《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 67


It was easy enough to find a large oak ‘L’ shaped desk in a light ash stain for the guys’ room. It even had a built-in, two drawer filing cabinet. A couple of smaller ones made of walnut in the same natural color were selected for Jake and Faith’s home. These were all added to the device in the salesman’s hand.

Moving onto living room furniture we selected a microfiber couch, loveseat and recliner set in a forest green color for Jake and Faith, as well as a dark brown coffee table made of maple. Then we selected a nice oak dining room table that would seat four to eight people depending on the number of leaves used.

For Mat and Cedric we found a breakfast nook style table and chairs that would comfortably fit the two of them for those days they wanted to have a quieter meal alone. I also found a smaller couch and a reclining chair for their seating area.

A couple sets of tall shelves in matching color schemes were also located and added for each couple. It was about this time that Kami, Brandon and Ian rejoined us, with a couple carts of bed sheets, towels, basic kitchen supplies for Faith and Jake, pillows, etc. to cover both locations.

“I think we have all the basics.” Kami grinned, proud of herself and her shopping skills.

“Thanks Kami. I appreciate not having to stress about the smaller details and worrying I forgot something. My knowledge of what is considered basic is a bit skewed after all.”

“Anytime, Alyce. I’m always happy to help. Especially if it involves shopping.”

“All that’s left then is mattresses and paint for Mattie and Cedric’s room.” I said, looking at my lists.

“We’ll have to get paint elsewhere, they won’t have it here. Mattresses are on the right hand side of the store.” Tristan informed me as he peeked over my shoulder at my lists.

I looked at the salesman, “I need two of your best mattresses in a king added to our items. As well as the items Lady Kami has retrieved.”

“Of course, Luna. Straight away.” A few more taps on his device and then some scanning of the items Kami had gotten and he had everything ready to be purchased.


Tristan pulled his card out of his wallet and handed it to me. “You settle up, the boys and I will start loading everything into the truck.”

I took the card knowing that what I had available in my accounts wouldn’t even put a dent in the bill. I would have to suck it up and let him cover it this time, “Will do. Thank you very much.”

“Of course, My Love. Anything for you.” He kissed me softly and then he and the boys, other than Kiernan, left with a couple of store associates to load things.

I put on my resting blank face when the salesman gave me the total, swiping Tristan’s card like this was something I did regularly. Inside my stomach was churning at the amount of money Tristan had just spent for me without even batting an eye about it.

Kiernan and I took the bags of smaller items and headed out to join the others at the truck. I slipped Tristan’s card into his pocket as soon as I had the chance to do so without getting in their way. Then I loaded the bags into the open back seat of one of the trucks.

It took about an hour to get all the furniture loaded into the moving truck and secured in place. I spent most of that time leaning against one of the pickups, my mind lost in thought as Kami came over to join me, “Alyce, what’s wrong? And don’t tell me ‘nothing’. You’ve been super quiet and staring at the ground for the last half hour.”

“Not- I’m fine. I’m just not used to someone taking care of me like that. Dropping that kind of money without hesitation or batting an eye. It’s weird and I feel guilty not being able to pay for things like this myself, or even the wardrobe and accessories from our first shopping trip. I don’t even want to know what that trip cost him. I wouldn’t want anyone to think I’m taking advantage.”

“Aly, don’t be silly. You’re the Luna, you have just as much right to those funds as anyone else in the pack. There are pack funds precisely for things like this. Taking care of pack members' basic needs and helping them get established within the pack. You’re not taking advantage. If it makes it better, Tristan paid for your stuff out of his own money, because he wanted to. He wants to take care of you. It’s his duty and honor as your mate. But getting your family setup, it comes from the pack fund.”


“Thank you. That does help. This is all new to me and sometimes I feel so out of my depth it’s not even funny. I don’t have the knowledge most basic pack members have, much less someone of rank twice over. It causes me to doubt myself sometimes. I appreciate you checking on me, making me feel better.” I hugged her tightly for a brief moment.

“Anytime, that’s what family is for.” We separated and were both laughing a little.

Tristan came over, giving his sister an appreciative look. She skipped off to see if the boys needed anything and Tristan drew me into his arms, holding me against him firmly. I looked up at him suspiciously, “Kami ratted me out, didn’t she?”

He laughed and kissed my forehead, “She might have, but she’s just looking out for you. Everything she said is true though. I enjoy taking care of you, and our pack members. You can be accused of many things, Half-Pint, but taking advantage is not one of them. You are far too selfless to be guilty of such things.”

I giggled and smiled, leaning up to kiss him softly. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

Suddenly I stilled, the hair on the nape of my neck raising, the feeling of being watched coming over me. I turned, looking into the treeline along the edge of the parking lot. Tristan was instantly on alert at my reaction and body language, coming to stand beside me, his stance defensive, “What is it, Alyce?”

“I’m not sure. Feels like someone is watching us.” I inhaled deeply, trying to catch a scent on the wind as I made my way towards the edge of the parking lot, Tristan right there with me. As I got closer I caught the scent and realized I recognized it, “It’s Victor.”

We both relaxed and Tristan jogged back to the trucks, pulling a pair of shorts and a t-shirt out of the back seat. He went over to meet Victor, heading deeper into the forest before passing him the clothing. When they emerged, Victor was in his Human form and dressed.

I flashed him a smile as he and Tristan reached me, “You’re almost sneaky Victor. Almost… Thank you for coming though.”

“I wouldn’t expect to slip past your senses, but I did slip past the others. They need to train harder. Don’t mention it. I’m always happy to help, plus someone promised me lunch.” Victor laughed, Tristan and I laughed with him.

“Absolutely. I will feed everyone lunch today. It’s on me. No arguments!” I looked pointedly at Tristan, narrowing my eyes at him before he opened his mouth.

Tristan just grinned at me and raised his hands in surrender and said nothing, though the look on his face suggested he wanted to do otherwise, “Whatever you say, Half-Pint.”

Victor was laughing harder now. “Oh my. Daemon was right. She’s good for you.”

“Wouldn’t trade her for the world.” Tristan agreed.

I flashed Victor and Tristan a grin and headed back over to the others. They were just finishing loading the last of the furniture into the moving truck.

“Shall we get some lunch before the next store?” I took a moment to look around the strip mall, and the buildings along it and across the way. The options were somewhat limited in this section of the plaza, but none of them sounded bad.

“Yes please!” Ian piped up.

“I can always eat.” Kiernan agreed.

“Did someone say food?” Brandon came out of the truck, hopping down and closing it up. “I’m in!”

“I’d kill for some french fries right about now.” Kami added.

“Ok, well where shall we go?” I asked, looking at the group I added, “Preferably somewhere nearby we can walk to.”

“There’s a burger joint at the end of the strip mall that’s usually pretty good.” Victor suggested.

“Sounds good to me. Anyone object?” Tristan asked.

With no objections from anyone the group headed for the burger joint, Victor leading the way. Tristan and I fell in behind him, then Kami and Brandon. Ian and Kiernan brought up the rear.

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