《In the City of Wisteria》The Beast Tamer


The days travelling were quiet. We didn’t stop at night, just kept chugging along. At first the women in the cart found it hard to sleep around me, finding that their distrust of me went so deep, I opted to walk the journey with the guards. Phillins always tried to get me to go back inside, but given the accident that happened earlier, I wasn’t inclined to listen.

Truth be told, I was scared to sit in the carriage.

A guard, whose name I never got, was currently telling me a story. Something about his great strength and valor. I smiled at him and nodded when appropriate. I took in the important details, goblin attacks in the western continent, dragons in the eastern continent, the blessing of the Great Tree.

What’s the blessing of the Great Tree?

Lily grinned, “Why, it’s what you yourself have. You see, the blessing is protection against monsters and invaders. So, you’re unlikely to get very harmed in a monster attack nor get sick. Congrats!”

I didn’t feel like there was anything to be congratulated for. I was chosen. This was my path.

Lily must have seen the thoughts on my face because she came to sit on my shoulder, “Why don’t you tell this guy to bugger off and we can go chat in the back.”

I nodded to her, and bid my goodbyes to the guard. He seemed genuinely displeased at my absence. He must be one of the ones who thought my glowing was a sign of god. I stood for a short bit, letting the caravan pass me by until I was in the back. There was nobody here, spare a guard that had to hang back a bit. It was the perfect place to be alone with my thoughts. Or with Lily.


What did you want to talk about?

[“That girl that you got so chummy with in that long carriage, she’s the one I warned you about. I’d advise you to stay away from her.”

Do you know why I should stay away? I had to ask, she seemed okay.

“I don’t know what but something about her, and her being in my vision. It’s all hazy but there’s something off about her. Like I said, I won’t just tell you not to get along with her, ultimately it’s your decision.”

Maybe this is where I should keep my enemies close.

“Let’s just hope she doesn’t become our enemy.”

Something about her voice made me shiver. Like there was something lurking under her words. A warning I just wasn’t getting.

The cart in front of me rattled. I peered closer, walking on my tip toes to look over the boxes. Laying there was Devin. This was suspicious. Why would she just show up while we were talking about her. Though, there’s no way for her to know that I was talking to anyone.

She glanced up at me and smile widened itself on her face, “Hey there Cam.”

I narrowed my eyes at her affectionate name calling. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mind it when people called me by my nickname but people I didn’t know and was suspicious of shouldn’t be calling me anything. I tried not to let anything show on my face as I gave her a small grin.

“What are you walking back here for?”

I shrugged, mostly because it was as hard as crap to write while walking. I hope that was enough to get my point across.

“I didn’t even notice you back there. I haven’t been here long. Want to come up here?” She patted the boxes next to her. I doubted they made a comfortable place to lay on but I offered my hand and she took it, hoisting me up on to them.


“Remember what I said.”

Yeah yeah. I couldn’t help but feel somewhat at ease around Devin. Something about her soothed my soul and made me want to be around her. I wouldn’t disregard Lily’s warning though, I was smarter than that.

Devin grinned up at the sky, “I have a proposition for you.”

I closed my eyes, feeling the warm breeze.

Suddenly there was a weight on me. I opened my eyes to see Devin’s face very close. In a quick movement she slammed her lips onto mine, my face blew up in pain. I pushed her off me, wiping away anything she might have passed to me. What does she think she’s doing?

Lily watched from the sidelines. “Wow, this chick must be psycho.”

Devin got more aggressive in her pursuit of me, lunging, trying to pin me down, coming at me with her lips puckered. Does she realize I’m a chick?

“I think she doesn’t care.”

I managed to keep Devin at leg’s length while I pulled out my notebook, flipped to a clean page, and started to write. First, I asked what in the name of god she thought she was doing. Second, I asked if she would kindly never do that again. I wasn’t into people like that, let alone chicks.

She read the note quickly, then crushed it up and ate it. I looked on with a mix of horror and shock.

Does she know how much I spent on that papyrus? If she did, she wouldn’t have eaten it.

Devin looked at me with wide eyes, “I don’t know nor care if you’re a saint or what, but I think we could be the perfect couple.”

Lily rolled her yes, “Everyone thinks that. A saint’s job is to inspire feelings in people.”

I took out another sheet, I handed it to Devin and she read it aloud.

“What makes you think such a stupid thing? Rude.” She looked up at me, “I’m a beast tamer, I told you that. I know that the pixie that’s been bothering you.”

My eyes went wide. Lily only laughed, “Worry not Camellia, there’s no way that she can see me. I’m not a pixie. I told you, I’m an angel. This girl is just stupid.”

Devin whirled on Lily, “You shut up!” Lily fell to the ground, sitting there dumbly, as if she couldn’t keep herself up.

Lily blinked wildly. “There’s no way you can see me, I’m an angel. Not some beast.”

Giving the angel a dirty finger, Devin came back over to me. Her hands gripped my arms, like a forceful hug. “Don’t worry though. I can get rid of her. You’ll never be bothered by her again. Isn’t that what you want?”

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