《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 73


Mat let out a deafening roar and nearly broke loose from Arya and I. Thankfully I heard commotion coming from the other direction as a path was cleared for Killian and Morgan as they came running, Darius leading them to where we were. When they were close enough to see the situation I felt Killian’s Alpha aura wash over the group, “Enough! Tell me what is going on here!”

I fought the aura, at least until I knew for sure that Mat was going to submit to it as well. Then we both hit our knees together, Arya as well. The rest of the wolves in the immediate vicinity submitted as well.

Killian pulled his aura back slowly, making sure Mat was in control again before pulling it back completely. Arya and the others all stood, I stayed where I was with Mat, keeping his focus on me for the moment.

Darius went and swapped spots with Felix, keeping a grip on Grace, while Felix turned to Alpha Killian to give a full report on the event that just unfolded. “Grace insulted Luna Alyce, directly implying that Alpha Tristan would toss her aside like trash due to her ‘disfigurement’ as she put it. She also implied that Mat might not be Cedric’s mate and that he may want a turn with her the way her last pack had.”

Killian and Morgan rounded on Grace with a united front, “By all rights we should let Mat pummel you. You not only insulted his sister, but his Luna as well.” Killian growled at her.

“Luna Alyce is not disfigured and you would know more about being a pack toy than she would, I assure you. Alpha Tristan adores her and you have forgotten your place.” Morgan hissed at her.

“Darius, take her to her room, she will remain there, under guard, until we can deal with her later. Arrange guards for her door and windows.” Killian ordered.

“Right away Alpha.” Darius drug Grace off. She wore an indignant look on her face the entire time but kept her mouth shut, knowing better than to argue with the Alpha and Luna at least.

Once Grace was out of the area, it only took a few minutes to finish calming Mat down. We stood once he was ready and he turned to Killian and Morgan, giving a bow. “My apologies for my lack of manners and control while in your territory, Alpha Killian, Luna Morgan.”


“Nonsense Mat, if anyone owes an apology it is us to you for the blatant disrespect from one of our pack members.” Morgan retorted.

“Unfortunately there is usually one in every pack and there is often little to be done about them until they’ve crossed multiple lines.”

I wrapped an arm around Mat and tugged him into my side gently. At this point I wasn’t sure if it was for his comfort or mine. “Do you still want to get some food? I can get us both a plate if you wanna find a quiet spot to sit rather than get back in line?”

“Nonsense. What’s the point of being Alpha if you can’t cheat every now and then.” Killian grinned and called over one of the Omega’s, instructing him to get food for Morgan, Mat, Felix, Arya, Darius, himself and I from behind the tables and grills and bring it over.

Mat laughed as the Omega nodded, grabbed a couple others to help him and headed off, “That truly wasn’t necessary, but thank you.”

“Perhaps, but I think all of you could use some food after that exhausting commotion.”

“I’ll go grab drinks for everyone then.” Arya gave a mock salute and spun on her heel, heading in the direction of the coolers.

Mat pointed out an empty table tucked into the shade of some trees, “That looks big enough to hold us all. Unless you guys want to find a closer spot to sit?”

“I think that table looks perfect.” I kissed the top of his head as our group headed for it, the Alpha and Luna leading the way.

Felix waved at someone, drawing my attention to the direction he was waving. It was Darius who had returned from securing Grace under house arrest, essentially. Darius came and joined us, “Did we decide we’re not hungry?”

Mat laughed, “Right, cause adult wolves are ever not hungry.”

“Point taken. What’s going on then?”

“Alpha Killian sent some Omegas to get food for everyone, skipping the lines. Arya went to get drinks.” Felix filled him in.

“Although I’m pretty sure that just means she’s going to pick a cooler and take it.” I added.

“What…? Arya? She would never!” Darius said in feigned shock.

The rest of us responded with laughter, “Right. Like the time she would never have absconded with an entire tray of desserts.” Felix said.


“Or when she swore she didn’t order like 10,000 orbz from the internet?” I questioned

“That later showed up in the pool that we’d set up for the kids at the summer barbeque.” Morgan said, giggling.

“The kids loved it at least.”

“Oh my Goddess, remind me to make sure Alyce and Arya are never left unattended together. Better add Kami to that list while we’re at it. None of us would survive their hijinks.” Mat was laughing so much he was holding his ribs.

“Oh.. Oh no. I hadn’t even thought of that. You’re right.” I paled at the thought and then laughed. “It would be Death by Pranks.”

“Or Death by Laughter. Depending on where you were in relation to the situation.”

Darius pointed, drawing our attention towards the main area of the event. “Cedric called it!”

We saw Arya coming our way with one of the larger coolers in her hands. We all busted up, even Morgan and Killian, “Well no one can say she isn’t resourceful.” Killian snickered.

Arya gave us all a funny look as she drew near us, setting the cooler near the end of the table, “What so funny?”

“Oh nothing, just recalling some of your antics after Cedric suggested your idea of getting drinks would be taking an entire cooler.” Darius grinned.

“Well, I mean… It’s just easier that way when there are so many of us.” She flashed a sassy, shit-eating grin, “You guys are going to give Mat a horrible impression of me.”

“He’s already decided that you, Alyce and Kami should never be left together, much less unsupervised.” I chuckled.

“Ooooh, is that so? I guess I’ll have to come visit Moonlight. Give my congratulations to the new Alpha and Luna. Only proper after all.” A thoughtful expression crossed Arya’s face as she grinned. The wheels clearly turning in her brain.

“Oh Goddess… You best give them time to prepare for your shenanigans before you just waltz in there and create mayhem.” Felix shook his head at her.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Felix.” Arya put on an innocent expression.

Morgan started laughing, “Oh Arya, even I’m not buying that innocent ploy.”

Killian chuckled beside her and Arya dropped the look laughing with them.

“Maybe I should give Aly some warning when we get back… Although knowing her, that might backfire and speed along the timeline.” Mat muttered with a grin.

“Yeah, yeah, I could see that being a 50/50 shot with Alyce.” I nodded.

Darius shifted gears on the conversation as the Omega’s that Killian had sent off arrived with trays of food for everyone, “So, how is it you get away with calling her Alyce instead of Luna Alyce, especially when you’re not part of Moonlight yet?”

From any other wolf a question like that would either insinuate something or be meant to stir the pot, but Darius was genuinely curious. About - everything -. It drove us all mad sometimes. I waited while the Omegas set the food out, all of us giving them a thank you before they left.

“Well, first she insists on everyone calling her Alyce unless it’s a situation where her title is absolutely necessary. She treats everyone like a friend or family, no matter pack status, unless someone gives her a reason not to.” I answered.

“And trust me, on her bad side is not where anyone wants to end up, especially over something that she won’t forgive or forget for. I’ve ended up with my share of black eyes and bruises. Thankfully she couldn’t get rid of me if she tried.”

“Oh… I wanna know more details about this…” Arya plopped down, drink in hand.

“For real… Your Luna gave you a black eye?” Darius leaned forward, interested now.

“More than once?” Killian asked, in this setting it was easy to forget he was actually an Alpha and not just one of the group.

“I’m sure you earned it. I can’t imagine Luna Alyce doing so otherwise.” Morgan said thoughtfully.

“Spill. The. Beans.” Felix said.

“Guess we’ll have to tell them about mine and Alyce’s first meeting, and maybe the second one too.

They’ll get a kick out of it.”

“Alright ladies and gents, settle in and I will tell you all the tales you want to hear. At least until I run out of them.” Mat laughed as we all got comfortable, eating, drinking and listening in anticipation to Mat’s adventures with Alyce.

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