” His platoon nodded and reloaded and readied there stuff, now, their gonna have to
30 minutes
The platoon was bored, it also looked like matts platoon was bored to, they were waiting for the fucking LAV-30s to arrive
While the volandians are partying, drinking ultra tequila shots, arm wrestling, some of the volandians were female as volandian army was made up of 2 percent female and 98 percent male, and some of them are having s*x in public.
Suddenly, a sound was heard, a sound that was unknown to the volandians.
“W-What is that!” One of them pointed out which made all of them look at where he was pointing to.
It was green, it was big, and it had a long strange nose, and it made a peculiar sound.
Then they heard the same sound behind them, so they looked the opposite way and they saw the same thing, another, dark green elephant.
They heard the same noise in every entrance and exit, these green elephants were blocking the way.
“Ugh shoot them!” A volandian soldier shouted and shot a musket at one of the unknown green elephants.
Suddenly, the green elephant made a fireball out of its mouth, and impacted the volandian who shot at it, decimated and fell to the ground with his body blown to bits with organs flying everywhere.
Jacob saw the sign and shouted, “GET UP!” His platoon gets up alongside Matt's platoon and shoots at the shocked volandians.
Matts team throw there grenades everywhere making explosions decimating grouped volandians, while the LAV-30s shot there internal m2 browning and 30mm autocannon at the volandians making dust clouds which everyone still shot at the volandians accurately with there thermal vision which shocked the volandians
“UGHH HOW ARE THE-“ a volandian soldier was cut off as a bullet shot through his face, “SUN GOD PLS HELP U-“ a volandian mage was decimated by the LAV-30s External m2 browning mounted by the commander of the LAV.
“Cease fire!” One of the LAV commanders shouted, that made everyone stop shooting, the smoke cleared out and all volandians were dead except the females and 3 males.
“Alright, there are survivors, Advance! Those are gonna be POWs until the wars done!” The LAVs advance to the middle with Matt and jacobs platoon jumping off the building and barrel rolling through the ground to not get hurt.
Jacobs' platoon quickly restrained the female volandian soldiers with scared faces, and matt's group restrained, gagged and kicked the remaining volandian males.
Jacob then walks to one of the LAVs parked, “Hey DJ” Jacob called out to one of the commanders of the LAVs, DJ.
“Oh hey Jacob, nice to meet you again” Jacob smiled and they fist bumped, “So, what about those remaining volandians near the shore?” Jacob asked
“Oh, the ones who are not here are currently exterminating the remaining volandians near shore and once they're done that, we're gonna have to fortify the port city’s entrance to not let volandian reinforcements to come” DJ answered Jacob's question which Jacob nodded.
Jacob then saw his platoon treating the volandian females nicely while matts group is literally torturing the males with feathers, kicks, and pouring mud on all them, which the male volandian soldiers tried to shout but they were gagged so they couldn’t.
Imperial voland
Capital city Valdrid
Emperor Phillip of voland is currently eating his dinner, with his wife and infant child.
“Husband, May I ask, how’s the war effort going?” Phillip's wife asked, Phillip looked at his wife with astonishment.
“It’s going great. My lovely wife, Afonso, has been commanding our troops really well. We also declared war on a barbaric country called america.” Phillips' wife was amused, “Expected by my lovely husband~” Phillips' wife pulled him into a kiss but Phillips aid barged in.
“WHAT!” Phillip shouted
“My great emperor!” His aid kneeled, “Our scouts have reported that port clahad has been liberated by an unknown nation!” Phillip was shocked to have one of his territories be liberated, especially since port clahad was the port housing almost 40% of Afonsos fleet.
“What about any ruins left by the ancient empire!?” Phillip shouted at his aid, “none has been found sir, we haven’t even found one bit of the ancient empire's technology” Phillips aid kneels back down.
Phillip was mad, he was so mad he broke the table with his hands, “Tell afonso this! If he doesn’t succeed in conquering back port clahad! I will personally execute him! Slowly and painfully!” Phillips aid saw his emperor's aura and nodded and ran out of the door.
Phillip stood himself up and walked away from the broken dinner table, leaving his wife shocked and his infant baby crying.
Reichland-Soviet border
Ever since the attack made by the soviets, Reichland Declared war on the Soviet Union saying they’ll exterminate and kill any civilian they see.
The Reich army was stationed in grenze-stadt to protect it if another attack came by.
General Wolfenstein was resting in his command tent being guarded by several army soldiers.
When his aid came in reporting, Wolfenstein woke up wondering what he’s aid had to report.
“Yawns, report?” Wolfenstein said as he took a sip of his coffee, “sir, our aerial reconnaissance radio that a big army was coming but he was cut off for some reason”
“Probably a storm, try to contact him bac-“ suddenly an explosion was heard, wolfenstein quickly pushed the aid beside him and came out, he saw his 3000 troop army In defensive positions and he’s 40 lion 1 tanks and 20 pak-40s aiming there guns at the hill 2 kilometers away, he then saw a black mark a kilometer away from where he was stationed at.
Wolfenstein quickly got into his command post and ordered to fire any target that can be seen
Suddenly, 1 tank appeared from the hill, it had a smooth design, it was lower to the ground than the lion 1s, more lengthy, same width, and was moving faster than any lion-1 tank he has ever seen.
Then it fired its cannon and hit one of his lion-1s turret, the lion 1 exploded as the explosion was exposed to the ammunition destroying one of his prized tanks that only 1300 existed, immediately, 10 pak-40 anti-tank guns fired there 75mm and destroyed the tank.
Everyone cheered as they destroyed the “Soviet unions” prized tank, they thought it was a prized tank cause it destroyed a lion-1 tank in one shot but oh boy they were wrong.
Suddenly the ground shook, everyone was trembling wondering wtf was going on, they thought it was an earthquake then someone shouted, “TANKS!”
They all looked as they saw the same tank but in the 100s in numbers, they reacted quickly by firing there pak-40s and lion-1 tanks shells, but all of them ricochet off, then the tanks started firing shells and there machine guns decimating Wolfenstein troops and the lion-1 tanks, he then saw the hill where Soviet union troops were advancing with green uniforms and not gray.
They were carrying some sort of panzerfaust, but when it fired, it one shotted his prized lion-1 tanks just like before, he turned his head and saw his men running away, abandoning there post but were easily gunned down by the enemy tanks and troops who held what he thought as sub-machine guns, hes army was easily overrun by the 300 t72s and 2000 troops that appeared, wolfenstein died accepting his fate by being crushed by a t72s tracks
Soviet Union
Stalin was, just like before, writing stuff in his journal, he was also smoking his cigar but only once a week as he knew what would happen if he smoked his cigar everyday.
General zhukov then enters the premiers room where Stalin is.
“Oh, general zhukov, perfect timing too, now, report?” Stalin asked general zhukov his report, “Premiere Stalin, the nazi scums border city has been occupied by our forces, we are currently cleaning up any soldiers hiding in civilian houses and importing them to our concentration camps.” General Zhukov said lowering his head, “good general zhukov” Stalin was amused with general zhukov's report but zhukov still had more.
“Also sir” zhukov said, “hmm? Anything else, general zhukov?” General zhukov didn’t know how to explain this specific report but did so anyway, he gave a picture of the updated new world map, “hmm? Didn’t we complete the new world map a year ago?” Stalin was confused why general zhukov gave him the complete map of the new world but general zhukov pointed at the continent he called continent 122 and he saw it.
“Those capitalist Scums! How did they get here huh?!” Stalin flipped his table out of anger, he got his makarov pistol and shot his bodyguard in the head, also out of anger, Stalin calmed down and said this, “you are dismissed general zhukov, I also want you to inform the KGB to send spies in that capitalist land” Stalin said in a intimidating aura, “as you desire premiere Stalin” zhukov then Left the room.
Stalin stood and punched his wall, “those damn capitalist! Your gonna interrupt my campaign!” he said in his mind as he was angry as hell for the United States being here or what Stalin calls.
American pigs
Hello folks, sorry if the Grenze-stadt invasion was really rushed.
Also join the discord server for announcements and updates for my stories!
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