《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 84


We all headed over to the food line, Rian walking between Tristan and I. Several pack members cast curious glances our way at the sight of Rian with us. Miss Maggie was working the buffet this evening and Rian waved to her, and she waved back.

Miss Maggie was an older lady, looking to be in her mid fifties by Human standards, so perhaps in her late 100s for a werewolf. Her long brown hair had wisps of gray throughout it and was pinned back in a bun while she worked. She was taller, perhaps 5’9” or so, with a slightly curvy frame and well worn wrinkles on her hands, and laugh lines on her face.

We made our way through the line, Rian telling us what he wanted on his plate, as he was still a bit short to reach the buffet counters. When everyone had their food we headed to a table. Rian’s eyes were constantly darting around, taking in his surroundings as he kept close to me.

Cedric leaned over to Mat as we sat down, motioning towards Rian. “Remind you of anyone?”

Mat chuckled, “Sure does. Reminds me a lot of Grant.”

“Who is Grant?” Kami asked, starting in on her food.

“He’s the pup of the Dark Forest Beta. Rian here reminds me quite a bit of him.” Cedric chuckled.

Tristan and I had settled Rian between us and he started to eat. Tristan did as well, he was on a mission tonight. I turned my attention to the conversation the others were having. “Then the Beta there must have their hands full.”

“Oh he does, but it’s usually his mate, Cindy, that ends up chasing Grant around. He’s a strong willed child who is desperate to start his training even though he’s only about 3.”

I chuckled, “Sounds like a Beta child.”

“He is very much his father’s son.” Cedric smirked.

“Did you guys get everything unloaded alright? I’m sorry I couldn’t help. I had my hands full.”

“Yes we did, and don’t worry about it, Aly. It’s fine. Really.” Mat smiled and reached over patting my hand.

“There really wasn’t too terribly much, mostly just boxes. We made short work of it.” Cedric grinned.

“Glad you got it done easily and quickly. Your rooms and furniture acceptable? I’m afraid I don’t know your tastes very well Cedric, so I kinda just went with Mattie’s.”

“It’s wonderful Alyce, thank you. You didn’t have to do all that though. It’s definitely appreciated nonetheless.” Cedric said.


“You can thank Kami for the smaller essentials. I just picked the furniture.”

“I think I got everything. If not you can either order online, or head into town when you get the chance.” Kami spoke between bites of her food. Sometimes she was worse than the guys.

“Everything ok Tristan? You’re being awfully quiet over there this evening.” Brandon asked.

“Yes, I just have something I need to see to that is a bit time sensitive is all.”

“Alright man, anything we can help with?”

“Not this time, but thank you.”

Brandon nodded as Tristan finished his food and stood. I looked over at him, “Leave your dishes. I’ll take care of them.”

He smiled and kissed my forehead. “Thanks Half-Pint.” He ruffled Rian’s hair, “I’ll see you before you head home for the night.”

Rian smiled up at him, mouth full of food, leaving him looking a bit like a chipmunk with full cheeks. He nodded and Tristan headed off to talk to Miss Maggie.

Rian turned back to his food, which was almost gone, and I giggled. “It’s not going anywhere Rian, you’re going to choke if you keep stuffing your mouth like that.”

Rian swallowed what was in his mouth and pouted at my words a bit, “But it’s yummies.”

“I know, but smaller bites please.”

“Okies, Awy.”

I smiled at him while he worked on smaller bites and then turned my attention to the others. Mat was once again studying Rian and I. I knew his curiosity was killing him, but it was not a discussion to be had in front of Rian. I looked at Kami and Brandon’s empty plates and then grinned to myself as an idea formed.

“Maybe when you finish your food Rian, Kami and Brandon will take you through the dessert line.” I suggested nonchalantly, then opened a link to the two of them.

*Mattie is going to kill me if I keep him in suspense about what is going on with Rian much longer. Could you two please maybe get him some ice cream and suggest eating it outside? I promise I will fill you both in after he heads home for the night, but I don’t think Mattie’s curiosity will wait much longer.*

*Of course!* Kami responded.

*We’d be happy to help.* Brandon confirmed.

*Thank you both, I appreciate it.*

Brandon gathered up his and Kami’s dishes as well as Tristan’s. He took his time doing so, so that Rian was done by the time he had gathered Tristan’s. He gathered Rian’s as well while Kami stood and came around to offer Rian her hand. “Shall we go and see about dessert?”


“Yay! Yes pwease!” Rian took her hand and she helped stabilize him as he got down from the table.

Kami and Rian meandered towards the dessert area while Brandon took care of the dishes and then caught up to them, none of them in too much of a hurry. Once they were out of ear shot Mat pounced on me, “Alright Alyce, spill.”

I kept my voice low, not wanting others around us to over hear. “So I spent some time at the daycare center this morning, and Rian took an instant shine to me. Even glared at Tristan at one point. It was cute and funny at the same time. Anyway, it turns out he is an orphan. His parents disappeared when he was just a few months old. Their pack link snapped a couple months after they disappeared.”

I took a breath and continued, Mat and Cedric listening intently now. “His mother was part Fae, and Rian’s Fae blood recognized my Fae blood and an instant bond formed. It’s a Fae thing, I can explain that more later once I have a better understanding of it. He lives with Maggie, the older Omega lady working the buffet tonight. When I tried to leave the daycare center to get ready to meet you two when you got back he broke down in tears, not wanting to leave me. With me so far? I know I’m talking a mile a minute.”

They both nodded and so I kept talking. “So we got permission from Miss Maggie to have him hang out with us today rather than leave the daycare Omega’s with a tantruming toddler. You know the rest of the story up until we parted ways for you guys to unload. While we were in our room Tristan mentioned that Rian would be heading home after dinner. He broke down in tears again, clinging to me, and saying he wants to live with Tristan and I.”

Once again I stopped to breathe, taking a sip of my water as well. “So, I told him if he goes home tonight I’ll come get him from daycare to hang out tomorrow if Miss Maggie is ok with it. Then Tristan pulled me aside, talking about wanting to adopt him. He’s the only pack member, other than myself, with Fae blood and that bond will only increase as time goes by. That’s what he’s doing right now, talking to Miss Maggie about it.”

“It would be a slow process, there’s a lot to do before he could stay with us permanently and we still have Lucian and Silvermoon to handle, but I’m actually as drawn to Rian as he is to me. So if Miss Maggie is agreeable, we will start putting all our ducks in a row to take him in permanently. I still plan on talking to Jake and Faith, and I had of course been planning to talk to you and get your opinion. I mean, he’d then be your family too.”

I looked at the pair, waiting for them to process everything and say something. I didn’t have to wait too long before Mat spoke up, “Uncle Mattie does have a nice ring to it. I’m always happy to support you in whatever you want to do in life, Aly, you know that.”

I flashed a brilliant smile at him and looked at Cedric, “And how do you feel about it? You’re family now too.”

“I think it is an amazing and admirable thing for you to do. As long as you are sure about it and are prepared for everything it brings. Like Mat, I will always support you, but I also want to make sure you’ve thought this through. It’s not something you can take back.”

“I have. I’ve been thinking about it since Tristan suggested. While I don’t think anyone is ever really prepared for kids, I also know what it’s like to feel like you don’t belong. The feeling of finding a place and people that feel like home is like nothing I could describe. Rian seems to feel that with us, and to be able to provide that for him would be both an honor and amazing.”

“Then I say go for it! We’ll be here to help whenever you need it. That’s what uncles are for right? Spoil them and send them home?”

I laughed and moved around to hug them both tightly. “You guys are amazing. I couldn’t ask for better brothers. Thank you.”

Tristan was just returning from his talk with Miss Maggie, looking around briefly before looking at me with a quizzical expression.

“He’s with Kami and Brandon, they took him for some dessert so I could fill Mattie in before curiosity killed him.” I giggled and he smiled, laughing a bit himself. Now to hear what Miss Maggie had to say.

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