《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 50



Tristan and I were finishing up with the last of the guests, making sure those that were staying had rooms and that the Omegas knew where to place everyone as the evening was wearing down.

“We need to find the Alpha and Luna for Dark Forest before we leave, and make sure they’re aware of the situation.” I scanned the crowd as I spoke to Tristan. He pointed to the couple and we made our way over.

“Alpha Killian, Luna Morgan. How lovely to see you again.” Tristan spoke as we approached.

“Alpha Tristan, Luna Alyce! Congratulations!” Killian shook mine and Tristan’s hands, Morgan giving us a smile.

“Thank you, though that is not what brought us to see you. It’s merely a bonus.” I said with a smile.

“Oh? Is something wrong?” Morgan asked.

“No, not at all. Our Beta found his mate tonight, and his mate happens to be your Head Warrior.” Tristan answered.

“Cedric? Oh how wonderful!” Morgan laughed, clapping her hands together.

“Cedric deserves it. He’s been waiting a long time for his mate. Where are they? We can congratulate them as well!” Killian looked around a bit.

“Killian! They are likely where most newly mated pairs are after they find one another.” Morgan scolded him.

“Uh, I fear my brother has said they are unavailable until breakfast..” I said softly, giggling a little.

“Ah, yes… Well tomorrow will be soon enough for congratulations then.”

“They have promised to join us for breakfast, or I will drag them downstairs myself.” I kept a straight face, despite the look of shock on Killian and Morgan’s faces.

“I have no doubt you would do just that, Luna Alyce. I was at the banquet. I have no doubt you are true to your word and can hold your own no matter the task.” Killian complimented me, “I am glad Tristan has found such a well suited mate. I am also glad to be an ally and not an enemy.”


I felt my cheeks tinge pink and laughed, “Thank you, though I think you give me a bit more credit than is fair.”

“Oh no my dear, if anything I think he gives you too little.” Morgan spoke and I blushed deeper.

“Ah, well thank you. Thank you for making the trip out to join our celebration as well.”

“It has most certainly been our pleasure. You impressed me at Red Moon, but you continue to do so. Watching the way you bring a room together is fascinating. Everyone seems to naturally gravitate towards you.” Killian commented, scrutinizing me in a curious manner.

“You will make a wonderful Luna. Truly Alyce, you’re a natural. I struggled with it for many months, and I was raised around it. My mother was also a Luna.”

“That is very kind of you Luna Morgan and quite the compliment considering.” I smiled at the pair, happy to try and turn Killian’s attention from me and to the flow of conversation. Last thing we needed were others asking questions before we were ready and able to answer them.

“We just wanted to touch base and make sure you were aware of the situation, we were about to take our leave. We will see you at breakfast tomorrow?” Tristan interrupted as he took my hand, coming to my rescue.

“Of course, of course. It’s been a long day for you both. I’m sure you would like some time to yourselves as well. We will see you in the morning.” Morgan graciously caught on and released us before her mate could keep the conversation going.

Tristan gave her a thankful smile, “Be sure to let the Omegas know if you need anything.” With that he swept me up and over his shoulder as he carried me away from the ballroom. This was becoming a habit.


Those that still remained were laughing, murmuring amongst themselves about Tristan’s antics. Many were giving us knowing looks. Alpha nature was well known among our kind. It was quite natural to see public displays of affection amongst mates in general and Alpha’s were the worst of us. I just gave them all a smile and a wave like this was totally normal. Although, I guess it really was for wolves, “Goodnight everyone! Thanks for coming!”

I was laughing as Tristan carried me through the doorway, the ballroom and its inhabitants disappearing from my view. I could hear some of them still chuckling at us though.

As Tristan hauled me up the stairs, both of us laughing, I reached out to Aramyth, *I promise you and Ryder will get to run tomorrow. Maybe even tonight, though I make no promises on that one.*

*I understand, Little Luna, but I don’t have to like waiting.* She huffed at me.

*That’s fair. You have already done a lot of waiting for my sake. I am lucky to have such an amazing wolf counterpart. Thank you for everything*

*Flattery will get you only so far, Faelyn. I will not speak to you for a week if you don’t come through tomorrow.*

*You would miss me if you didn’t talk to me for a week.*

*That’s not the point here!* She was laughing at me. *Enjoy your night, Little Luna.* With that she closed the link.

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