《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 48


I snagged Alyce and spun her into my arms, kissing her softly, “I love you, and am proud and honored to have you as my Luna.” I whispered against her lips with a grin.

She smiled at me and kissed me again, “I love you too, I will do my best to live up to the expectations of being your Luna. I am lucky to have you as my mate and Alpha.”

“Come on, let’s dance.” I tugged her towards the dance floor.

“Ok, hold on a minute though.” She said, and I stopped and gave her a quizzical look as she untied the bow at her hip, the skirt of her dress coming away with it. My jaw just about dropped when I saw the full extent of the evening gown. A soft growl coming from my throat.

She giggled at me and handed the skirt off to one of the Omegas, asking her to put it up in our room safely. I tugged her to me, inhaling her scent, “Are you trying to kill me love? This gown is both amazing and tortuous.”

“I’m glad you like it, I promise the dress has nothing on what you’re getting later.” She whispered in my ear.

I looked down at her and nearly threw her over my shoulder right then and there. She was going to be the death of me, and I would enjoy every minute of it, “Don’t tempt me love. I’m already struggling to maintain control and composure.”

“It will be worth the wait, I promise.”

“You always have been and will always be worth the wait, worth the world. You’re my beginning, my future, my everything.” I kissed her again, a soft brief kiss as we danced amongst the crowd of people on the dance floor.

“As you are mine, my love.” She gave me her dazzling smile and I couldn’t help but smile back at her.

We danced a couple songs and then started to work through the crowd as everyone wanted their chance to congratulate us. Mat and Kami soon found us and Alyce grinned, “Beta Mattie.” She teased him and giggled.

“Luna Alyce.” He bowed before her with a teasing smile.

“Nope, still not a fan of titles.” She laughed.

“Some things will never change Aly. I’m just glad you’re happy.” Mat hugged her, and she hugged him back.

“I am, I still have goals to achieve; however, I am more hopeful that I will succeed than I have been in a long time, or ever really.”

“We will be here to help you, every step of the way. Congrats you two.” Kami smiled and hugged us both.


We hugged her back and soon Mother and Father were joining in the group hug. Alyce and Kami were laughing, stuck in the middle of the group. Everyone stepped back a bit and my mother was soon hugging Alyce again, “We’re so glad you are here, where you belong.” My mother had tears in her eyes as she spoke.

“I am too, Ivy. I haven’t been this happy since, well… Since shortly before that night.” Alyce smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes and I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, kissing the top of her head, “We will find out what happened, and we will get your pack back. I promise.” I said softly to her.

She looked back at me with a nod, “I know love. Thank you. Let’s not worry about all this tonight. Tonight is a happy night.”

“Indeed it is.” I smiled at her, getting lost in her eyes, “And the best part is still to come.” I gave her a mischievous grin and watched as the confusion in her eyes at my statement soon became a knowing look of surprise and her cheeks turned pink as it all clicked. I laughed a bit and stole another kiss from her before we continued to work the crowd.

~ Alyce/Faelyn~

*Maybe we can get a run in before he drags you to the bedroom and ravishes you.* Aramyth was laughing at me and my reaction to Tristan’s statement.

*You just want to be ravished by Ryder.*

*So? What’s wrong with that?* She sent me some mental images as if to encourage the idea.

*Absolutely nothing you perverted wolf!* I shoved her laughing self into the back of my mind and giggled a bit myself. Tristan gave me a sideways look as we moved further into the crowd and closer to our escape.

“Do I even want to know?” He asked.

“Aramyth wants to get a run in tonight before, and I quote, ‘you drag me to the bedroom and ravish me’. I have a perverted wolf… She shared - never mind… Ask Ryder if you want to know, I’m quite sure she shared them with him too.” I blushed and grinned at him a bit.

“Well that explains those bits of randomness and his sudden excitement. I think a run would be a good idea. Aramyth hasn’t gotten out since your first shift. She deserves to run now that it’s safe for her to do so. I know they are both anxious, but perhaps tomorrow would be amicable for her? Call me selfish, but my human side wants to see what’s under this dress of yours first.”


“Alright, selfish. Although I agree, she’s put up with a lot, being paired with me. She’s also the reason I got through most of it without losing my sanity or who I am. I owe her so much.”

“And I owe her everything. I would be nothing without you. I would never have taken a chosen mate. I would sooner have let Kami take over the pack and lose myself then give up on finding my gift from the Goddess.”

“This pack is lucky to have you as their Alpha. Your family as their leaders. My pack will be lucky to join yours.”

“We are all lucky to have you for our Alpha-Luna. Your pack will be lucky and grateful, I’m sure, to have you back in control of the pack.”

“I still think your opinion is biased. Alpha-Luna huh? That’s an interesting way to put it.”

“I rather like that title for you… I wonder if we could find a way to make it permanent when your pack joins ours. I will have to ask Father about it.”

I laughed a bit, smiling at him, “It’s fine. I’m ok with Luna, I don’t like titles anyway, remember?”

“I know, but you are rightfully an Alpha-Luna. That should be acknowledged.”

“We can worry about it later. It’s still a ways off. We can speak of this tomorrow and start planning. For tonight let’s just enjoy the evening.”

“As you wish, my love. Come on, time for you to meet the rest of the ranked brood.” He hooked my arm in his as we wandered over to a group of people that up until now I was fairly certain he had been trying to put off until last, though I wasn’t sure why. As we got closer I realized they were our age.

There were three women and a male. Two of the women were identical twins. The other woman and the male looked a lot alike, but were clearly a few years apart, likely siblings.

“Janelle, Vivian, Brandon, Celeste, I’d like to officially introduce you to Alyce, my mate and Luna.” He started, and I waved at the group with a smile as he continued, “Janelle and Vivian are Bruce and Hannah’s daughters. Brandon and Celeste are Titus and Lillian’s children.” Each one of them gave me a wave and a smile as he introduced them. I was studying the twins, trying to see if there was a way I could tell the two apart but there wasn’t, at least not at first glance.

“It’s lovely to meet you all.” I smiled and nodded to each of them.

“Alpha Tristan, Luna Alyce.” They said in unison, bearing their necks to us in respect.

“Please, just call me Alyce. I rather dislike titles.”

“Alyce, welcome to Moonlight. We’re all happy that this idiot finally found you.” Brandon chuckled a bit.

“Says the Idiot Ringleader.” Janelle scoffed. Or was it Vivian? I wasn’t sure.

I laughed a bit at the group, “I’m happy to be here.”

Celeste smacked her brother’s shoulder and rolled her eyes, “Ignore him, he’ll grow up eventually. Hard to believe he’s technically an adult.”

“19 going on 12 is more accurate.” Vivian, I think, snickered.

“Hey, hey, this is not how you treat your Gamma.” Brandon feigned offense.

“Clearly you haven’t met Mat yet…” Tristan chuckled, and I laughed harder than I probably should have.

“The new Beta?” Vivan flashed a smile.

“Yes, that’s him.” Tristan nodded.

“Is he mated? He’s awfully cute.”

“No, he hasn’t found his mate yet.” I giggled a bit and Janelle gave me a funny look.

“What’s so funny?” Janelle asked.

“Nothing in particular really. Mattie likes guys. I fear there will be a lot of heart-broken she-wolves given the looks many of them have been giving him.”

“Damn. Well that will be amusing to watch, in some cases at least.” Vivian sighed a bit and then grinned.

“And Mat has what to do with them mistreating their Gamma?” Brandon gave us a quizzical look, still pretending to be insulted.

“Mattie gets a lot more shit from me than these ladies have given you. Rank has a purpose and a place in pack business, but not really any business in friendship.”

He seemed to mull that over a moment and then grinned, “I agree with you there.”

Our conversation was interrupted by some commotion and I turned to see what was going on, my brows furrowed. Tristan smiled at me, “Shift change. We adjusted the schedule so that all the warriors could attend the party at some point in time. The ones who were just relieved are arriving, as are some of Dark Forest, who were unable to arrive in time for the ceremony as they had a meeting with another pack, but still wanted to come celebrate with us.”

I smiled back and nodded, though my smile soon fell when I heard a very familiar growl ring out through the crowd, “That’s Mattie…” I didn’t wait, I ran towards the source of the growl, with Tristan hot on my heels, along with the others.

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