《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 79


I headed around the edge of the fields, keeping to the tree line and staying silent. I stopped closer to the play area, watching her interact with the children. It was a heartwarming sight and I could understand how she was so distracted she missed the mind link.

Currently she was sitting in the grass of the fence with four children crawling all over her and she was randomly pulling them into her lap to tickle them before they would escape and run behind her to climb on her again while she grabbed the next one. It was so simple and so pure it made my heart melt.

It also made me wonder about pups of our own. Did she want pups? Did she want them sooner or later if she did? Did I want pups? Yes, yes I did. Watching her with the daycare pups made me more sure than I had ever been that I did. I wanted pups with her.

One of the pups caught sight of me, eyes going wide and I put a finger to my lips before he could give me away. He nodded and went to take his turn climbing all over Alyce. I stepped away from the tree line, making sure to signal anyone who saw me to keep quiet.

Approaching the fence I leapt over it in one smooth motion, landing on my feet in a crouch. I crept towards Alyce as the kids continued to distract her. Even the breeze was working in my favor, blowing her scent to me, but not bringing mine to her. Or so I thought anyway.

Her muscles tensed almost imperceptibly and she sent the kids off to get the snacks the staff had brought out for them. She stood, laughing as she watched the kids scramble to get their snacks. I came up behind her, snaking my arms around her, only to find myself pulled over her shoulder and flat on back on the ground as she used the momentum to throw me to the ground.

The pups all gasped, eyes going wide at us. There was a chorus of ‘oooooooos’ as they realized that their Luna had just ‘attacked’ their Alpha. They were too young to fully grasp the concept of what had just occurred, they just knew that you didn’t mess with an Alpha, or a ranked member outside of the training grounds.


I blinked up at her, “Is that anyway to greet your Alpha, Half-Pint?”

She crouched down and grinned at me. “Is sneaking up on your Luna anyway to greet her, hmm? I heard you jump the fence. Your stealth needs improvement.”


I got to my feet as she stood back up and I wrapped her in my arms, kissing her head. “You scared me when you didn’t show up after a half hour or so. I was ready to send out a search party until I saw you out here from my office balcony.”

“I’m sorry my love, I should have let you know I was taking a detour. How could I resist those cute little faces?” She motioned to the pups who were watching us intently while eating their meat, cheese and crackers.

“I know I certainly couldn’t. They certainly have a way of sucking you in with their cute innocent faces, don’t they?”

“Mmhmm.” She slipped out of my arms and headed over to the kids. “Do you guys have enough snacks for me too?” She plopped down on the grass with them as one of the staff offered her a plate of snacks and one of the boys crawled into her lap.

The boy looked to be about 4 with curly, strawberry blonde hair and dark green eyes. He snuggled into her. I thought I knew all the pups in the pack, but I was having a hard time placing which family he belonged to. I recognized the kid, his name was Rian (Ree-an), but try as I might I couldn’t remember who his parents were.

I opened a mind link to my mother, she would know. *Mother, who are Rian’s parents? I can’t for the life of me place where he belongs. Why?*

It took a moment but eventually she answered back. *That’s because he’s the pup whose parents disappeared when he was just a few months old. You were only 17 at the time. I’m not surprised you don’t remember. We never did find them. We felt the pack link snap a couple months after they disappeared. We assumed their death was the cause of the pack link snapping, but no one knows for sure. Why?*

*He seems to have taken a shine to Alyce and not being able to place him was bugging me, but I vaguely remember that whole incident. Thank you. Who does he live with though?*


*I’d be surprised if he didn’t. His mother was half fae. It’s likely their fae blood sings to one another. Plus, who doesn’t love Alyce. He stays with one of the older Omega women, Maggie. She works in the kitchen and helps with the laundry as well.*

*Interesting. Thanks again Mother.*

I closed the link and walked over to join Alyce and the kids, sitting down next to her. She was snuggling Rian with one arm and munching on her food with the other. When I joined them, Rian snuggled closer into her and glared at me.

His reaction kind of took me by surprise and I tilted my head at him, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to make you move. I like to snuggle her too.”

I grinned at him while he seemed to mull over what I had said and then gave a curt nod, like this was an acceptable response to his glaring at his Alpha.

Alyce giggled at us and popped the last of her food into her mouth before scooping Rian into her arms and cuddling him tightly while tickling his sides. He giggled in response and wiggled in her arms.

I reached over and pulled them both into my lap, cuddling Alyce while she cuddled him. “You’re amazing with the pups, Aly.” I whispered in her ear.

I watched the tips of her ears turn red and knew the blush had spread across her cheeks and nose. She was adorable.

“Oh, erm, thanks. I used to entertain some of the pups back in Red Moon when I could. I would let them help me in the kitchen.” She smiled at me over her shoulder and I took the opening, kissing the tip of her still pink nose.

“They all seem to love you, but Rian here seems to have taken quite a shine to you. Even glared at me when I sat down.”

Alyce blinked and looked at Rian, “That’s not very nice Rian. Alpha Tristan is my mate and your Alpha. You should treat him with kindness and respect, just as you should everyone else unless you have a valid reason not to. You want people to be friendly and kind to you, right?”

He took a moment to think over what she had said and then nodded, “Yes.”

“Then you have to do the same for them. You get back what you put out into the world.” She kissed his forehead and looked down at him, “What should you say to Alpha Tristan?”

Again he thought about this and then peeked at me from her arms. “I’m sorry Alpha Twistan.”

“I forgive you buddy. Wanna know a secret?” I whispered the question to him like it was some big secret I was going to share with him.

His eyes went wide and he nodded. “I’m good at keeping secwets.”

“Ok, well… My secret is…” I looked side to side, as if to make sure no one was listening to us before continuing, “I’ve glared at people over her too. I even yelled at one!”

Rian giggled and then covered his mouth like he shouldn’t have, “Did you apowogize too?”

“No, he was being mean to her, so I refused to apologize, because I had a good reason for my actions.”

“Who was mean to Awy? I’ll beat them up!” He whisper-yelled, causing Alyce to stifle a giggle and smile softly at him.

“He’s long gone, from another pack. I took care of it though, promise.”

“Good.” Rian had a serious and stern look on his face.

I had to swallow some laughter at his reactions now. Such a serious child. I reached over and ruffled his hair. “I’m glad to know you were looking out for Aly while I wasn’t here. You’re a tough guy too I bet. I wouldn’t want to meet you in a training session. I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Rian giggled, “I am tough! I’m not training yet though. I’m not owd enough yet.”

“How old are you?”

“I’m four.”

“When is your birthday?”

“Ummm, it’s in Apwil, but I don’t remember the day.”

“Really? Aly’s birthday is in April too!”

“Weally?!” He looked super excited to have the same birthday month as Alyce.

“Really, really.”

He giggled and so did Alyce and I smiled at the sight. Yup, I would definitely be having a discussion about pups with her in the near future. It was a beautiful sight.

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