《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 64


"Alright, new topic.” I suggested, hiding my grin at my pack’s reaction, in Alyce’s hair. “We need to relocate Faith and Jake to their permanent room on the 3rd floor. I would suggest putting them into their own home in the village, but I don’t suspect that it would be their preference at this time.”

Alyce chuckled, “You’re likely right on that one. Ironically, I’d bet Jake would be the one to protest. Faith is like a mother to me, but Jake is definitely the more protective of the two.”

“I believe it. It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for.” Kami snickered. “Although there is that small house right next to the pack house.” She suggested idly, clearly thinking.

“The one no one has wanted because of its size?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Yes, but mostly because they are all starting families and it is too small for a growing family. However; it would be perfect for a couple that is done having children and wants to be close at hand to them.”

“That’s a valid point. It’s bigger than the room on the 3rd floor I’m sure, and would keep them close to Mat and I.” Alyce noted.

“We also need to prepare Mat and Cedric’s permanent rooms on the 5th floor.” I shifted Alyce in my lap a bit so that I could lean back against the wall and stretch my legs out.

“So, cozy house for Jake and Faith, the other suite of rooms on the 5th floor for Mattie and Cedric. Tristan and I can tackle Mattie and Cedric’s rooms. I know Mattie’s style well enough so if we just get the basics done, then he and Cedric can make it theirs when they return.” Alyce lifted her head, a bit excited now.

“Brandon and I can help Jake and Faith while you guys work on that then. ” Kami volunteered, without even asking Brandon if he wanted to help.

“And we can get Omegas to help if needed as well.” Alyce yawned, “I think the last few days are starting to catch up with me. I might just take myself up to bed early tonight. Get a jump start on Mattie and Cedric’s space first thing in the morning.”


“Do you want me to come up with you?” I asked, enjoy the last few moments of having her snuggled into me before releasing my hold on her so she could get up.

“Always, but honestly, you should spend time with your friends and pack members. I’ve been hogging you for days now.” She gave me that brilliant smile and I couldn't help but return it.

“I can keep Aly company. We can have a girl’s night.” Kami hopped up, moving around to Alyce’s side.

“You don’t have to Kami. I really am just going to take a hot bath and crash. I wouldn’t be any fun this evening. I would love a raincheck for a girl’s night though!”

Kami was pouting a bit, “Aww, alright. But you definitely have to cash in that rain check, and soon!”

“Deal.” Alyce waved at us and headed out of the dining hall for the stairs.

I watched as she interacted with various pack members along the way, even stopping for a couple minutes to crouch down and listen to one of the younger pups in the pack. It made me realize how natural she was with children, and how much I was looking forward to starting a family with her in the future.

Brandon and I got up from the table. “Well, looks like we’re having a guys' evening, video games in the theater room?” I asked.

“That sounds like a plan. I’ll round up the boys and meet you there?”

I nodded and he headed out to round up others to join us. I turned to look at Kami, “You’re welcome to join us, you know.”

“No thanks. I’m going to see about rounding up Celeste and some of the girls, see what we can come up with. Worst case scenario I’ll go for a run before enjoying a bath. Go have fun.” She smiled at me, kissed my cheek and headed off to do her thing and I headed for the theater room.


I took a detour on the way to our room, peeking in all the rooms on our floor before deciding which one would best suit Mat and Cedric. The first room on the left of the hall was the largest, and it wasn’t so close to the stairs that the tactical advantage would be lost if it was ever necessary to have. I would put them here, so long as Tristan was ok with it. With that pretty much decided I headed into our room.


Once in our room the commotion and events of the past few days really settled in. I was exhausted. The next few days, hell the next few weeks, were looking like they were going to be just as busy and far more chaotic. So, I was going to enjoy the brief lull while I had it. I drew a hot bath and shed my clothing like a second skin before slipping into the tub and letting the hot water soothe my muscles and relax them.

My mind wandered, replaying recent events for a brief time before trekking off to thoughts of the room preparations that we had two days to complete. Our kitchen still needed to be stocked as well, we never had gotten to it. That could be done later though. There was no rush for it. We had the dining hall after all.

Thinking back to the room for Mat and Cedric I started preparing a mental list for what we would need to get. The room was currently set up as a guest room with only a full size bed and minimal furnishings. The walls were a plain off-white color, but thankfully the carpet was a soft blue and I could work with that. We would need to upgrade the bed, paint the walls and put in new nightstands, a large desk and maybe a set or two of shelves. I was pretty sure Tristan and I could get it done the 2 or so days we had. Especially if we could get a few Omegas to help us with some of the bigger tasks.

*Tristan, love?* I opened our mind-link.

*Alyce, is everything ok?*

*Yes, I’ve just been thinking things over while relaxing in the tub. I would like to put Cedric and Mattie in that first set of suites on the left if that is ok with you?*

*I see no reason why not.*

*Good. I also have a list of things we will need to either upgrade or add to the room. I will need to head into the shopping plaza bright and early tomorrow to get the things needed. I also need to go to the store to stock our kitchen.*

*Ok. I will make sure not to stay up too late so that I can come with you. We can take two of the larger vehicles so we can get everything as well.*

*Erm… Tristan… I have a confession.*

*What is it?*

*I uh… I never learned to drive. Maybe one of the warriors can bring the second vehicle?* I was a bit embarrassed by this admittance, but it was a ‘privilege’ I was never afforded in Red Moon.

I could hear Tristan’s amusement through our link. *That’s fine love. I will teach you when everything calms down if you like. We can also take Kami with us. She needs to get supplies for when we invite Luc– Oh, shit!*

*Tristan? Are you ok?!*

*Yes, yes. I’m fine. Brandon just handed me my ass in our game. I didn’t mean to startle you.*

Now I was the amused one. *I see. Go enjoy your game love. I can share details with you in the morning.*

*Alright. Are you sure you don’t want me to come keep you company?*

*I always want your company my dear Alpha, but I’m just going to be going to sleep here in a short bit. Enjoy your games.* I closed the link before he could find some excuse to abandon his friends.

With that all settled I closed my eyes and enjoyed my bath until I felt the water starting to cool. After draining the tub and drying off I headed to bed, falling asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, Tristan’s scent engulfing me as I shifted over to his side of the bed.

I vaguely felt Tristan moving me when he eventually came to bed after hanging out with the guys. I rolled into him, wrapping around him like a snake. His scent filling my nose and his arms encircling me with warmth lulled me back into a restful sleep for the rest of the night.

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