《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 66


Once again I found myself in town, albeit for slightly different shopping reasons. Which I found made it less awful. If only by a minute amount. Tristan had set aside a private home near the pack house for Jake and Faith, so we were going to furnish that but leave the decor to Faith, and present it to them when Mat and Cedric got back. Excitement was an understatement for what I was feeling about the opportunity to pay them back for everything they had done for me over the years, even if it was just providing them with a move-in ready home.

“We should start with the big stuff I think. It will be easier to pack the smaller stuff in around it. So we need household furniture for Jake and Faith and more, basic necessity furniture for Cedric and Mat.” I glanced up from my lists as Tristan pulled the truck into the parking lot of a small strip mall, which housed the only furniture store in the plaza. Options would be limited, but I was certain I could find things the two couples would like.

We parked and the group poured out of the trucks, stretching their arms and legs. I looked at my lists again, and then at the trucks, gnawing on my lower lip a bit.

“What’s wrong Aly?” Kami asked, her brows furrowing at me.

This drew Tristan’s attention to me and a look of concern crossed his face, “Half-Pint?”

“I’m fine, really. I was just thinking we should have brought a moving truck with the amount of furniture we need to get.”

“We can likely have a lot of it delivered.” Tristan smiled, trying to ease my worry.

“Today? Mat and Cedric are supposed to be back the day after tomorrow. We don’t have much time.”

“Mmm, that’s a good point. We’ll just have to rent a moving truck then I guess.” Tristan grinned down at me and then looked over to Brandon, “Can you make the arrangements and bring it over here? Contact Bruce and see if he is willing to run out so we have a driver without having to split the groups.”

Brandon nodded, listening to Tristan’s instructions. “I’m on it Boss. It’ll take him a couple hours to get here by running.”


“That’s fine, we’re going to be in town awhile. Tell him lunch is on me if he’s willing to make the run.”

“Will do. I’ll catch up with you guys in a few minutes.”

“Thank you, Tristan, Brandon.” I beamed a smile at them as we left Brandon to make arrangements and the rest of us headed for the furniture store. Tristan, Kami and I in the middle with Ian and Kiernan flanking us.

As we walked along the walkway of the strip mall, wolves would bow their heads discreetly in respect. They could feel Tristan’s aura. I kept mine reigned in by default. To Humans we just looked like three ‘important’ people with a couple of bodyguards. It was weird to have that kind of recognition after years of being considered lower than an Omega. I giggled a little at my own thoughts.

Tristan gave me a funny look and I shook my head at him as we entered the furniture store. The staff instantly recognized Tristan and Kami, as was par for the course with the businesses here in the plaza.

“Alpha Tristan, Lady Kami, Miss.” They greeted the three of us, unsure of just how to address me, despite being tucked into Tristan’s side, “How can we help you today?”

“We need to get some new furniture. A lot of it.” Tristan answered.

“Of course. What exactly are you looking for?” One of the salesmen asked.

“Luna Alyce has the lists. She and Lady Kami can give you the details. I’m just here as a laborer today.”

We all chuckled a little. I was always grateful that Tristan was relatively relaxed with the wolves in his pack as well as the ones from other packs that worked in the plaza, unless otherwise necessary, “I’d like to start with bedroom furniture and desks. That will let us knock some things off both lists at once.”

“That’s a smart way to do it. I’ll go and pick out some sheets and pillows then?” Kami asked, just as Brandon was rejoining the group.

“Moving truck is secured. Victor will be joining us in a couple hours.” Brandon confirmed.

I looked at Kami and nodded. “Good idea. Grays and blues for Mattie and Cedric. Faith and Jake I’d stick with natural shades of greens and browns.” My attention shifted to Brandon, “Thank you. I appreciate that.”


“Got it. Come on Brandon, Ian. You boys can help me. Tristan and Kiernan can help Aly.” Kami replied, tugging Brandon along with her before he could protest.

“You’ll find the accessories in the back sections to the left. Do not hesitate to let any of us know if you need assistance, Lady Kami.” The salesman pointed towards the section Kami would be looking for.

“We will, thank you.” Their group split off, heading for accessories while Tristan, Kiernan and I headed for the bedroom furniture displays.

“Faith likes natural wood in lighter tones, Tristan if you want to find some sturdy, king size, frames in that tone? I’ll look for the ashy tones that Mattie generally prefers.”

“Of course, simpler styles or more decorative ones?”

“Simple, taller headboard, she likes to lean against it when she reads. Otherwise, she’s not particular about furniture. She’s replaced too much of it in her lifetime from Mat and I roughhousing to stress about it anymore.” I laughed a bit thinking of the time I put Mat through a coffee table when we were about 14.

Tristan arched a brow at me, giving me a look that said he would expect me to elaborate on that later. I simply grinned and waved him off as I glanced around, my eye catching a couple of sets that looked like they might work for Mat and Cedric.

“Kiernan, please stay with Aly, no matter what she tries to tell you.”

“Of course Alpha.”

I rolled my eyes at his comment and didn’t wait for either of them as I moved through the furniture towards the sets I had seen. I could hear Kiernan jogging behind me to catch up, “Luna Alyce! Please wait for me. For someone so small you are awfully quick.”

“When you’re as tiny as I am in our world Kiernan, you have to be quick or you’ll never survive. Never judge someone on their size.” I grinned over my shoulder at him and then turned my attention to the furniture I was looking at.

It didn’t take me long to settle on a set. The frame was a four-post canopy style, the wood was oak, heavy and sturdy with thick supports and posts, stained in a weathered ash color. There were matching nightstands and a large chest that went at the foot of the bed. I turned, looking for the salesman that had been helping us.

He was nearby, eager to make the large commission while trying not to hover at the same time. A wave of my hand got his attention and he came right over, “Yes, Luna? What can I help you with?”

“I would like this set, bedframe, chest and two nightstands. I will find mattresses later. Do you have desks and shelves in ashen colors as well?”

“We do, not that exact shade, but ones that would compliment these ones. Would you like me to show you?” He answered while taking notes on a hand held device, tracking my orders as I rattled them off.

“Yes, but not just yet. One furniture category at a time I think.” I smiled and bounced my way over to Tristan, who was standing between two bedroom sets. One had a sleigh bed style frame and one a platform style frame. Both made of walnut and sealed with a clear coat rather than a stain or varnish of some type. He looked like he was torn between the two.

I slipped my arm into his as the salesman and Kiernan finally caught up, “That one.” I pointed to the sleigh bed frame set. I looked at the salesman, “Bed frame, nightstands, both dressers and the chest.”

“Of course, Luna.” He once again tapped rapidly at his device

I turned my attention to Tristan with a smile and leaned on my tiptoes, pulling him down to meet me as I kissed his cheek. “Thanks for helping.”

“Anytime Half-Pint. I’m always happy to help you. Where to next?”

“Desks and shelves!” I was actually kind of enjoying this shopping, but I suspected it had to do with the fact that I was doing it to surprise people I cared about rather than for myself.

Tristan looked at the salesman, “Lead the way please.”

The salesman nodded and took the lead, heading for the back section of furniture on the floor. Tristan put his hand on my back, letting me go first with Kiernan bringing up the rear.

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