《# Gaea 2 - Light of the Shadow》Chapter 8 - Part 1


Chapter 8

“A brief moment of Balance is quickly broken.

The deserved Rewards are quickly taken away.

Lies lead to Shadow, Deceit and Disappointment.

Honesty and Truth are the only Keys to the Portal.”

- The Prophet of Truth

Sarah smiled lightly although a certain nostalgia filled her chest.

Anne was an extremely nice and welcoming middle-aged woman. One of those people that have the innate ability to make others feel immediately at ease, automatically erasing any possible causes for embarrassment. There was also something caring and motherly about her, about the way she looked at her or how she was constantly fretting and worrying about the young master she thought she served. Just like her own mother had been.

Still smiling, Sarah sat on a tall stool near the kitchen’s main counter.

The kitchen was wide and well lit. The dark-blue wall tiles matching the cupboard doors, and the white floor impeccably clean. Over the main counter hang a large collection of bright pans and the biggest rack of spices she’d ever seen in a private kitchen. Behind her was a door with a square window leading to a small backyard covered in green lawn. On the other wall another door, this one made of wood, led to the nice woman’s quarters. In any case, it was clear she’d enter Anne’s dominion. And although she’d insisted in helping her prepare lunch, her offer had been politely but terminally declined. The kitchen was her territory, she’d proudly declared, leaving a sigh on Sarah’s lips, who had wondered if that fixation with territories was a contagious thing.

“But I’m glad you decided to stay. It’s the first time the young master brings a friend over.” She peered over her shoulder with a mischievous expression that renewed Sarah’s smile. By then she’d already given up on trying to understand exactly what Anne saw when she looked at her, concluding that, in her eyes, she was probably just some College student, the same age she thought Alexis to be.

“Really?” she asked with a hint of curiosity, although Hale had insinuated exactly the same thing, though on a much more negative way.


“The young master is exactly like his father. Too serious. To tell you the truth, the only friends I ever saw him bring over were those two boys that were here last night. The blond one and the other, more rebellious one. I’m sure you know them.”

Sure I do. After all, we probably even attend the same classes …

“Aaran and Hale,” she guessed and Anne nodded while stirring her fuming pan.

“I know the young master doesn’t like Hale all that much, but he’s a good lad. A bit irreverent, but what’s to be expected from boys his age? Although no one would guess just by looking at him, he’s actually very courteous and respectful. He always brings me chocolates or cookies when he visits. Now Aaran is a completely different matter. It’s as if that boy carries the weight of the entire world on his shoulders. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile. But I’m sure he’s very popular with the girls,” Anne added with another mischievous wink and Sarah smiled lightly.

“I guess …” she agreed. In truth she was sure of it. Aaran was the most attractive, appealing man she’d ever seen … if only she’d be able to ignore the dark, cold, frightening emptiness inhabiting him. At least Alexis wasn’t empty like that, even though what filled him was a terrifying chaos. Aaran’s existence was almost null, as if he were no more than an illusion, or a body animated by something completely different from what inhabited all other living beings.

“Did you see the things your friends brought you from your home?” Anne asked and Sarah couldn’t help feel sorry for the poor woman, happily living inside a huge lie. Alexis had been the one who'd carried the bags where she’d found some of her clothes and personal belongings.

Well, she’s probably better off not knowing the truth. Nothing would change even if she did. And there’s nothing like living a normal, mundane Human life …!

“I did, thank you.”


“Just tell me if you need anything else. The young master made me promise I’d take care of all your needs.”

“Everything’s fine, thank you.”

“And what about your injuries?” the nice woman insisted, looking at her with a worried expression, and Sarah smiled to appease her.

“Almost good as new. I can hardly feel them anymore.” Which was the truth. In fact, if she hadn’t seen the deep bite marks on her skin with her own eyes she’d never believed it. Her wounds were healing at an abnormal speed. In fact, the only thing still hurting were the dark bruises from the way she’d been grabbed and beat up.

“Glad to hear that. You gave me quite the scare. At the time I didn’t go against the young master’s will, but I kept thinking that we should take you to a hospital. However, he was so adamant in being the one to take care for you …”

And how could he, or me for that matter, ever be able to explain the Human-like bite marks covering my entire body?

“They were just scratches. I’m almost completely healed.”

Anne turned off the stove and dried her hands on the checked apron she wore around her plump waist.

“The young master is going to be a great doctor, someday. Just like his father,” she declared proudly and Sarah just nodded. A father that didn’t exist, she thought, and a young master that was a grown man, and, well, not Human at all. “Well then, I’ll be going out for some fresh vegetables that I was told will be arriving soon. Do you have the list of the things you need?”

“It’s nothing much,” Sarah told her as she reached for the small piece of paper tucked inside her pants’ pocket. “Just a few things that they forgot to bring me,” she told her, keeping up with the story Alexis had made up. “I’m really sorry to have to impose.”

“Oh, it’s fine! Besides the young master was pretty clear when he told me you still weren’t strong enough to go outside. I’m already amazed just seeing you up and about. You can’t imagine the state you were in when he brought you. And no matter what he says, I'm sure it was quite serious, since I’ve never seen him looking so worried in my entire life. Just be sure to take your time and heal.”

Sarah smiled. Although Anne had sounded as if she were trying to convince her as if she had a choice, her posture clearly told her that there was no point arguing about it.

“Thank you.”

The woman nodded in approval and started to take off her apron.

“Just make yourself at home. There’s a jar with cookies in that cupboard and juice in the fridge, if you get hungry. But make sure you save some appetite for lunch. You need your proteins and vitamins,” she warned her and Sarah smiled again. It was kind of fun being treated like a teenager. “Are you sure you’ll be all right on your own?”

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry,” she guaranteed but still Anne didn’t seem at ease with the prospect of having to leave her alone in that big house.

“I won’t be long,” she added with a sigh, and placing her apron on the counter, left through the backdoor.

Sarah stood up to watch as the woman crossed the small backyard towards an iron gate leading outside, and took a deep breath as Anne closed it and disappeared behind the white wall built around the house.

And although that’s such an easily openable gate the bad guys can’t get in here because this is Alexis’ Territory. This is completely stupid and illogical … but I seriously hope it’s true!

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