《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 53


Kami and Mat wandered over with Cedric. Faith was following just a bit behind them, a curious glance given at Mat and Cedric as she joined Jake.

“Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. I didn’t expect to see you two out and about before breakfast.” Alyce grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at Mat.

“Yes well, I couldn’t pass up the chance to see you hand Tristan his ass. Better someone else than me for once.” Mat laughed and turned to his parents as he saw their questioning looks, “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Cedric, my mate.”

Faith grinned and squealed in delight for a moment before she composed herself, though she was still grinning as she hugged Mat tightly, “Oh Matheau, I’m so happy for you!” When she was done squeezing the breath out of her son she hugged Cedric just as hard, “Welcome to the family, Cedric!”

“Mom… can’t… breath…” Mat gasped dramatically before Faith moved from him to Cedric.

Jake smiled, “Congratulations son.” He also hugged Mat, and shook Cedric’s hand, “You will be joining us here at Moonlight then?” He asked Cedric.

“Yes sir. I am the soon to be former Head Warrior for Dark Forest.”

Jake nodded, giving Cedric an assessing look after hearing he was the head warrior for his pack.

Cedric said nothing, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding once Jake gave another nod of approval. Mat grinned at him whispering softly, “Don’t mind my dad, he’s never been one for words and he assesses all fighters like that. He’s a damn good fighter himself. It’s second nature. Honestly, if you have Mom and Alyce’s approval, then my Dad is sure to follow suit.”

Alyce grinned as she walked over to Mattie, gripping his chin and turning his head to inspect his mark, “His mark looks good on you.”

“Oof!” Mat grunted as Alyce man-handled his chin. He laughed and turned her head, “I could say the same about you, Aly. Why was there no 2am gossip?”

“Because you value your life and I value sleep?”

“That is not a valid excuse!”

“Sure it is. Come on, let's go get some food. I’m starving.”

“You eat more than a full size, male warrior.” Mat teased, earning a death glare from Alyce.


Tristan stifled a laugh and looked at Mat, “Come on, be a good Beta and leave Half-Pint alone.”

“She may be a Half-Pint, but her appetite is more like a keg.” Mat spit out before he took off running towards the pack house like his life depended on it.

Judging from the look on Alyce’s face, it just might and she tore off after him, “I will torture you slowly before I kill you, Matheau!” she growled as she chased him.

Tristan, Kami, Faith and Jake held their breath until the two were out of ear shot and then they broke out laughing. Poor Cedric just looked a bit confused as he strolled along with them.

“You will get used to it, Cedric.” Faith patted his arm lightly, “Those two are closer than any siblings born of blood. They will have entire conversations without using the mind-link or uttering a single word.”

“She will seek Mat’s advice on anything and everything before she seeks anyone else’s. Including Tristan’s in many cases, though that may change in time.” Jake said.

“Expect her to show up anytime of the night if she needs to speak to him, and expect him to come running to her if she calls for him, without hesitation.” Tristan offered.

“He would give her life for her, and she for him.” Kami added.

“They aren’t blood related?” Cedric asked.

“No, Jake and I kind of adopted Alyce when she came to our pack. They grew up together, and Alyce often refers to themselves as twins. They’re only about 6 months apart in age.”

“I’ve heard gossip of events at the banquet, including bits and pieces of her story. Is it really as bad as they say?”

“Probably, but if you want to know the truth, best to ask Alyce. She won’t be offended and she’ll likely feel like you have a right to know given that you are Mat’s mate. In her opinion if someone is going to be around her or even merely associated with her, they should know her full story, know what they are getting into.”

“She was prepared to reject me, or have me reject her, but she refused to even consider our mate bond or coming to Moonlight until we knew her full story.” Tristan murmured, the thought of what she had been through and that she thought herself broken and unworthy of a mate hurt him to his core.


“It all worked out in the end though, and more of her true self is starting to shine through the longer she is here. You’ve helped put her back together and given her the safety and security she needed to start doing it herself as well.” Jake gave Tristan an appreciative pat on the shoulder.

The group neared the packhouse, a ruckus coming from the side yard, followed by two very familiar voices. They glanced at each other and then made a dash across the backyard to the side to see what was going on. The sight stopped them dead in their tracks.


Mat and I were currently rolling around on the ground, he was squirmy and I was having a hard time pinning him down, “Take it back Mattie!”

Mat was laughing and trying to throw me off of him, “Come on Red, I was just teasing. Besides, you know it’s true!”

“I swear to the Goddess you have a death wish!” We were both covered in sweat and dirt. I got my knees on either side of him, digging them into his ribs with my feet hooked over his legs to give me more leverage.

“You wouldn’t kill me, you love me!” Mat was trying to block my hands while I was trying to get ahold of both his wrists in one hand.

“That may be true, but that doesn’t mean I won’t make you eat your words!” A crowd was starting to gather and I heard our family running across the yard at the sound of our voices. I finally caught his wrists and pinned them against his stomach with my left hand. I used the right to repeatedly tap the tip of my index finger right against the center of his collar bone.

It seemed harmless enough but after a dozen or so taps it would really start to hurt, “Now take it back Mattie!”


The crowd was starting to pick sides, not even knowing what was going on. There were random hoots for me and some for Mat as well.

“Well, it’s not the worst thing she's done to him when he’s teased her too much.” Faith said with a sigh.

“At least it’s not a black eye this time.” Jake mused.

“I think he’s just a glutton for punishment at this point.” I heard Kami snicker.

“Do… do we help him? Do we just watch?” Cedric was unsure how to react. I was the Luna, but Mat was his mate and he was watching me torture his mate.

Mat was starting to squirm in earnest, trying to get me off of him, but I easily kept him pinned, tap, tap, tapping away, “Say Uncle!”

“I…” he grunted, trying to buck me off, “Will never…” he rolled his hips trying to throw me off balance, “say it!”

Cedric was starting to get antsy, growling softly, and watching me torture his mate, even if it was harmless. Every fiber of his being was screaming for him to intervene, but he also knew better than to lay hands on a Luna, especially when said Luna was his future Luna and essentially his sister-in-law.

Tristan saw Cedric’s discomfort and took pity on him, he strode over to Mat and I and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me off of Mat with ease as he wrapped me up in his arms, “Alright Half-Pint, you’re now torturing poor Cedric by proxy. I think Mat has learned his lesson.”

I growled, squirming to get free from Tristan, “He most certainly has not learned his lesson. He never does until I get him to admit defeat. Lemme go!”

Mat took in a deep breath and then laughed as he got to his feet, “Alright, alright. I take it back, if only for the sake of not torturing my dear mate with our antics before he’s accustomed to them.”

I huffed and stopped fighting against Tristan’s grip. I glanced at Cedric, “Sorry, you’ll get used to us eventually. We’ll try to break you in easily.” I turned my attention to Mat, “This isn't over. I’ll grant a temporary truce for the sake of Cedric, but it has only just begun, sleep with one eye open.”

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