《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 57


“How do you get away with going by Alyce and not Faelyn then?” Cedric’s head tilted a little as he processed all the information he was getting.

“Legally, according to my paperwork, I am Alyce Lilly, so I’m not technically lying.”

Cedric chuckled, “That’s a valid point.”

“It’s also partially why I have to rely on others to do some of the lying in this plan of ours for me.”

“What proof did you use to condemn Andrew and the others?”

I stood and turned my back to him, raising the back of my shirt up, making sure the front remained covering my chest, revealing the scars that littered my back and sides, “These, I had never left Red Moon at any point for any reason since arriving and I did not arrive with them, so they had to happen while I was in Red Moon, at the hands of pack members.”

Cedric gasped and frowned. I lowered my shirt and sat back down in Tristan’s lap. Cedric was still frowning when he looked at me, “Thank you, for sharing all that with me. I will help you with your plan to get Silver Moon back, but I also need to return to Dark Forest to get my things.”

“Is there any chance we could send for them instead of going to get them? I don’t want you to go back alone, but I also don’t want to abandon Alyce.” Mat frowned, looking truly torn.

“Mattie, I will be fine. You’re not abandoning me and I’m not here alone. I have Tristan, Mom, Dad, Ivy, the pack. You won’t be gone long.”

“But–” I held a hand up, silencing him.

“I will call ahead and ask some of the Omegas to pack everything in advance. It’s a day to the pack if we run, and a 12 hour drive back with my belongings. We can be back within 3, maybe 4 days.” Cedric offered a compromise.

“That will give us time to arrange you and Cedric permanent living quarters. Normally we would put you on the 4th floor as the Beta, but if you and Alyce prefer we can make arrangements to have you on the 5th floor with us. We will be moving your parents to the 4th floor as well.” Tristan said.


“I would feel better being on the same floor if it is not inconvenient to you two, and Cedric is alright with it. It is my job to protect you two after all.” Mat replied, looking at Cedric for his opinion.

“I can compromise on the 5th floor for you, if you can compromise on coming to Dark Forest for a brief time for me.” Cedric reached out and took Mat’s hand, smiling at him with love and adoration on his face.


“I will make arrangements back home then and we will head out once they have everything ready on their end then.” Cedric looked at Tristan and I, “When are we planning to host Lucien?”

“It will likely be a couple weeks before we reach out and set a date. You have plenty of time to get your things and return. We will also bring you into Moonlight officially.” Tristan answered.

“I would like to make you co-head warrior and co-beta if you’re willing? Victor is our head warrior and at such a time as he is ready to retire then you would be head warrior full time. In the interim you would share duties with him and with Mattie.” I said, surprising all of them.

“I would be honored.” Cedric smiled.

I grinned, “Good, cause Mattie was supposed to be my Beta for Silver Moon, so when we get the pack back and join the packs we might actually need two Betas.”

“I already told you there is enough of me to go around.” Mat rolled his eyes at me and grinned playfully.

I rolled my eyes right back at him and reached over, flicking his nose. “Stop making yourself sound like a manwhore, especially in front of your mate.” I looked at Cedric, “Did we answer all of your questions?”

“Yes, you did. Thank you for sharing with me. I appreciate that you’ve made this whole thing voluntary and with full information for informed decisions. I will stand with you and the others in this.”


“Thank you Cedric. Let me know if you want to know anything else later. I will certainly provide information if I can.”

“If that’s all, we owe Aramyth and Ryder a run.” Tristan smiled at me, a sly glint in his eyes.

“Of course. We will see you later.” Mat stood, pulling Cedric to his feet as well before leaving with him.

Tristan and I left not long after them, heading downstairs and out the back door. We stripped and shifted, taking off into the woods.

~Third Person POV~

Aramyth and Ryder were bounding through the forest, neither of them able to outrun the other. Ryder’s black fur combined with his speed made him look like a solid shadow as he darted in between the forest trees. Aramyth on the other hand, looked like an intense blur of fire sweeping through the woods. Smoke and fire, they were quite the pair.

They ran the perimeter of the territory, Ryder feeling it was important for Aramyth to know where they were, granted every wolf of the pack could feel it if they crossed the border, but if Aramyth knew where it was she would have a better idea of how much area she had available to run when she needed to without the worry of someone seeing her from the border edge. Of course there were warriors that patrolled and the pair yipped at them in greeting as they passed.

As they ran they took turns nipping at one another and generally being playful. Aramyth would get up beside Ryder and nudge him with her maw in the side and then bolt forward. Ryder would of course give chase and occasionally take her down to the ground.

Eventually they ended at the lake in the territory, Aramyth not bothering to slow down or stop, she jumped right in with a large, loud ‘Sploosh!’ as she hit the water. She surfaced, looking at Ryder who was shaking his head at her, a humored look in his eyes. He soon joined her, jumping in with her.

They splashed and played in the water for a bit before Aramyth made her way out, shaking the water from her fur before laying down to rest on the edge of the lake. Ryder followed her out and shook his fur out as well before laying beside Aramyth, resting his head on her. The pair were a sight to behold. Like thick smoke rising from an intense blaze.

#x200e *I’m worried about Alyce. I dislike her and you being the bait, even passingly on our territory.* Ryder said.

*Me too, any plan we go with will have its risks, but I’m with you on Faelyn and I being bait. However, other than being the bait it is a solid plan with the least amount of risk otherwise.*

*Indeed, it potentially gets us eyes and ears into the pack by invitation or at least without suspicion.*

*Makes it hard to argue.* Aramyth huffed a bit in displeasure.

*It will be alright. Tristan and I won’t let anything happen to you so long as we are alive. Or anyone else if it’s in our power to stop it.*

*We know.* Aramyth flashed a wolfish smile and stood, stretching her form out. *It’s almost dinner time, we should head back.*

*If we must.*

*We must. As much as I enjoy the alone time with you, Mat and Kami are likely to send a search party if we aren’t present for dinner.*

Ryder let out a huff and stood, stretching as well. *You’re right. Let’s go.*

The pair took off into the woods, heading for the pack house, once again looking like a blur of fire and smoke. Though they didn’t rush, they moved at a decent pace. Both were a bit out of breath by the time they reached the pack house.

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