《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 47



I could hear the chatter and laughter coming from the crowd downstairs as we exited the elevator. I scanned the crowd, knowing damn well that Tristan was outside. Kami had insisted that he was not allowed to see me before the ceremony. A mating ceremony for us wolves is a lot like a wedding for the Humans, and since our mating ceremony was being rolled into the Luna Ceremony as well as the joining ceremony for Mat, Jake and Faith - well, Kami is putting her foot down about certain things, and only Tristan has tried to argue with her about it, and only Mat has successfully swayed her, even if it was just breakfast.

I grinned and giggled to myself thinking over the events of the last two days. Mat gave me a sideway look and I just smiled at him, shaking my head a little.

“I’m going to go check on everyone else, and check in with Mother. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Kami informed us before slipping into the crowd.

Mat stuck to my side as we talked with the crowd that was inside. Kami had forbidden me to leave the house until the ceremony and thus Mat was stuck too since he was to be the one to escort me to Tristan. By now, most of the pack knew who I was just by my physical description and they also knew of Mat and that he was my brother for all intents and purposes.

So now the she-wolves were trying to catch his eye with flirty glances and body language. Apparently word had not gotten around that Mat was gay and it made me snicker to watch them act like wanton woman with no intelligence or self-respect in some cases, “You have fans.” I murmured so that I knew only he would hear.

He glanced around the room in a nonchalant manner, surveying the crowd while taking note of the she-wolves trying to get his attention before returning his attention back to me, “Too bad they lack the proper equipment.” He murmured back to me.

I laughed, slapping his shoulder, “Matheau David Williams, behave yourself.” I managed to pretend like I was actually scolding him with a straight face before he started laughing and I joined him. The she-wolves were now giving me death glares, never mind that I was happily mated or that he was my brother, I was apparently the competition in their eyes. Idiots.

“Well it’s the truth, not my fault.” He grinned at me and we continued to circulate the crowd.

Faith and Jake made their way through the crowd to join Mat and I, “Hello my darlings.” Faith kissed both our cheeks and I kissed hers in return and hugged Jake.


“Hello, you guys look great. Are you ready?” I asked and smiled at them. Faith was wearing a simple blue dress in a halter style that flowed down to her ankles. Jake wore black slacks and a button down shirt that was the same shade of blue as Faith’s dress.

“I’m very much looking forward to renouncing Red Moon and joining Moonlight.” Faith smiled, Jake nodding in agreement beside her.

“Me too.” Mat added and I drew them all in for a hug.

“I’m so glad you guys decided to come with me. I don’t know what I would do without you all. I love you all.” I stepped back and smiled.

“We love you too.” Mat kissed the top of my head and Faith kissed my forehead. Jake just took another hug.

I laughed a bit and turned as Kami called our names, making her way through the crowd to us, “It’s time. Everything is ready. We will do the Luna Ceremony first, then Alyce and Tristan will bring you guys into the pack as a pair rather than just Tristan doing it.”

“Sounds wonderful. Thank you Kami, we will see you out there.” I hugged her briefly before she headed back out to take her place with the others. The crowd was also heading out to join the rest of the pack in the seating area. Mat and I took our place at the doors, Faith and Jake behind us.

“Everyone ready?” Mat asked, peeking through the curtains on the door. He was watching for Kami’s signal.

“Yes.” Jake answered.

“Absolutely.” Faith smiled at us.

“Time to become part of home. Let’s do this.” I nodded, with a determined smile.

Mat grinned as Kami signaled and he threw open the doors before linking my arm in his, “Show time.”

The crowd turned to look at us as we made our way down the path between the chairs. I smiled at the people who would become my pack. My head held high in confidence. I let my gaze wander to Tristan and my heart was suddenly pounding, my breath caught in my throat. He was always the most gorgeous man in my eyes, but seeing him dressed up paled in comparison now. He was dressed in a white suit, the sleeves rolled up past his elbows, his shirt the same shade of green as my dress. I assume Kami had helped him pick the color. He had his hair slicked back and tied into a ponytail. His eyes found mine and it was like the world around us disappeared.


I turned as I heard the doors open, my world coming to a halt as my gaze landed on Alyce. She was always gorgeous, but tonight, tonight she had outdone herself. The way her dress hugged her curves in all the right places, and the heels. I couldn’t believe they’d gotten her in heels. Her eyes met mine and I felt my chest rumble in pride and wanting. She was mine and I still couldn’t believe it. I was the luckiest male alive. Her eyes met mine and the rest of the world melted away. I vaguely registered Mat walking with her and his parents behind them.


The group reached the end of the aisle and Mat took Alyce’s hand from his arm, placing it in mine as he kissed her cheek. He stepped to the side with his parents and I smiled at her as we turned towards my parents. She tore her gaze from mine and we turned our attention to my Father.

“Welcome. Tonight is a night of celebration as we welcome your future Luna and my son’s mate. Most of you know her as Alyce, as that is her preference. For official purposes we will use her given name, but this knowledge must stay within our pack for now.” My father spoke to the crowd. Alyce was shifting on her feet a little, so I took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

My father continued, “Tonight we accept Faelyn De’Lune as your future Luna. We will also be bringing her family into the pack as members. Luna Ivy and I will also be handing the reins over to Tristan and Faelyn tonight as well. It is a big evening, with lots of celebrating to be done!”

There was cheering amongst the pack members, they were all excited to have their Luna and for me to have found my mate. Alyce was giggling a little and I gave her hand another squeeze. My father brought out our pack’s ceremonial dagger and turned his attention to us as he handed the dagger to me, but he spoke to Alyce, “Faelyn De’Lune, do you accept the position of Luna of the Moonlight pack. Swearing an oath to protect the pack and be there for the members of this pack to the best of your abilities, to follow the path the Moon Goddess has given you, to uphold the laws of the werewolf world, upon accepting the position?”

“I, Faelyn De’Lune, do hereby renounce my place within the Red Moon pack and all ties to the pack. I accept the role and responsibilities of Luna of the Moonlight Pack.” Alyce answered, and I used the dagger to cut both her palm and mine, combining our blood. She shuddered a bit at the snapping of the link to Red Moon and then with the pack link for Moonlight taking its place. I felt the pack mind-link snap into place as well as her joining of the pack became full and official. I placed a hand on her back to steady her.

“Welcome to the pack Luna Faelyn.” My mother announced excitedly, the rest of the pack cheering loudly.

“Thank you, everyone. I promise I will be the best Luna I can be for all of you. I am happy to be accepted by all of you. I am proud to be the mate of Alpha Tristan and Luna of Moonlight Pack!”

My mother and father stepped forward, “I, Alpha Daemon Willow, step down as active Alpha, passing on the title, responsibility and power to my son, Alpha Tristan Willow.” Like with Alyce, my father and I sliced our palms, combining our blood by gripping hands.

Then it was my mother and Alyce’s turn, “I, Luna Ivy Willow, step down as active Luna of Moonlight, passing on the title, responsibility and power to Luna Faelyn De’Lune.” They sliced their palms, gripping hands and combining blood as well.

The waves of power being transferred rippled through the area, bringing the pack involuntarily to their knees with a gasp. I realized it was coming from Alyce, the power that rippled from her was enough to make me submit but she quickly pulled it in and I turned with her to the pack, “Tonight is the start of a new generation of leadership, but also a new time of prosperity. We are proud to be your Alpha and Luna!” I announced..

I motioned to Mat and his parents and they stepped forward, “Today we also welcome three new pack members. Jake and Faith, please step forward.”

Jake and Faith came to stand before Alyce and I, each renouncing Red Moon and combining blood with myself as they swore their allegiance to Moonlight, Alyce and I. Mat stepped forward next.

“I, Matheau Williams, renounce Red Moon, and hereby swear to protect you Alpha Tristan Willow, and you, Luna Faelyn De’Lune, as well as the rest of Moonlight Pack to my dying breath.'' Mat spoke with honesty and determination.

“I, Alpha Tristan Willow, give you Matheau Williams, the position and rank of my Beta. You and any children you may have in the future will bear the rank of Beta unless you or they do something to show otherwise.”

We all shuddered a bit as links and power snapped into place, the rest of the pack cheering as well, “Well, now that all the formalities are taken care of, let’s enjoy the food, drinks and party!” I bellowed over the crowd, receiving another cheer as the formal atmosphere melted, giving way to a relaxed and happy party.

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