《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 76



I awoke the next morning to the light coming through our curtains. I was sprawled across Tristan’s chest, which had quickly become the norm for us. I realized I had slept through my alarm and missed training, but I wasn’t particularly upset by it this morning. Mat and Cedric would be home this afternoon and I couldn’t wait.

I slid off of Tristan and rolled off the bed, just in time too. As my feet hit the floor he was shifting, arms reaching for me. With a giggle I stepped out of his reach. I wanted time to make sure that everything was ready and that nothing had been missed or left undone.

Tristan whined a bit, “Come back to bed Half-Pint. We have hours before they’ll be here. It wouldn’t be so bad to sleep in a little.”

I laughed softly. “Sorry my dear Alpha, we already missed training, that is sleeping in for me.”

I grabbed his wrists, pinning them in place as I leaned over and kissed him. “Besides, I want to go over both places once more, to make sure I didn’t miss anything.”

I let go of his wrists and darted away as he made a sudden grab for me. He was only slightly predictable when it came to trying to stay in bed. I was giggling, and that became full on laughter as he missed me and ended up in a heap of bedding on the floor with a loud thud and an “Oof!”

“You think that’s funny do you Half-Pint?” His muffled voice came from the middle of the pile and I wasn’t going to just stand there like a deer in the headlights while he untangled himself.

“It’s hilarious, actually.” With that statement I ran off to the bathroom and locked myself in. Sure I would have to face him eventually, but at least I could do so freshly showered and ready for the day!

I turned the shower on and turned the temperature of the water up to scalding. Tristan’s footsteps caught my attention. He must have gotten free of the pile. My eyes darted to the door handle as he tried it, jiggling it when he found it locked.

“Let me in, Half-Pint.”

“No sir. I’m going to take a shower!”

“I will catch you eventually.”


“I know, but at least I’ll smell pretty when you do!”

I heard him chuckle, “You always smell pretty. Intoxicating even.”

“Your opinion is biased my dear Alpha.”

“Not at all. I’m sure I can’t be the only one who thinks you smell nice.”

“You’re the only one who thinks I smell nice all the time.”

“I doubt that.”

“After training? When I’m sweaty and gross? Definitely only you my dear.”

I stepped into the shower as he laughed on the other side of the door, “You might have me there.”

“Oh I know I have you there. Now, if you want to be helpful while you wait for your turn in the shower, you could go make some coffee. I’ll cook us some breakfast when I’m done.”

“Bribery with food will get you everywhere my dear Luna.”

I laughed and heard him head off towards the kitchen. I enjoyed the hot water for a few minutes before washing my hair and scrubbing up. Stepping out I wrapped my hair in a towel and used a second one to dry off before wrapping it around my body. Quietly I cracked the bathroom door, listening just long enough to hear Tristan moving about the kitchen still. Fridge opening and closing, same with the cabinets.

Sounded like he was getting mugs and coffee fixings together. With a smile I slipped out of the bathroom and beelined for the closet. I dropped my body towel in the hamper and pulled out a bra and panties, slipping those on before grabbing a pair of boot cut jeans and dark, forest green, off the shoulders top that was tight in the chest and flowed loosely the rest of the way down to my hips. The sleeves were cuffed style, going from just below my shoulder to just above my bicep.

I stepped out of the closet, fully dressed, only to be snatched up by Tristan. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck as he scooped me up bridal style. “Well hello there.” I pecked his lip and gave him my sweetest, most innocent smile.

“Don’t bat those gorgeous eyes at me Half-Pint. It won’t save you.”

“No? How about the fact that you still need a shower and I still need to tame this tangled mess of hair on my head?”


“Mmmm… Maybe… I do know how your hair gets if you don’t deal with it while it’s still damp. I also know how much you hate it when that happens.”

“It’s true, I do hate when it happens.” I peered up at him from beneath my eyelashes, looking at him cutely, letting him think he was coming to this decision on his own.

“Fine, but only because I want you to be as happy as possible, at all times. I will get you back though.”

“Of course you will, my dear Alpha.” I kissed him again as he set me gently on my feet, smiling as we parted. “Now, go shower. I’ll do my hair real quick and make some breakfast. Do you want anything in particular?”

I pulled my towel from my hair, tossing it into a second hamper in the bathroom as I walked in, Tristan right behind me. He started the shower while I went to the vanity, grabbing a bottle of frizz taming serum that Kami had insisted I try, and my brush.

“Mmm, how about omelets? Quick, easy and tasty?” He started the shower, adjusting the temperature before stripping his boxers off and stepping in.

I ran some of the serum through my hair, using my fingers to work it in before brushing it through and washing the serum residue from my brush and hands. I pulled my hair up into a french braid and tied it off with a looper.

“Sure, no problem.” I poked my head in the shower, whistling at him before stealing a brief kiss and heading out to the kitchen while he continued his shower and morning routine.

I opened a mind link to Mat as I started working about the kitchen. *Good morning sleepy head! I know you’ve forgotten all about us back here at home, but I just wanted to touch base and make sure you got started this morning and are going to be back around 1500 as originally planned?*

I started cracking eggs into a large bowl, a dozen in total. Tristan’s omelets were usually 8 eggs and mine were usually about 4 so it worked out nicely. When Mat still hadn’t responded by the time I was done cracking eggs and tossing the shells I nudged the link to try and get his attention.

A couple minutes later he finally responded. *Hey Aly, sorry. I was driving when you linked*

*You’re not now right?*

*No ma’am, that’s what took a minute. Had to find a spot to pull over and swap seats with Cedric.*

*Good. So you two will be here about 1500 then?*

*Well, no.*



*Don’t mess with me, Mattie. What do you mean no?*

I heard him laughing over the link. *We’re making better time than we thought we would with this load, so we will actually be back closer to 1230-1300.*

*You asshole. You’re lucky you’ve been gone so long and that I’ve missed you or I’d kick your ass on sight and hug you after.*

*I have no doubt that you would do exactly that.*

*How is Cedric doing? Holding up ok, what with leaving his home and all?*

*He’s good. Excited even. Dark Forest isn’t far and we can visit and his friends can visit us at Moonlight. I think that is making the transition easier.*

*That’s true. I imagine that helps, but then neither of us really has a reference point for a normal pack change. Ours have been anything but normal.*

*Girl, preach!*

Now I was laughing through the link. *Alright, let me know when you’re about an hour out. Drive safe. I can’t wait to see you two! For now though, I have an Alpha to feed.*

*See you in a few hours Aly. I’ll reach out when we’re close.* He closed the link and I set my full focus on making breakfast.

I whipped some half & half into the beaten eggs and seasoned them with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder, listening to the voices of my ancestors to tell me when enough seasoning was in.

I proceeded to prepare and add shredded cheese, diced ham, sliced mushrooms, and some sun dried tomatoes while the pan heated. Once everything was well mixed together I poured the mixture into the pan, letting it cook slowly. I flipped it about half way through the cooking process, and was plating the final product just as Tristan was coming into the kitchen.

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