《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 72


Killian and Morgan took the stage, one of the pack members handing him a wireless microphone, “Can I have everyone’s attention please!” Killian waited a moment while the chatter died down and attention focused on him, “Thank you. Good afternoon everyone! We are at this impromptu gathering to both celebrate and say goodbye.”

There was some murmuring among the wolves. By now everyone knew that I had found my mate, even if they hadn’t met him or even seen him yet, but my plans to relocate to Moonlight had been so quickly thrown together that not everyone may know I was leaving rather than Mat joining Dark Forest. Killian motioned for Mat and I to join him. Grabbing his hand we moved through the crowd until we reached the stage, stepping up to stand by Killian and Morgan.

Killian continued, “As you all know, Cedric has found his mate. His name is Mat, and he is the Beta for Moonlight under Alpha Tristan and Luna Alyce. He is also Luna Alyce’s brother, This all means that Cedric will be stepping down as Head Warrior here in Dark Forest and joining Mat in Moonlight.”

There were resounding cheers followed soon by a few scattered sad groans. It made me smile a little, knowing I would truly be missed by my pack. Mat squeezed my hand gently, just letting me know he was there for me. Changing packs had not been nearly as bittersweet for him as it was for me. It was sweet that he recognized and silently acknowledged it.

Morgan spoke next, “You have been an amazing asset to Dark Forest, and we will miss you dearly. You and Mat will always be welcomed here, always have a home here.”

“Thank you, Alpha Killian, Luna Morgan. I was born and raised here and though I start a new journey tomorrow morning and it is one I look forward to, Dark Forest will always be home and all of you are my family.”

Another round of cheers rang out among the crowd. Killian gave it a moment before raising his hand to quiet everyone down again, “With Cedric leaving we find ourselves in need of a new Head Warrior, and at Cedric’s suggestion I will be appointing Gamma Arya to the role in the interim, potentially permanently.”

The warriors of the pack let out a loud ‘whoop’ in support of this announcement, myself included. I looked at Killian, “I think you’ll find she really is suited for the position.”


“I have no doubt if you’re recommending her. Now that all the official things are out of the way, let’s eat and enjoy the day!” Killian hollered, causing the gathered wolves to disperse to various areas of the yard.

Those manning the grills were just finishing setting out the first rounds of meat, others having set out various drinks and sides and snack type foods. The smell was starting to draw plenty of the pack to the area the food was set up at.

Mat and I made our way off the stage only to be met by Arya, “Thank you, Cedric, for the recommendation. I promise to make you proud. Also, congratulations, to both of you.”

“I have no doubt, Arya. I would not have suggested it if I didn’t think you could handle it and thrive.”

Mat smiled, “Thank you. Seeing Cedric here in his element is almost enough to make me feel guilty for stealing him away. Almost…”

I laughed a bit. Arya was snickering as she spoke, “No one ever truly feels guilty about stealing their mate from their pack. We will be sad to see him go, but we’re all happy he finally found you. And to think it only took Alpha Killian brow beating him into leaving the territory for once.”

“I wasn’t - that - bad. I left the territory occasionally.” I scratched the back of my head, giving the others a sheepish look.

“Bodyguard duty does not count as leaving the territory Cedric!” Felix cackled as he and Darius joined the group.

“Neither do supply runs, training seminars, or anything that was done in an official capacity.” Darius added.

Mat was laughing along with Arya and Felix now, “You guys are awful. Make me sound like some crotchety hermit or something.”

“No one said anything about crotchety.” Arya was laughing so hard she had tears forming now.

“You said it, not us.” Darius shrugged through his laughter.

“I mean… You’re not wrong though.” Felix grinned and made sure he was out of my reach.

“Oh my, they’d fit right in with Aly, Kami and I.” Mat was trying not to laugh too much, and failing as a stupid grin crossed his face.

“Goddess help us all if you all end up in one location at the same time. The world might end as we know it.”

“Hey! That’s insulting… It only takes Aly and I to end the world as we know it. Ask my parents, they’ll agree.”


I shook my head as the others were doubled over in laughter now, “You’re all incorrigible.”

“We learned it from you!” Darius defended.

“Yeah! You’re the eldest of us!” Arya gave a feigned look of indignance.

“Led by example!” Felix said.

“They make valid points.” Mat took their side.

“Now you’ve turned my mate against me!” I was laughing too at this point, “Come on you heathens, we best get some food before the rest of the warriors leave us none.”

We headed for the area they had set the food up at, lines already starting to form in length as others had the same thoughts as we did. We stepped into line, thankfully the lines were moving pretty quickly, the only hold up happening on occasion when the next round of food wasn’t quite ready to be served when the previous round was gone.

My pack members were playing a one sided, odd version of twenty questions with Mat as we waited.

“Is Moonlight your original pack?”

“No. I came from Red Moon with Alyce. My parents came with us as well.”

“Are the rumors about Red Moon true!?”

“I’m sure most of them are. There are so many it’s hard to generalize that question and answer.”

“How old are you?”

“17, I’ll be eighteen in a few months.”

“Wow. You were lucky to find your mate so soon.”

“Yes, yes I was.”

“Did Alpha Andrew really get stripped down to Omega?”

“Yes. His son stripped him and several others of their rank once he took over as Alpha.”

“What did you do before becoming Beta for Moonlight?”

“My parents were the Deltas, so I mostly trained and protected Alyce as best I could.”

“Is she really your sister?”

“Not by blood, but yes, she is.”

“Alpha Tristan will eventually tire of her. I hear she’s rather disfigured after Red Moon finished with her.” This came from someone else in the pack that had clearly been listening to our conversation.

Mat growled loudly. The question instantly put him on the defensive. He spun around, looking for the source of the rude and ridiculous question. Even my defensive instincts were raised as I too looked for who had asked, the others looking as well.

“Who said that?” Mat growled, his eyes flickering between his normal blue and the amber of his wolf’s eyes.

“What? It’s a simple truth, it happens all the time.” It came from one of the females in my pack, Grace. She was known to be willing to spread her legs if it would help her get status and power. “It’s not like everyone doesn’t wonder about it. They’re just too cowardly to say anything, and frankly I want to know when her mate will tire of her and a decent male wolf will be back on the market.”

Others around her were backing away, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of a Beta’s anger, especially when that Beta is defending his loved ones.

“How dare you. How dare you insult my sister like that! How dare you insinuate that she would be tossed aside like trash! You’re lucky her mate isn’t here, he would rip you to shreds before I could!”

Mat stalked towards her before I even realized he was moving. Felix, Arya and I moved to intercept him while I shouted orders, “Darius! Get Alpha Killian. Felix, clear the others!”

Darius sent a quick mindlink to Alpha Killian I assumed, and then ran off to get him. Felix rushed forward to usher the wolves around Grace away from the area and keep them from trying to defend a fellow pack member, while keeping Grace from scurrying off with her tail tucked as well.

Arya and I dug our heels in, keeping Mat from pouncing on her for the moment, but he was incredibly strong and very determined. I placed my hands on his chest, resting my forehead against his, “Hey, now.. Mat, my love. I need you to calm down. Look at me.”

Mat’s focus shifted to me, but his eyes were still flickering and I knew he and his wolf were still battling for control and he would occasionally shift his focus back to Grace briefly before looking at me again, “I’m gonna tear her limb from limb.” He spoke through clenched teeth.

“She will be dealt with, but not like this. Alpha Killian is on his way. Please, calm down.” I slid my arms around him, trying to get as much contact with him as I could in the hopes of using the mate bond to calm him some.

Unfortunately Grace didn’t seem to have an off switch, or a brain, “Are you sure he’s your mate, Cedric? Judging by his reaction you would think he wanted a turn with her like her last pack.”

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