《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 63


All of us were about done eating, and I was already feeling a lot better. “Do you want more love?” Tristan asked, motioning to my nearly empty plate.

“No, I’m fine, thank you.” I pushed my plate back a bit and leaned into Tristan, snuggling into his side a bit. He, Kami and Brandon were discussing new ideas for training sessions and while normally I would be inserting myself into the conversation, I left them to it this time.

I closed my eyes and focused on reaching out to Mattie. It was not nearly as focus intensive as I had expected it to be given the distance between us, *Mattie, how are you two? Almost there?*

*Aly! Yes, we’re about 2 hours from the pack border and we’re doing just fine.*

*Good. I miss you tons! I’m having to find ways to distract myself while you’re gone so I don’t worry about you.*

*Haha. Isn’t that usually my role?*

*Very funny, just be safe and hurry home. Do NOT make me come after you.*

*We’ll be back in a couple days, I promise.*

*You better be.* I closed the link and opened my eyes, grinning a bit after talking to Mattie. I felt better hearing his voice in my head and knowing he and Cedric were ok.

Tristan wrapped an arm around my shoulders and gave me a light squeeze, “Mat and Cedric ok?”

I laughed, he knew me well in such a short time. “Yes, they’re about 2 hours from the pack border and they’re just fine. He promised to be home in a couple days or I’ll be going to retrieve his ass.”

Kami snickered, “You would too.”

“You’re right. I sure would. Drag him outta there by his ear nonetheless, Cedric too.”

“I’m sure it won’t come to that.” Brandon chuckled.

“I hope not. I don’t want to have to explain to Alpha Killian why Half-Pint is suddenly tearing into his territory like a whirlwind tornado. As amusing a sight as that would be.” Tristan smirked, trying not to laugh at the image in his head.

“Oh come on… I’m not that bad. I do have manners. I would let him and Luna Morgan know why I was tearing in like that. Then they could blame Mat and Cedric instead of me.” I gave an innocent, sheepish smile to the group.


We were all laughing now. I took a moment to calm myself and stood, gathering everyone’s empty plates and cups, despite protests from Tristan and Kami. Taking them over to the dirty bins, I put them into the proper bins for the Omega’s to wash and put away. Brandon was right behind me with more cups and the silverware from our group.

“I know, I know. You’re fine, but looking after our Luna makes us all feel better. Especially your fussy Alpha.”

“I know. He assigned Mattie to guard me. He thinks I don’t know, but Mattie’s been doing that for 10 years anyway and it makes Tristan and Mat feel better. I guess you get to be the stand in while he’s out of town?”

“I guess so. I’ll try to not overdo it.”

Laughing a bit I replied, “It’s fine. I’m well aware that Tristan’s natural need to protect me will not calm down until the matter with Silver Moon is settled once and for all.”

“I always thought he was bad about it when it came to Kami, and then you came along and all I can say is wow…”

“Mmhmm. The warriors are well trained, but I always know when they’re lurking in the area. My observational skills are ridiculously honed though, more than the average wolf’s.”

“Given your past, that makes sense. You’re a good mate to humor him without giving him grief about it.”

“Well, chances are he’s heard this whole conversation so now he’ll know that I am well aware of his precautions, but as his mate all I want is for him to be happy, which means worrying about me as little as possible. If this helps, and doesn’t interfere with what I need to do then it’s no big deal to me.” I glanced over at Tristan, a smile on his face as he gave me a knowing look.

“Let’s get back over there before he accuses me of trying to steal you away for your cooking skills, despite his listening in on our entire conversation.”

From the corner of my eye I could see Kami snickering, knowing full well she had heard the conversation as well. Wolves have excellent hearing to begin with and we weren’t particularly far from the table, nor were we trying to keep our voices down. A brief glance around showed several wolves trying to keep a straight face, half the dining hall had heard our conversation.


“I think all of you give my cooking skills far too much credit, but perhaps you are right. We should get back over to our nosy Alpha.” We were both laughing as we turned from the bins and headed towards the table where Tristan and Kami were waiting for us.


I was indeed listening in on the conversation between Brandon and Alyce. I found myself honestly surprised in finding that she was well aware of the detail that kept an eye on her and that Mat had essentially been assigned as her bodyguard. I thought we were all being rather discrete, but then again Alyce was deceptively observant. It was part of how she had survived everything life has thrown at her.

I felt my heart clench in my chest when she spoke of knowing about my security implementations, worried she might raise hell about it. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding when I heard her speaking of recognizing that it was something to make me feel better when I wasn’t with her. Especially given the fact that she could best me, the detail would just be a distraction and/or an obstacle if anyone ever came after her.

As she and Brandon returned to the table my arm snaked around her waist and pulled her into my lap while simultaneously peppering her face with soft kisses, “You truly are amazing, you know that? Thank you. Thank you for humoring my unfounded worries and thank you for being so kind, caring, wonderful and selfless.” I whispered to her. Then as an afterthought I murmured, “Although it wouldn’t hurt you to be just a little selfish every once in a while.”

“I am who I am, Love. though I will try to remember to look after myself a little better and to maybe not be so stubborn about letting you take care of me… Maybe.”

“And I absolutely love who you are. I will also take whatever compromise I can get out of you on this matter.”

“So, did Mat say when he would be back? Cause if I have to soak in much more of you two and your sickly sweetness alone I might puke.” Kami interrupted us, Brandon’s eyes bulging at her comment.

“Do you think he and Cedric are going to be any better?” I asked, turning my gaze to her as Alyce nuzzled her head into my shoulder.

“Right… Did not think that one through…”

“Guess it’s just you and me, Kami..” Brandon smirked.

“You’re 19 now Brandon, I’m sure the Goddess will cross you and your mate’s path before long, and then it will just be me. Decaying away from all the sugary sweetness around here.”

“You’ll be 18 before long Kami, and I’m sure your mate will be coming along not long after.” Alyce smiled over at her.

“Who knows. Tristan didn’t find you until he was 21, the twins are 20 and still no mates. The Cold Moon Alpha is in his late twenties and still has no mate. We never know what the Goddess has planned.”

“That’s true, though in my opinion, based solely on my brief, singular interaction with Shane, is that he doesn’t deserve a mate.” Alyce shuddered a bit at the mention of the Cold Moon Alpha. I held her tighter in response and nuzzled the top of her head lightly.

“Absolutely agree with that. Even if my opinion might also be slightly biased given he had you pinned to a wall and smacked you.”

“He did - what -?” Brandon growled, a few growls echoing from others around us as their instinctual need to protect their Luna kicked it.

“Calm yourself. I’m fine. His actions were nothing compared to others. He couldn’t hit me too hard without fear of causing a scene. I mean, that happened anyway, but that is neither here nor there.” Alyce smiled, touched by the care and concern from some of our pack members.

“Tristan swooped in and claimed her officially, saved her from being traded off to Shane for a pack alliance by Andrew.” Kami mentioned nonchalantly, a few more growls echoing in the dining area. Seemed like more wolves were paying attention to the conversation now.

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