《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 54


Cedric ran to Mat, pulling him into his arms and nuzzling his nose into his neck, his scent calming both him and his wolf down. Tristan set me down on my feet and I walked over to Mat and Cedric, pulling them both into a hug, “I didn’t mean to set your wolf or you off Cedric. Mat just has this nasty habit of intentionally setting me off.”

Cedric seemed a bit startled and Mat was laughing but they both hugged me back, “It’s my job as your brother to pick on you.” Mat said.

“It’s ok Alyce, it will just take some time for Atlas and I to adjust and remember that it’s normal behavior for siblings. I’m an only child so it’s not something we’re used to.”

I smiled up at Cedric, and threw a glare at Mat, “And it’s my job as your sister to beat you to a bloody pulp until you regret your decision to pick on me.” I pinched the back of his upper arm, causing him to yelp. Satisfied for now I walk back to Tristan, tucking myself into his side while Jake and Faith were just shaking their heads at us.

“Alright you two, that’s enough.” Faith said firmly.

“Yes Mom.”, “Yes, Ma’am” Mat and I said quickly, and in unison. Faith was probably the only person that scared both of us when she was mad. Neither of us wanted to get on her bad side.

We all headed inside, the crowd that had gathered dispersing as we went in to get some food. Mat and I washed up in the bathrooms as best we could before getting our food and joining the others at the table to eat.

“Alyce, I have heard about the events at the banquet, but when you have some free time I would like to know the truth from you, or at least what of it you are willing to share.” Cedric mentioned as we ate.

“Yes, actually I’m glad you mentioned it. If you’re going to be part of the inner circle, for lack of a better phrase, then you need to know what that entails. Being associated with me comes with its own risks at the moment, and the others all know my story and what risks the future holds. We have a meeting in a couple hours, join us. Mat has to be there anyway, and after the meeting I will fill you in and answer any questions you have.”

“Ok, thank you.” Cedric nodded and Mat leaned into him a bit as he finished the food on his plate. Cedric smiled and tugged Mat closer to him.

“Jake, Faith, you need to be there too. It’s time to start forging a plan.” I gave them a pointed look and they nodded, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

“Kami, will you let your parents know about the meeting and ask them to join us? As well as Titus, Victor and Bruce and Brandon if they’re willing.”

“Of course. I’ll drag them myself if I have to.”

“No ma’am, this mission is strictly volunteer only. I will not force anyone to help that isn’t willing. Once we have a plan set we can address the pack and fill in those willing to help.”



“We will regroup in my office at 11:30, lunch will be served there. Alyce has even volunteered to make it.” Tristan grinned at me as he dismissed the impromptu group. We all acknowledged the time and location before going our separate ways.

“I need a shower, I’m a mess.” I laughed at myself as Tristan and I stepped into the elevator and headed for the 5th floor.

“Mmm, who knew rolling around on the ground would get you dirty. I can help you clean up if you like.” A flirty smile crossed his lips as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, letting us out into the hall near our room.

“No Sir, that will only end in dirtier activities and I have lunch to make for…” I thought about the group for a moment, “For 12 or so adult wolves. You can help me with that though!”

“I will help you with anything you like, love.” We stepped into our room and Tristan closed the door behind us quickly. I was stripping clothing off before the door even shut, beelining for the bathroom and only in my panties by the time I closed the door behind me.

Tristan was staring at me the whole way, I could feel his gaze boring into my backside and I grinned a bit. I loved the feeling of his eyes on me, but that would have to wait until later. We had duties to attend.

*Let’s go for a run after the meeting?* I asked him as I set the temperature on the shower, stripped my panties off and got in.

*That sounds like a wonderful idea.*

*I thought so too. Aramyth is starting to get a bit antsy, I need to let her out.*

*Ryder is anxious to run with her too.*

I took my time in the shower, letting the hot water wash the dirt off my skin, watching it circle the drain as my mind wandered to the upcoming meeting. I was anxious and excited at the same time. I was going to get my pack back, find out what happened to my family, Goddess willing.

Thirty minutes later I was scrubbed clean, my hair washed, and wrapped in a fluffy lavender towel. I ran a brush through my hair after drying it with a towel. I worked some curl cream through it and let it hang free to dry.

Stepping out of the bathroom I glanced around the bedroom, not seeing Tristan. Maybe he had gone down to prepare his office for the meeting. I walked into the closet, grabbing a pair of black leggings, a lilac tunic shirt and a set of undergarments. I got dressed and walked out of the closet I reached out to Tristan, *I’m headed down to the kitchen to start working on lunch, where are you?*

*With Mat and Cedric in the rec room. I’ll meet you in the kitchen and give you a hand.*

*Thanks, bring Mat and Cedric with you, I have a job for them too.*

*Alright, we’ll see you down there.*

Opening the bedroom door I headed out into the hall and down the stairs, greeting a few of the pack members as I passed them. As I neared the kitchen I could hear the boys talking and laughing. I smiled, glad to know that Mat was welcomed in Moonlight and that Cedric was feeling comfortable in our group.


“Sounds like y'all are having far too much fun in here, and without me.” I pouted at them a bit.

Cedric started to stutter, trying to figure out what to say and Tristan looked like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Neither sure of what to do with a pouting and potentially insulted Luna. Mat looked at me, looked at the other two and then back at me. We both started laughing at them. They were confused.

“Y’all should have seen your faces.” Mat said laughing. I was still giggling.

“You two are going to be the death of me. I swear.” Tristan rolled his eyes at us.

“Your mother was right, you two might as well be twins. I think I’m with Alpha Tristan on this one…” Cedric laughed a bit.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I flashed them all a sweet smile and proceeded further into the kitchen like nothing had happened.

“Mat, Cedric I need you two to set up a couple of folding tables along one wall in the conference room adjoined to the office for food. The conference table should suffice for seating, maybe find a couple folding chairs and stash them in a corner in case we need them.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Cedric acknowledged without hesitation.

“How come I don’t get to help in the kitchen? I always help in the kitchen.” Mat pouted.

Turning on my heel I looked at him, arching an eyebrow at him, “You act like moving a couple of tables and chairs is going to take you an hour and a half. Get it done and then you can come down and help in the kitchen.”

Mat visibly gulped when I gave him the ‘What did you say to me look’. “Yes Ma’am.” He quickly echoed Cedric’s sentiment and they both scurried off.

Tristan wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple, “You know, you’re sexy when you’re all fired up.”

I smacked his arm and grinned, looking up at him, “Hush you. There’s time for that later.”

He let out a growl as the imagery that flashed through his mind, “Yes Ma’am.”

I laughed at him, “You just wanted an excuse to call me Ma’am. Are you feeling left out? Do you want me to give you that look too?”

“Nope, I want you to give me a task that will help you in the kitchen. Unlike Mat, I can actually cook, decently enough anyway.”

“I see. Well we’re not doing much cooking. I was just going to put together a sandwich bar essentially.”

“That sounds good. How can I help?”

“There are loaves of french bread in the pantry, can you get them and start slicing them in half lengthwise, and then in half widthwise?”

“I sure can.” He set about his task with a smile, coming out with roughly 25 loaves of french bread he set to work, slicing each one before slipping them back into their packaging to keep them from drying out.

I set myself to working on toppings. I washed and dried romaine lettuce before cutting the ends of the stalks off, separating the leaves. Smaller ones I set aside to be put back in the fridge, they could be used for salad in the next couple days, larger ones I stacked on a tray. About the time I started working on slicing pickles, lengthwise so they would fit the bread nicely, Mat and Cedric returned to the kitchen.

“Tables are set, chairs are stashed, Ma’am!” Mat reported, saluting like a soldier.

I rolled my eyes at him, “Thank you guys. Cedric, how are your kitchen skills?” Cedric blushed a bit, like I had stumbled on some secret inadvertently. I took that to mean he had none, “They can’t be worse than Matties.”

“Uh, no, no they’re not. My mother was a Human, and a 5 star chef, so my kitchen skills are pretty on point.”

“Thank Goddess, I could use another skilled set of hands around the kitchen sometimes.”

“Hey!” Tristan and Mat protested at the same time.

I just grinned at them both while addressing Cedric, “Can you slice about 10 tomatoes, maybe an ⅛ ” or so thick? ” I motioned to the tomatoes sitting on the counter awaiting attention.

“I’d be happy to.” He washed his hands and then set himself up at the counter to slice the tomatoes.

“Thank you. Mattie, can you slice the onions?”


We all worked hard to finish the task of preparing sandwich bar stuff. I sent Tristan and Mat upstairs to set up shallow pans and ice which the trays of veggies, meat and cheese would fit into perfectly to keep them cold. While they did that Cedric and I finished getting everything onto trays and the trays onto a rolling cart. I made one more ice pan and stuck condiments into it.

I let Cedric take that up while I loaded a cooler onto a smaller cart, and then loaded it with various drinks and ice. I also loaded the second shelf of the cart with bags of popcorn and chips as well. As an afterthought I grabbed 2 containers of cupcakes out of the fridge and put them on the cart too.

Finally I headed up to the office to help the guys get everything set up. By the time we finished, it was almost time for the others to arrive. The plan was to eat and discuss basic brainstorming ideas and share whatever information we all had about Silver Moon while eating and then start hashing out a plan when we were done.

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