《Summoning Liberty》Prologue


Washington DC. white house, Oval office

Here lies the president, Jerry f. kennedy, doing paper work and diplomatic relations, when suddenly the Deparment of state Secratary John Yougo burst in panickly.

"Hmm? what's wrong John", Jerry asks his secretary, "Mr.President, we have high levels of radiation between the borders of Kansas and Nebraska, we don't know what it is but reconnaissance came back saying theirs something forming, something black."

Jerry was shocked and had conclusions, "is it the Chinese?" Jerry asked, "No sir, we didn't find anybody goes to that specific place sir" Jerry had no clue what it is and decided to do something, "Evacuate all civilians near that Unknown thing, get our scientist with the army immediately!"


The army and a group of scientists arrive at the spot where this unknown radiation emitter is, the scientist was using their stuff to see its activity, "Hmm, wait, hand me a picture 3 hours ago", military personnel gave the scientist a picture of the thing 3 hours ago, "W-What the!?" the scientist yelled as it caught the attention to all, "What jones?", "I-It is Growing!", All of them were

shocked and alerted everyone, Jerry made the right choice to evacuate, "Its properties, are most similar to a Blackhole!!"Jerry was alerted of the scientist founding, scientists predicted it soon be the size of a building in 24 hours, and they still don't know what will happen, people are reporting that some of their lightweight stuff was moving

10 hours later

The Blackhole or whatever it is was big now, all personnel was advised to evacuate, as ammunition was getting sucked in and high command predicted it will suck nearby soldiers and vehicles so everyone evacuated, but then......the black hole exploded, a black like mist covered the whole united states, it was like this for 3 weeks now, every citizen was advised to wear a gas mask and the homeless were kept in huge shelters when the black mist spread, some test were made to soldiers who volunteered to be experimented said "It felt like mustard gas! cough cough" and scientist have found out its properties were most similar to mustard gas


"Ugh, I missed the outside...." Jerry pouted when he was evacuated from the white house into his multi-purpose nuclear bunker able to last for 50-80 years, "Same.." Yougo pouted too, as everything was fine, the aid barged in, "MR. PRESIDENT!!", Jerry directly looked at his aid and asked, "What? did something happen?", his aid was panting and spoke, "Mr. President Pants Pant Pants, the black mist is now gone..", Jerry was excited, "Really? that's awesome!", Jerry was really happy that it was gone and now to resume everything, and a awkward silence appeared.



"Thats not the only news sir, we lost contact with all our allies and it seems like were in a diffrent planet..."


Whitehouse, oval office.

President jerry f. Kennedy was preparing a zoom meeting with NASA as they reported that they have satellite pictures of this new world

"Mr. President, are you ready?" an aid asked Jerry, "Yes I am." Jerry was now in the zoom meeting with many NASA scientist and the administrator.

"Mr. President! Its nice to see you again", the administrator greeted the president, "Yeah its nice to meet you again Tom" the Administrators name is tom, "Yes Jerry, weve sended you photos, aid?" Tom asked the americans aid, "YES SIR!" he rushes to a drawer and receives photos and gives it too Jerry, "Hmm whats this continent?" Jerry points at a landmass near America, Tom spoke and said "Oh, we call that landmass LV short for Land V, why??".

"Do you know anything in this continent?" Jerry asked, "Yes Mr president, we discovered that life exist and humans!", Jerry was surprised, "Really?! guess like were not the only sapient being in this universe" "Yes mr.president" Tom responded, "Also Mr.president, We found out these nations are around medevil era", Jerry was surprised again, "No guns?", "Yes sir, so we dont need to worry about them trying to invade us, I suggest we wary of the countrys in the north and east".



"The people on the east, around 2000 kilometers away, has Napoleonic era technology and intel" Jerry was not that fazed as they can easily push back Napoleonic era nation, what made him worry was the nations from the north, Tom said the nations of the north tech are about ww1 - ww2, No higher, still Jerry was worried as a ww2 nation still can push and cause a lot of casualties, later, in his bedroom, he prayed that these nations didn't have nukes as nuclear warfare would be devastating

"Alright Administrator, I have a mission for you", Tom nodded, "My mission is for you to complete Project Storm eagle the flying drone carrier" Tom was shocked that he was assigned to help build Project Storm eagle Aka a Drone carrier that flys, "Thank you, Mr.President, Nasa will partake in project Storm eagle as you wish, Now I must give you farewell, I have a lot of paperwork to partake in Project Storm eagle so would you delightedly excuse me?" "you are excused", Tom then logs off the Zoom meeting and goes do his paperwork

Description of project Storm eagle

Flying drone carrier

orders placed : 10

Expected range, can cross the globe for more then 10 years without aerial refueling

Expected length : 300 meters

Expected wingspan : 1 kilometer

Expected speed : Super sonic

Expected service ceiling : 120 thousand feet

Drones : MQ-40 Multirole-fighter drone, MQ-20 Air superiority fighter,

Missiles : 100 Aim-7 Sparrows, 200 MSI-10 Anti rocket missile, 5 GAM-100 Spacebolt ICBMs

Manufacturers : Lockheed, Nasa, Boeing, Northrop Grumman

Reference : Lockheed CL-1201 but bigger

Crew : 300 people

Additional : Flares, Radar jammers etc.

Anti-missile laser equipped in the B model+

Official name : LC-666 Azrael


Hallo everyone, this is my new story I was talking about in announcements, hope you enjoyed the prologue, this prologue was rushed so I apologize for anything that you didnt like in this chapter, Also no daily dose of memes because Nihonkoku shoukan memes are now limited :(

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