《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 65


The next morning I awoke, laying on Tristan’s chest, his arms around me like he was some kind of restraint I might try and escape without. I blinked a few times, trying to get the sleep out of my eyes and get them to focus.

Gingerly I shifted, trying not to wake Tristan just yet. I wasn’t sure what time he came to bed, so I figured I would let him sleep a little longer. His arms loosened their grip just enough that I was able to slide down his body and slip out of his grip. I had just made it to the edge of the bed, thinking myself successful in not waking him, when his arms encompassed my waist, pulling me back to him.

“Where do you think you’re going, Half-Pint?” His voice was still gruff with sleep.

“I was trying not to wake you yet, I was just going to use the bathroom and check in with Kami, get ready to leave for the shopping plaza.” I giggled and looked back at him, craning my neck to kiss his jaw softly, “I was trying not to wake you just yet.”

“Mmhmm, and why wouldn’t you wake me so I could get ready too? Weren’t thinking of trying to leave without me were you?” His voice was stern, but the look on his face was a playful one.

“Why, Alpha, I would never. Besides, you would just hunt me down if I did.”

“Very true, and then I would be forced to punish you for running off without me.”

“Oh, well that sounds tempting. Why don’t you go back to sleep for a while? I’ll plot my escape.”

He laughed and pulled me tighter against his body, peppering me with kisses. “Oh, I don’t think so. As much as we would both enjoy your punishment…” He pressed his hips into me, letting me feel just how awake he was this morning, “...I’m awake now, so I’ll just get up and get ready with you. I’ll also get the warriors going with us moving and have them pull a couple trucks around.”


I purred a bit at the feel of him against me, but forced myself to pull away from him, distracting him with a kiss as I slipped away, “Mmm, maybe I’ll find another way to get punished later. For now, I need to pee and talk to Kami.”

I darted off the bed and into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. After doing my business, washing my hands and face I came back out, feeling much better. Tristan swapped me places, heading into the bathroom himself while I headed for the closet.

I opened a link to Kami, *Good morning! Are you up and moving yet?*

*You are faaaar too chipper in the morning, Aly, but yes. I’m awake and dragging myself out of bed now.*

*I know. It’s a side effect of starting my days at 0430 for half my life. Is Brandon coming with us for the actual shopping?*

*Of course. Someone needs to carry the bags…*

I broke out laughing while looking through my clothes in the closet. *Touche. See you at the trucks shortly then.*

*Sounds good. Can you have Tristan get Brandon moving too please?*

*Will do.* I closed the link as I grabbed a pair of boot cut jeans and a heather gray, v-neck t-shirt as well as socks and my undergarments. I got dressed and slipped on a pair of black ankle boots with a very low heel.

Tristan was just coming out of the bathroom as I exited the closet, his eyes instantly glued to me as he let out a whistle, “Who knew jeans and a t-shirt could look so good.”

I rolled my eyes and gave him a grin. “Don’t be silly. It’s just a comfortable outfit for a torturous shopping day. Also, can you make sure Brandon is up and ready to go with us? Kami says we need someone to carry the bags.”

A giggle bubbled past my lips and even Tristan was chuckling. “Sure thing my love, and I’m not being silly. You look amazing no matter what you’re wearing. My favorite is when you’re wearing nothing.” He pressed his lips against mine softly and smiled.


I swatted at him, despite the blush on my cheeks. “Go on, get ready. I’ll go see about snagging us something for breakfast on the go.”

“Alright. I’ll meet you downstairs shortly.” He gave me another kiss before heading into our closet and I slipped out the door before he could distract either of us again.

Once down the stairs I headed into the kitchen, humming to myself as I set about looking for something that would make an easy grab and go breakfast. Finding nothing pre-made, I decided I’d whip up some breakfast burritos. It wouldn’t take long and there were some left over items from breakfast prep the day before.

Coffee was prepped and started, brewing while I put a pan on the stove to heat and turned the oven on the warm setting. Next I scrambled up some eggs with cheese, chives, diced ham, bacon crumbles and mushrooms. Then I put some tortillas in the oven and poured the egg scramble into the waiting pan, mixing it as it cooked.

By the time Tristan came downstairs, followed by Kami and Brandon I was filling tortillas with the egg mixture, rolling them into burritos. The trio followed their noses, walking into the kitchen as I was pouring coffee into travel mugs for everyone, including the two warriors that were traveling with us today. I added flavored creamer and sugar-free flavored syrup to mine and Kami’s, but left the other’s black.

“Have I mentioned that you are an angel, Aly.” Kami gushed as she wrapped her hands around the travel mug I handed to her.

I laughed, “Don’t be dramatic.” I handed the three of them a couple of burritos and the guys their coffee mugs before wrapping the remaining burritos in tin foil to keep them warm.

“Come on, this is designed to travel with us. Let’s get moving. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can get back and I can pretend I didn’t have to go shopping all day again.”

Kami rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me. “I will turn you into a shopper yet.”

I just laughed and rolled my eyes right back at her, “Good luck with that.”

The four of us made our way out to where Ian and Kiernan, the warriors traveling with us today, were waiting by two large crew cab trucks. I offered them both a pleasant smile, “Good morning boys, coffee and breakfast?” I handed them both a mug of coffee and a couple burritos.

“Good morning, Luna Alyce. Yes, please. Thank you. Very thoughtful of you.” Ian happily took the offered items, as did Kiernan as he spoke, “You are amazing Luna Alyce, thank you, and good morning.”

“You’re very welcome. No one wants to deal with a day of shopping hungry and caffeine deprived from the start. The coffee is black, I hope that’s ok.”

“That’s fine, coffee is coffee and always appreciated.” Kiernan said, enjoying his already.

“And your food, from what I understand, is 5-Star quality no matter what it is.” Ian grinned, excited to try it.

“I really think the quality of my cooking skills is exaggerated some-”

“Don’t listen to her boys!” Brandon cut me off, “Her food is a-maz-ing!”

I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head with a grin, “Alright, alright, let’s get moving, we can eat on the way.”

Tristan was chuckling at the interactions between the group, “He’s right, my love, but yes, let’s get on the road.”

Tristan, Kiernan and I loaded into one truck, Kami, Brandon and Ian were in the other. Once everyone was settled we were off. The trip to town was filled with idle conversation between eating our breakfast and getting our coffee into our systems.

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