《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 68


The group entered the burger joint, stepping to the side as we all looked over the menu. It took us a few minutes for everyone to decide what they wanted. When we had decided we approached the counter. One by one we gave our orders, I made sure to go last, handing the man at the register my debit card once everything was put in and confirmed.

Tristan waited while I completed the transactions. The others had gone and secured a couple of large tables in the back so that we could spread out a bit and have room for the copious amount of food we had just purchased.

With my card and my receipt in hand I turned with Tristan and we headed to join the others at the table, “I didn’t realize how hungry I was until we got in here and I smelled the food.” I chuckled a bit as I sat down.

“I know that feeling.” Kami grinned.

Victor, Ian and Kiernan had positioned themselves so that they were between the rest of us and the entrances. It made me wonder if they did it naturally at this point or if they still actively thought about it sometimes. Tristan had started to follow suit and then seemed to think better of it, placing himself at my side rather than in front of me. This earned him a smile and a kiss on his cheek from me. Brandon had joined the others, placing himself between Kami and the others. She didn’t seem to mind too much.

I laid my head on Tristan’s shoulder, opening our link while we waited for our order, *I’m beginning to suspect that Kami and Brandon might have a thing for each other.*

*Noticed that too, did you?*

*I’ve been paying a bit more attention since our movie day. When does she turn 17?*

*In a couple months. You think they might be mates?*

*I think the draw between the two may indicate such. It’s so natural to them, I bet they don’t even notice it.*


*Brandon is awfully protective of her, but in a lowkey manner.*

*Like, putting himself between her and everyone and everything else?*

*Exactly. Or the fact that Kami either doesn’t notice or doesn’t seem to mind him taking that role with her.*

*50.00 says we find out they’re mates on her birthday.*

*I’d take that bet, but I happen to agree with you.*

I felt Tristan cut the link and kiss the top of my head. I grinned up at him as our order number was called. Victor and Tristan got up to retrieve it while I got up to get everyone’s drinks, Kiernan escorting me of course. We regrouped at the table and sorted out drinks and food.

“So, from here, Victor, you can head back with the truck at any point. Everything we have left to get will go in the trucks easily enough. We still need to get the paint, Kami is going to get supplies for Lucian’s visit, and I need to hit the grocery store.”

“Alyce, if you can show me the paint color you want, then I can grab that on my way back to the pack. It would save you a stop and I can easily put it in the moving truck.” Victor volunteered.

“Are you sure? You’ve already done a lot just coming out here to drive the truck back.” I tilted my head a bit while muttering to myself, “I really need to learn to drive…”

“I’m sure.” Victor arched a brow at me, indicating he had heard me, but said nothing.

“Thanks, I’ll look up some colors online while we eat!” I shoved a fry into my mouth, pointedly ignoring his look, as I reached into Tristan’s pocket for his phone. I didn’t have one of my own. I wasn’t sure I wanted one, but maybe I should consider it as often as I was borrowing Tristan’s.

I unlocked it with my fingerprint and continued to munch on my fries and chicken strips while scrolling through paint colors available at the local home renovation store. It didn’t take me long to settle on a soft blue-gray that would tie in the furniture and the carpet in the room.


I turned the phone around, holding it out towards Victor, “Can you get this one? And some primer as well?”

Victor jotted the color down in a note on his own phone and nodded, “I’ll get everything you’ll need to paint the room, supplies and all.”

I smiled and closed out the app on the phone, tucking it back into Tristan’s pocket. “I appreciate all your help, Victor. Everyone’s help really.”

Ian laughed, “Hey, if there’s food involved I’m always down.”

Kiernan was laughing and nodding in agreement, “Most of us warriors can be bribed with coffee and grub, but in all reality, we’re happy to lend a hand to you Luna. You’ll find most of this pack is drawn to you, to your aura.”

I gave him a perplexed look, not entirely sure what he was talking about, “My Alpha aura?” I asked so quietly they had to strain to hear it. It was not something we wanted to broadcast at this point.

“No, no, your natural aura.” Ian answered.

Again I looked at them confused.

Victor was now the one chuckling, “Oh. Oh she has no idea… That’s amusing.”

“No idea about what?” Now I was starting to get a little irritated with not knowing what they were talking about.

“Alyce, your aura is so unlike any other that even us older wolves have never experienced anything quite like it.” Victor started to explain, “I’m not sure if it’s a combination of your natural and other aura, or if it’s something else; however, your aura draws wolves to you. Makes us want to both let our guard down and go on the defensive at the same time. I noticed it that first day at Red Moon, when I came across you in the kitchen.”

“Mm, I remember. You were ridiculously curious and I found myself telling you more than I had intended to.”

“Yes, well… When you think you are alone and allow yourself to be vulnerable and dare I say, Human, for a moment your natural aura leaks out.”

“I’ve noticed that happening a bit more often as I become more comfortable here at Moonlight with all of you and the rest of the pack.”

Tristan grinned and tugged me into his side, kissing the top of my head. “I’m glad you’re comfortable with us, Half-Pint.”

Ian and Kiernan were trying not to laugh, even Victor was choking back a chuckle. I glared at them. “Really? He’s been calling me Half-Pint all day and y'all are just now catching it? Go on… Get it out of your systems…”

“It wouldn’t be so funny if it weren’t so true!” Brandon had joined in on the fun. Ian was laughing so hard he was crying and Kiernan was holding his ribs.

Victor was the only one remaining even a shred of decorum in his laughing fit. Kami and I finished our food while the boys got it out of their system. There were plenty of people looking in our direction, some annoyed, but mostly curious about the ruckus coming from the boys.

After a few minutes they managed to reign themselves in. “Do we feel better now?” I arched an eyebrow at them. Each one nodded with a grin in response.

“Good, let’s get moving. Still plenty to do today.” Kami chimed in as she and I stood from our seats. Neither of us bothered to wait for the boys, we cleaned up our mess, tossing our trash and headed for the door. We were now the ones laughing as they scrambled to clean up their mess and catch up with us.

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