《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 55


We had finished lunch an hour ago. I was sitting quietly, listening to the others comments and ideas while thinking over my own.

“Lucian is not someone to underestimate.” Ivy said, “He is heartless, calculated, and will not hesitate to sacrifice those around him to save himself.”

“The scout report does leave it looking like we have the advantage though.” Cedric offered. I personally had digested the most important information from the reports and tried not to think about the smaller details. Half the pack was gone. I couldn’t dwell on it at the moment. I would not be able to focus on the meeting if I did. I would deal with that later.

“We would have to insert someone into the pack, someone he wouldn’t recognize, someone we can trust. It would be the best way to scout with the least risk of being caught.” Titus added.

“That, or we use bait…” I said quietly.

Tristan turned on me, eyes wide, “Absolutely not. You are not putting yourself out there like that.”

“Hear me out. I wouldn’t be leaving Moonlight to become bait.” I started, now everyone was looking at me.

Mat and Tristan looked like they would tie me to a chair before they let me become bait. Both starting to protest, I held my hand up to silence them and stood, addressing the group, “Titus and Cedric are right, we need inside information to pull this off with the least amount of casualties, and if the Goddess is with us they will not be our casualties. Victor is originally from Silver Moon, it would not be unheard of for a wolf to return to their original pack for various reasons. If he is willing, he would be my suggestion for insertion.”

“I would be honored to help you bring Lucian down, however and wherever you need me.” Victor grinned.

“As for the bait and how to initiate the insertion; I would be the bait, but as I said I would not be leaving Moonlight. What if we invited Lucian here? Maybe under the guise of Victor looking for a chosen or second chance mate. Of course I would not expect Victor to actually take one, but it would be a valid excuse to invite Lucian here, to discuss Victor returning to his original pack even if only for a short bit. Again, only if Victor is willing and up to the role. He would have to get in good with Lucian.” I paused, looking at the group and then at Victor, who looked like he was in thought, his brows furrowed.


“Lucian will likely recognize me the second he laid eyes on me. I’m sure he figures I’m dead, or has no idea who I actually am. I was young when he sold me off. I’ve been playing the ignorant Omega for years, I can step back into that role like a second skin. I’ll just be an ignorant Luna this time, meek and submissive to my Alpha. He will need to see me as non-threatening or he may act rashly rather than taking his time like he did when he overthrew my parents.”

“And your thought process is to have Victor go back with him? He would not be suspected of spying if he returned with Lucian, less suspicious than just showing up randomly.” Kami mused, “It’s not a bad idea.”

“It means it will take time before we can get Silver Moon back.” Tristan pulled me into his lap and held me close as we continued our discussion.

“Not necessarily. It depends on what we’re facing. If he thought he was safe all this time, he likely would be ill prepared for an attack. Silver Moon is almost as secluded as Moonlight, there’s not much threat to them from outside packs and people like Lucian are often paranoid about others doing to them what they would do or have done, so he may not keep many warriors either. It’s really hard to say what he has done with the pack over the years.” I sighed, worried for my pack members. I hoped some of them would remember Victor and that may work in our favor.

Victor finally seemed to come to a conclusion and he looked at us with determination on his face, “I’ll do it.”

“There is one more thing you would have to do Victor. Tristan, Mat you aren’t going to like it, but I need you to not react to it when it happens.” I murmured.

All three looked at me, their faces showing both worry and curiosity, “What is it?” Tristan’s voice had a low growl to it as he asked.

“Yes, tell us.” Mat narrowed his eyes at me while Victor kept quiet, waiting.

“Victor would need to corner me, while Lucian is nearby. We will argue and he will need to slap me, and make it look like he means it.”

Tristan and Mat both growled. “NO.” Tristan roared while Mat was growling, “Not happening!”


Victor visibly gulped, “Is that really necessary?”

“It seems a bit extreme.” Faith finally spoke up.

“I think I know where she’s going with this.” Jake said, “If Lucian sees that Victor has no love for his Luna, and isn’t afraid to raise a hand to her, he is more likely to think of him as someone he can use. It may help him get in better with Lucian. And if none of us react, at least the ranked males, then he may think we are more like Red Moon, or even like him. It could work in our favor.”

“Exactly.” I nodded, backing up Jake’s statement.

“I don’t like it.” Tristan grumbled, but he couldn’t argue with the logic.

“Me either.” Mat was glaring at me and even Victor. Cedric pulled him into his arms, calming him down with his touch.

“It doesn’t have to be hard enough to leave a mark, it just has to look like it is. The rest we can fake with some good makeup. I can make Alyce look like she’s beaten on a regular basis if necessary to sell it.” Kami spoke up, “I’d just need to go into the shopping plaza and get some supplies.”

“Faking it sounds like a much better plan.” Tristan huffed, still annoyed.

“Victor would still have to slap me, but only once and if makeup can do the rest, then he doesn’t have to slap me as hard as I was thinking he would. I mean, it’s just acting, and nothing compared to some of the things I’ve endured.” I pointed out quietly.

“That’s not really the point, Love. I promised you that you would never have to endure anything like that ever again.” Tristan reminded me.

I smiled at him, “I know, but I’m volunteering for this one. It’s necessary to get my pack back, besides I’m tougher than Victor. I’ll be fine.”

Victor scoffed and pretended to be wounded, “Ouch Alyce, ouch. Way to go straight for a man’s pride.” I giggled and grinned at him.

“What about the rest of the pack? We would need to decide how to keep them from letting anything slip.” Bruce said.

“I hate to say it, but the only way to be sure would be an Alpha order.” Dameon spoke hesitantly. A good Alpha never used an Alpha order to make their pack comply with something like this, but in this instance it was really the only way.

“I agree. And if Tristan isn’t comfortable doing it, I will. Though I think if we call a pack meeting and explain why we’re doing it, the pack is likely to understand and not resent us for it.”

“No, I will do it, but you’re right. They don’t need all the details, but a simple explanation would likely go a long way.” Tristan said.

“Then I think we have the starting point. We will meet again when we have more information from Victor and start more in depth planning. Thank you everyone, for being willing to help me in this. I appreciate every one of you and if at any point you change your mind and wish to bow out, I will not hold it against you, nor will I think any less of you for it.” I smiled at the group.

“We’re happy to do it Alyce, you’re our Luna, and an amazing one at that. It truly is an honor to help you take back what is yours and take down an asshole like Lucian.” Titus said, everyone murmuring in agreement with him.

“Besides that, I have a bone to pick with him anyway. Take away my Goddaughter for 9 years and see what happens.” Ivy was fired up and murmuring to herself in irritation of Lucian’s acts.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her antics and stood heading over to hug her. “Thank you, Ivy, but I did get Faith, Jake and Mattie out of the ordeal so I can’t complain too much.”

Ivy hugged me back and soon Mat, Jake and Faith were hugging us too. Then Daemon, Kami and Tristan joined in. I was laughing as they all squeezed me tight, “Ok, ok. I love you all too! Can’t… Breath!” I gasped dramatically.

They let me go and most left to go about their daily business for now. They took the leftovers from lunch and the folding tables and chairs out with them, “Thank you!” I hollered down the hall after them as they left.

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