《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 49



I was hanging out with Kami, keeping an eye on Alyce and Tristan as they worked the crowd. I wasn’t terribly worried about the group present tonight. Tristan would never put Alyce in danger. Newcomers were starting to file in. I knew the shift change was happening and that some of our guests were arriving late due to other duties, so I was keeping an eye on the movement of people as well.

Xavier was bouncing around in my head, excited about something but I couldn’t get him calm enough to tell me what was going on, and then I smelt it… The exotic scent of cinnamon, bergamont, and cedar, *Mate! Mate! Mate!* Xavier chanted excitedly in my head.

I followed the scent, letting out a growl as my eyes fell on the source. I didn’t recognize him, maybe someone from Dark Forest or Snow Moon. He was exquisite. About 6’0 with bronzed skin and the greyest eyes I had ever seen. He had black hair that fell to his shoulders. I could see the lines of his muscular form under the black t-shirt and jeans he wore. He turned towards me and our eyes locked. I growled, “Mate, mine.”

I briefly registered Alyce pushing through the crowd, her hand coming to rest on my arm, “Mattie, are you ok?”

My mate growled, beelining for us and Alyce’s eyes widened as she realized what was going on. Tristan stepped in between her and my mate, giving a warning growl. Alyce quickly drug me past Tristan, “It’s fine love, he’s Mattie’s mate.” She whispered to him as we came to a halt in front of my mate.

“MINE!” My mate bellowed, growling at her. Tristan growling back at him for growling at his mate.

“Yes, yes, yours. However, growling at me will get you nowhere with him buddy, so simmer down. He’s my brother and my best friend. If you think I was just gonna not make sure he was ok when he let out a growl like that you have another thing coming.” Alyce growled right back, standing her ground and staring him down.

He seemed briefly taken aback that a tiny she-wolf would stand her ground against him. Especially when she was between him and his mate. I laughed. This drew both their attention to me, “Thank you Alyce, but it’s fine. I’m fine. Seems a tad familiar, even if the roles are reversed.”

She grinned at me with a nod and I took her hand off my arm and hugged her, drawing another small growl from my mate, which made my stomach do flips. I let go of her and closed the distance between myself and my mate, “I’m Matheau, people call me Mat.”


“And your sister calls you Mattie.” He grinned and drew in my scent as he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into him, “I’m Cedric, I call you mine.”

I grinned, “You can call me whatever you like. What pack are you from?”

“Dark Forest, I’m the head warrior.”

“I’m the new Beta of Moonlight pack, you’ve already met the new Luna, kind of anyway.”

“Your sister is the Luna.. And I just growled at her… Fuck..” He gulped, his eyes widening as realization set in. He looked at Alyce, “Luna, please forgive my barbaric behavior.” He bowed his head.

Alyce laughed, linking her arm with Tristan’s, “Forgive you for being true to who you are and how we all act where our mate is concerned? Done. You’ll find I’m rather easy to get along with and don’t fret over small stuff.” she lowered her voice so that only Tristan, Cedric, and myself could hear her, “However, if you hurt Mattie… I will personally carve your heart out and no one will find your body.”

“She’s not kidding is she?” Cedric murmured to me.

“Not even a little.”

“I would never hurt him Luna Alyce, I’d sooner kill myself than hurt him.”

“I believe you. Please, just call me Alyce.” She flashed us one of her dazzling smiles and Tristan tucked her into his side, “This is Tristan, my mate and the Alpha of Moonlight. Though if you’re from Dark Forest I suspect you already know who he is.”

“I know of him, I’ve never been to visit your pack before today though. I’m usually busy with duties at home. It’s an honor to meet both of you. Do you mind terribly, if I borrow my mate for a while?” Cedric gave a sheepish grin.

“Not at all. I expect to see you both at breakfast in the morning. Until then, Mattie, enjoy your evening.” She waggled her eyebrows at us suggestively and I felt my ears turning red.

“Half-Pint, you can torture him later, let him be for now.” Tristan laughed, kissing the top of her head.

I grinned at both of them, hugging Alyce, “Thanks, I’ll fill you in later. 2am gossip?” I whispered to her.

She growled and smacked the back of my head, “Seriously… I will kill you…” She hissed back at me and I left with Cedric, laughing at her as we went.

I took Cedric out into the gardens, it was usually quiet out here. I figured it was as good a place as any to talk. We sat on a bench in an alcove and I grinned at him, feeling shy. I’d never been shy in my life.


“So, how did you come to be the new Beta of Moonlight?” Cedric smiled at me, seeming almost as shy as I was feeling at the moment.

“My parents and I came with Alyce from Red Moon, and since Tristan didn’t have a Beta he appointed me. My parents were the Delta’s for Red Moon. While they won’t necessarily hold rank in Moonlight, my father is a fierce fighter and my mother is a hell of a nurse and Tristan and his family have welcomed us with open arms.”

“Red Moon? I’ve heard rumors from the banquet they hosted. Wait. Your sister? Is she...? - That- Alyce?”

I nodded, “She is. I’m sure most of the rumors you heard are at least partially true. I can guarantee that Alyce will answer any questions and fill you in on the details. Being my mate will mean you will become an intricate part of her inner circle. She will insist you know what that means.”

“It’s kind of funny, I wasn’t originally planning on coming to this event. I usually don’t leave the pack grounds much. Our pack is small and despite the safety of this area I dislike leaving my post when others are away.”

“Will… Will you not be coming here with me then?” I felt a lump form in my throat as I continued, “Even if I hadn’t just been named Beta tonight. Leaving is not an option for me. I cannot leave Alyce. It’s never been an option. Despite her threatening to throw me out of a pack for my own good.” I looked at him, searching his face for emotions, expressions, anything that would clue me into what he was thinking and feeling.

“Oh! Oh, no, no, no. That’s not what I meant to imply. I will happily join you here in Moonlight. The others will be returning tomorrow. Including the warriors we brought with us. Logically I know they’re fine when I’m not there. I’ve just always focused on my duties as Head Warrior. I’ve never had anything else to prioritize before tonight.” He smiled and his eyes lit up as he looked at me.

I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding and smiled, placing my hand in his shivering a little at the tingling where our skin touched, “You’ve no idea how happy I am to hear that. The only thing I’ve ever dreaded about finding my mate, was whether or not they would join me, regardless of what was expected.”

He placed a finger under my chin, tingles coursing through my face, “I meant it when I told your sister I’d never do anything to hurt you. If my joining Moonlight keeps me from hurting you in any way, I’d do it ten times over.” He leaned in, brushing his lips against mine tentatively, testing the waters.

I raised a hand to his neck, pulling him in further as I pressed my lips firmly against his. I kissed him like I would eat him from the mouth down. His hands came to my waist, pulling me into him even more. I let out a soft moan as our bodies pressed against one another. I was nearly in his lap. I broke away, looking into his eyes with a smile, “I’m so glad I found you. So glad duties didn’t keep you away this time.”

“Alpha Killian insisted I get out of the territory and live a little this time. He might regret that when he realizes I’m not coming back, but I regret nothing.”

“Good. I have no remorse about stealing you away.”

He laughed and kissed me again, pulling me into his lap fully as I straddled him. My pants were getting uncomfortably tight as my hardened length strained against the zipper. I could feel him pressed against me, so I knew he was not in any better condition than I was. I pressed against him, rubbing my hardness against his, coaxing a moan out of him for my efforts and I grinned into the kiss.

Breaking away I stood, taking his hand and drawing him to his feet, “Come with me. I’ll show you around real quick.” I gave him a sly grin.

“Oh? And where will this little tour end?”

“My room. I would say ours, but it’s a temporary room until we can all get settled into the appropriate locations.

“What a perfect ending to the tour. Though I must warn you, I’m already struggling not to claim you right here and now. If we end there, I will claim you in every way possible before the morning and you’ll be wearing my mark down to breakfast.”

“As long as you’re wearing mine too, I’m ok with that.” I laughed and drug him back inside, leading him up to my room. I locked the door and sent Alyce a brief mind-link, letting her know I would be unavailable until breakfast, unless it was an emergency.

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