《Summoning Liberty》Chapter 5: Attack on Pearl harbor..2


Pearl Harbor

After five days, the new world fleet was reaching Pearl Harbor to resupply with ammunition for future operations and was bringing some special guest to pearl harbor

After talking with General Ivor, Tarry proposed that they go back to one of their harbors which Ivor accepted, but they didn't stay in the huge iron ship because they were still not trusted.

"Man what would it be like staying in that iron ship" Tarry asked himself eager to go into that ship and explore it like a little kid exploring through the forest, hes men were eager, especially the carniuan navy men, aweing to the immense size of the ship in the middle.

After a couple of minutes, they saw their destination, they were shocked, there were alot of ships in dock, especially one that caught the most attention.

"HOLY THATS A HUGE BOAT!" One of general ivors men shouted, they were referring to the almighty, MIGHTY MO, they were super shocked, a nation capable of creating such a ship with gigantic guns, they knew they had to ally with the united states.

"Speak softly but carry a big stick"

-Theodore roosevelt

Once they docked their ships, they stood on a different land, Helicopters buzzing, jets passing, men running, people shouting orders, then they were greeted by someone in a nice suit.

"Oh Secretary!" Admiral Tarry said surprised by who came, "Ello Admiral, nice to see you again after your new world voyage, The man in the black suit and red tie shaked hands with Admiral Tarry, "Oh I almost forgot" He then grabbed me and introduced me to the Black suit individual

"This is General Ivor, the VIPs I reported to Secretary of defense" The black suit man's face was amused. "Hello, my name is John Yougo. Nice to meet you." We then handshaked, "Nice to meet you too."

"He speaks latin?" Yougo asked Tarry, "Yeah I kinda forgot about that" Yougo then raised a smile, "No problem" Yougo looks back at Ivor and speaks latin.

"My name is John yougo, secretary of state of the United States. I'm the one representing my nation in opening diplomatic relations with other foreign nations'' Ivor was shocked that he could speak Carniunala, "You can speak Carniunala?" Ivor asked.

"I'm sorry, but what I'm speaking is not Carniunala, it's Latin," Yougo said, perplexed.Ivor was surprised. He had never heard of the language of "Latin," so it was really surprising to him, "How about we discuss this in a room? It's getting hot here and if we're inside a room, we can feel the cold blast of AC." Ivor was confused, wtf was AC? Though he didn't mind and followed the ambassador with admiral tarry to a room.

As Ivor walked in, he was blasted with cold air, "AHH!" He screamed as he was shocked from the sudden hot to cold air, "Don't worry, it's just AC" After a while Ivor sitted down and relaxed as the cold air cooled him down from the fuming hot air outside

"Comfortable?" Yougo asked Ivor as earlier he was screaming from the cold air, "Yeah~ this feels awesome!" He jumped up from his chair and sat properly, "Good, now may I ask questions on why are you here?"

"Yeah, ask me anything, secretary"

"OK, first, why did you come here?"

"I defected here to escape the volandians" Yougo was surprised, he thought that the carniuans will do anything to defend their nation, he proceeds to write in it in his report, "Second, are you in the military and what rank?"


"Carniuan Army branch, General, I serve under the king" Yougo was now suspicious, "Ok, after this war against the volandians, what will you do with carniua?"

"As I am the leader of the Caniuan rebels, I will set up a government governed by me, I decided to create a democratic government but I'm still thinking as no democratic country lasted for more than 100 years" Yougo was shocked, he's a general and a rebel? He probably didn't have time to strike as the volandians striked first, and a democratic country? It was almost like it was set up by the United states! "Perfect!"

Ivor was happy, but he also wanted answers, "Secretary may I ask some questions myself?" Yougo nodded and Ivor started, "First, what country are you? The grotandoes continent is known as the only continent without civilization?"

Yougo was thinking of the consequences. Would he be ignorant and instantly assume we were lying without thinking or would he believe us? Yougo chose his decision and spoke, "We are a transferred country. Your question why are we here because we got teleported from our former world", Ivor was shocked, a nation transferred? He instantly got a flashback from a merchant telling him 2 years ago that a new nation was discovered and claims to be transported and is North from the Europa continent, where the nation Reichland, The third most powerful nation in the whole world is located at.

"Transferred? Like that other nation?" Ivor asked, which shocked Yougo because another nation transferred? Could it be one of their allies? He needed to ask if he knew the nations name.

"Secretary, something wrong?" Tarry asked Yougo, "yeah, he just told me another nation claimed to be transferred", Tarry was shocked, "Really?! This is good! If it's one of our allies it would be awesome!" Tarry exclaimed, "Now now, let me ask"

"Ivor, may you tell me what's the name of the nation?" Yougo asked Ivor while he put his index finger in his lips, "I think it was momit moonon? Or Googet gomiom?"

"Do you have a drawing of this nation's flag by any chance?"

"Oh yeah! The merchant gave me a drawn picture of the nation's flag" Ivor proceeded through his pockets until he exclaimed, "ah-hah! Here you go" Ivor gave the drawed paper to yougo.

Once Yougo got the paper, he looked at it, suddenly, sweat was coming down from Yougo, Tarry peeked and sweat was coming down to, their faces darkened when they saw the drawed flag, the nation's name was very obvious, so obvious all Americans will recognize it.

National Anthem of USSR

"The soviet union…" Tarry murmured

"Shit.." Yougo said with frustration

Ivor noticed the sweats and darkened expressions on both men, "What wrong?" Yougo looked back at Ivor and fixed his composure, "Sorry, now, let us continue negotiations, now do you have any requests or demands?",

"I do Secretary, I want you to get the volandians out of my land, by now their probably raping, Partying at night, and comitting genocide, I beg of you, Please!" Ivor threw himself to the floor pleading to secretary yougo to kick out the chinese version of spain out of carnis

"That decision is made by congress, but I will report this directly to our president, or in your words, king." Ivor sat back down in his seat and thanked yougo.

The meeting was to be continued as everyone was tired, Ivor got to stay at a place with a nice bed and something called a tv? But secretary yougo said to go to the so called "Hospital" to be injected with things called "immunity" because there are unknown diseases which his body is not made to counter, he happily abided


White house

Oval office

Kennedy was having the time of his life, his wife gave birth to his child, John F G Kennedy, he's currently in the president's bedroom being breast fed by Eugen.

Kennedy was doing a lot of paperwork but he somewhat enjoyed it, well until someone barged in, "Damnit, Gerald for the last time, knock before you come i-"

Kennedy was cut off, "President, i'm not gerald" Kennedy was surprised, "Wow, Yougo you usually don't barge in unless it's urgent" Kennedy gestured him to seat, which yougo accepted

"So? Any reports?" Yougo opened his briefcase and got out a piece of paper, "Yes mr.president, currently we have refugees from carnis escaping from the volandians conquest over carniua Mr.president, the major people among the refugees were the high ranking military individuals, especially a general" Kennedy was amused because he has a carniuan general to talk negotiations with, "also mr.president, these refugees aren't normal refugees, there rebels mr.president."

Kennedy was surprised, a military general in a rebel group, he thought about it and came to the conclusion he striked too late, "Ok, has he started asking us to liberate them?" Yougo nodded, "Good, Ill notify congress later"

Yougo then got out another piece of paper, "Here Mr,president" Yougo gave the piece of paper to Kennedy, Kennedy put it on his desk and read it and drank his coffee, when suddenly he spat it out when he saw the word.

‘S-SOVIET UNION! IMPOSSIBLE! THEY COLLAPSED BACK IN 1991!" Kennedy shouted shockingly, "I understand Mr. President, but our spies we sent to the supposed Soviet Union are reporting that it greatly resembles the Soviet Union" Kennedy was concerned, not only about these supernatural beings, but also about the Soviets!

Though the Soviet Union has late 20th century tech, it's still powerful enough to hurt his nation, and what he's super worried about is them launching a nuclear strike at the USA. Even though there are many countermeasures, it wouldn't counter all nuclear strikes sent by the Soviet Union.

"I want all resources to be spying on those Soviets. Even though the Soviets aren't as strong as the Chinese, we must beware that they have nukes, and nukes are enough to harm us! I’m also going to broadcast a speech to all our fellow Americans to address this, to alert them of another nuclear war happening in the future. In a serious tone, "Alright Mr.President, the broadcast will start in a week. During this time I will negotiate with General Ivor about our demands and requests." Yougo then leaves, and the president also leaves for his private quarters with his wife, as he’s super stressed from all the reports coming in.

Pearl harbor

"Thank you, secretary," Ivor said, thanking Yougo for informing him that the president would notify Congress about whether or not to declare war, "Your welcome, General Ivor. It's our pleasure to liberate your country from Volandian contro-"

Suddenly, Tarry barged in, "Secretary Pants." Yougo looks back at Tarry, "Hmm? What's wrong, admiral? ",

"The Volandians' pants pants they're here…" Yougos face darkened by the fact they're here, "What did he say, secretary?" Ivor wondered why the admiral who saved him barged him and was panting, "T-The volandians, are here Ivor." Yougo said hesitantly.

Ivors face darkened, "AHH, DON'T LET THEM NEAR ME! PLS I BEG OF YOU!" Ivor jumped and throwed himself to the ground knelt and pleaded for them to not give him and his rebels to volandian custody, "Don't worry Ivor, I'll handle this" Secretary stood up and walked with admiral tarry to meet the "infamous" volandians in pearl harbor

As the volandians docked they went out, "Tsk look at this place, could be easily conquered by us" Vice-admiral Mateo said insulting pearl harbor, "Totally agree Vice-Admiral, but stay calm ok? We're just here to get back what's ours?" Secretary of state Andres calmed down Vice-admiral Mateo.

They then see their counterparts, "Hi, Im secretary of state John H yougo"

"Hello, im secretary of state Andres Vonigayo"

"Hello, Im Admiral tarr-" Just as Admiral tarry gestured for a handshake, Vice admiral Mateo swapped it away, "Don't touch me you dirty inferior!" Mateo shouted and tarry backed away to not cause an international incident, where he sucker punches the guy to sleep with the fishes.

They walk to a wooden table where each side can look at eachother, "So, Secretary Andres, what is your purpose to be here?" Yougo broke the silence by asking first, "I'm here to get what's ours, first I want all the Carniuans who are here, return with full custody to the volandian monarchy" Yougo hoped they didnt know general ivor and his men are here but he forgot to hide the awfully obvious sloops in port.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that as they are legally under the United States authority" Andres had a noticeable vein appear in his forehead but it disappeared, "Understandable, but we also have a list of demands, that you must follow".

Andres got a rolled paper from his sack and gave it to Yougo, Yougo opened it and was shocked by the demands

Volandian demands against the United states

1-The united states will be a vassal state for Imperial Voland

2-The united states will let Voland access mining deposits all along the continent

3-The united states will send Slaves, Food, resources, in a months time

4- The united states will give all of there tech with no payment

5-Replace the current ruler of the united states with the second prince of Voland, Prince Carlos

Yougo and Tarry were outraged, Vassal state? Slaves? Tech with no payment? Unnaceptable

"Im sorry, Secretary Andres, but we can't accept this." after yougo said that Andres hit the table

"You realize what you're doing right? Not accepting our demands will lead to your nation's downfall!" Andres shouted at Yougo,Yougo was not phazed.

"You know? What you just said is more appropriate to you then us." Yougo countered which made Andres so mad he threw the table to the ocean, "You damn inferiors! Watch as we rape, enslaved, and kill your people!" Mateo and Andres left the meeting and deemed it a failure, vice versa to Tarry and Yougo

"Those damn inferiors." Andres said walking furiosly, "You know Secretary, shall I attack?"

Mateo, do whatever you want; this country is going to be conquered anyway, so why not?"Andres said seriously, to which Mateo reached for his mana-comms, and murmured, "Attack."


Many US marines waved goodbye with middle fingers at the leaving Volandians, seeing what their demands were, and were enraged.

Just as the marines were about to leave, the 15 Dragon Carriers began releasing their wyverns.

Let's go Riders! Let's kill these inferiors! HAZZAH! " The 180 Wyverns scramble and fire their fireballs at infrastructure.

Many Marines saw this and ran, "SHI-" a US marine got hit by a fireball and died, "RUN! RUN!" A US marine yelled, "IT'S PEARL HARBOR ALL OVER AGAIN!" Another US marine yelled.

Wyverns are targeting many buildings in Pearl Harbor while blasting fireballs at helicopters aligned in an airfield.

"IVOR!" a carnis marine barges into Ivor's room, "Hmm?"

"THE VOLANDIANS ARE ATTACKING, YOUGO ADVISED US TO GO TO A UNDERGROUND INSTALLMENT!" Ivor was shocked, he got his pack of cigars and ran through the stairs, almost falling off as Wyverns are blasting, by now 100 men has died

The USS Mustin was sailing to Pearl Harbor at the same time as this was happening.

"Holy sh*t!" The Captain of the USS-Mustin was watching everything when they saw 5 Wyverns coming straight at them, "SHIT, FIRE THE CIWS!", The Phalanx CIWs lock on all of them and fire tracer rounds, The wyverns were obliterated, Many RIM-7 Sea sparrows were launched as they intercepted many wyverns, killing both the wyverns and their riders. The Mk45 of the USS-Mustin continuously fires at wyverns, killing 30% of the wyverns launched




"Shit, target that ship!" Vice-Admiral Mateo shouted, "2 Gunboats Sail towards the USS-Mustins.

Then a group of 7 marines came out of the headquarters, equipped with 3 M203 Anti-tank Bazookas and 4 FIM-94 Venom man portable air defense systems.

One of them sees the ships heading straight to the USS-Mustin.

"Shit! 2 Volandian warships heading for the USS-Mustin! Gonna break its sail, go to the open area and destroy some wyverns!" One of the marines, Lieutenant Adam, reloading his bazooka, looking behind him if anyone is behind him, he carefully aims, and fires the Anti-tank rocket at the Volandian gunboat, after 10 seconds, the rocket hit and destroyed a large area of the sails while fires are spreading everywhere.

"HIT!" Adam reloaded his bazooka, ran a few more meters, and was about to fire the rocket at the other Volandian warship when he encountered resistance. The crew onboard the gunboat were firing their muskets in an attempt to stop the one responsible for immobilizing their sister ship. Adam quickly maneuvered his way to makeshift defenses. He also found a sand bag, which he decided to throw to deceive the Volandians crew on shooting it.

"EE YAH!" he threw the sandbag which work and the volandians shot at it, Adam went outside and aimed his bazooka at the sails of the last ship, "Die you some bitc-" he pulled the trigger and it fired, decimating the sails of the gun boat and starting a massive fire that eventually engulfed the entire ship. Adam then hid behind the makeshift defense with his bazooka beside him, "God, pants, pants, that was awesome," but then he had a sudden realization.He got one of the rockets and saw the patterns, he realized he was using High explosive rocket munitions and not Anti-tank munition, explains why they exploded in impact and not just break through the sails and continue to fly. He hit himself in the head for this mistake.

He also realized that he didn't check behind him before firing. He hit himself again for not following simple protocols for firing a bazooka, as he was formerly part of the army.

Hickam Air Force Base

Pilots were scrambling everywhere, when they heard Pearl Harbor was getting attacked, they got their aircraft from the hangars and into the air in less than 15 minutes, as the nation was in DEFCON 3.

A squadron was made, made up of 4 F15s and 5 F16s. They were really close to Pearl Harbor, so they were immediately put into action when they flew off the runway.

All the jets scramble to pick their targets for their missiles.

"Joris20, Fox 3!" An F16 fired an AMRAAM at a hovering wyvern, decimating it.

"I got visual on some ships, seems to be carriers with sails, dropping payload" an F15 pilot says in comms as he pressed the pickle button releasing his payload destroying the sales of 3 carriers rendering them immobilized and later engulfed in flames

"Nice Joris20 and Thotslayer225, I got me a bandit too" A F15 pilot Strafes and fires his guns decimating 2 - 5 wyverns while climbing




Many Wyvern riders were being decimated by an unknown iron beast and light arrows launched from the ground.

"Partner Cmon!" A new wyvern recruit was controlling his wyvern, "ARghh Argghh", Soon the new recruit got hold of his wyvern, "Let's see, boy, there!" The rider saw an F15 Strafing, "Intercept it!" The wyvern flies and attempts to intercept the F15.

"This is FurrySlayer564, I got a bandit in my tail" The F15 pilot says in his comms, "Dont worry FurrySlayer546, I got you"

The unknown metal wyvern was moving a lot, not letting us have a clear shot, but it was now flying straight, "This is our chance, partner!" It suddenly moved left, "Follow it!" But when we went left, he saw another metal wyvern coming heading straight for them, then the thing he was intercepting moved left again, and he lost consciousness.

"Nice Thach weave, Zerofighterkiller112, I'll get ya a beer for that one" Callsign FurrySlayer564 thanked the F16 pilot who helped him, "Thanks but you could've killed it if you went full afterburners" Zero asked, "Thats boring, I just wanted to feel how it would feel using the Thach weave in a somewhat attack on pearl harbor replica" Slayer responded, which Zero understood that he would do it too, "Aight."

After 3 hours, the battle ended with an American victory. At least 300 sailors lost their lives that day, so we won, but at what cost?

The news reached the president and the civilian populous as a helicopter owned by CNN recorded the whole attack. The citizens were enraged, Washington DC was crowded with protesters saying, "DESTROY THE VOLANDIANS" or "AVENGE PEARL HARBOR.", The media nicknamed the event, "The Attack on Pearl Harbor 2, pretty original right?


A month ago, Guam was finally contacted. After weeks, they finally got radio contact with Guam.

Guam was located around 1000 miles from Carnis, and it was a great strategic position to attack, The 82nd Airborne division was chosen to take back Port Clahad from Volcandian control to allow the main force to arrive.

"All right recruits, we are tasked with taking back Port Clahad from the Volandians. We are going to avenge Pearl Harbor by executing their emperor! We will liberate Carnis! We Are the 82nd Airborne Division! " Everyone applauded as their commander exuded a patriotic aura."Remember recruits, I know most of you have fought in WW3, I did too, and I know some of you have been deployed to Vietnam during Operation Vengeance when we took and defeated Nam, it'll not be that much different other then some fancy wancy fantasy shit, though remember soldiers, urban warfare doesn't change, So get on the C17 and let's go!" They cheered and went inside the C-17.

A lot of C-17s were in the runway, speeding and climbing up, with several more doing the same, made up of 4 C-17s, 2 C-17s carrying paratroopers, and 2 carrying 3 LAV-30s. modified to be airdropped.

The Air campaign, if succeeded, will allow the main army assisted by the navy to land in carnis and liberate all of carniua.

The first war that America has been in 3 years

The war against voland has started

Undisclosed Location

It was a snowy environment, unique buildings, and a flag, a flag that resembled a hammer and sickle, with a star on top.

We then see a guy, sitting in a chair, writing in his journal. He had a really nice mustache too. Someone then knocked on his door, "Come in," the unknown figure said.

A big figure comes in, with noticeable medals on his left chest, and says, "Premiere Stalin, I have news of the invasion of Reichland. We have mobilized 3 divisions ready to annex and set up a socialist state in Reichland, which called us inferior and barbaric. " The guy known as Stalin was amused and said, "Good General Zhukov, I knew you could do it. Also, how many T72s did we mobilize again? " "If we combine the 3 divisions, Premier Stalin, we have at least 1800 T72s, sir, and if you are going to ask how many men, we have 200 thousand men eager and ready to annex this reichland as it is a democratic state, disgusting" Zhukov said with hatred, "Good general Zhukov, after a week we will start our campaign. Spread the word to the troops to get ready. " Zhukov nodded and went out the door.

Ever since Gorbachev, a former premier of the Soviet Union, managed to resurrect Stalin, everyone was happy as he was back from the dead, but after the celebration, they were suddenly transported, Stalin knew this was an opportunity to start annexing everything on this planet as his satellites told him these nations were super inferior compared to the might of the Soviet Union.

Stalin smiled as he knew he wouldn't get any resistance as his rival, the capitalist pigs of America, weren't here. He expected a one-sided slaughter.


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