《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 44


We collapsed together on the bed, worn out and very happily satisfied. I slid off him, curling into his side. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close to him, “That was amazing, you are amazing. I love you.” I heard him whisper to me.

“So are you. I love you with everything I am.” I murmured back to him. We snuggled for a few minutes before he rolled out of the bed. I sat up a bit and watched him as he walked to the bathroom. I heard the shower start before he came back out and scooped me out of the bed.

“I could walk ya know?” I giggled at him.

“I know, but I want to take care of you.” He grinned at me and carried me into the bathroom. He stepped into the shower with me and set me gently on my feet.

I stepped into the water, relishing in the feeling of the heat of it on my muscles. I really did love a hot shower, “Mmmm, so good.”

“Should I be worried about being replaced with that hot shower?” Tristan chuckled at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Not at all.” I giggled.


I flashed him a smile and tilted my head back into the water. I felt Tristan spin me around so my back was to him. After amoment his hands were in my hair, washing it. My hair was such a chore it took a good five minutes to work my mint kiwi shampoo through all of it, “Maybe I should get a haircut. It’s beginning to get out of control.” I contemplated out loud.

“I love your hair the way it is, but I can also see how it would be a lot of work to care for it properly. Just promise you won’t cut it super short?”


“I promise. I like having long hair, but maybe not this long.” I smiled at him as I rinsed the shampoo out while he was getting the conditioner ready.

I turned around again so he could work conditioner through my hair once the shampoo was out. I knew there was going to be a stylist coming tomorrow to help prep Kami, Ivy and I for the event. I reached out to Mat with the mind-link, cause I couldn’t mind-link Kami until I was officially a pack member, *Hey, are you around Kami right now?*

*No, but I can track her down if you need me to.* Mat replied.

*Can you find her and ask her to have the stylist come a couple hours earlier if possible?*

*Yes, why?*

*I think it’s time for a haircut.*

I heard him gasp through the link, *I will, but only on the condition that I get to consult on it. No way I’m going to let someone loose on your hair without supervision the day of your ceremony.*

I giggled a little, *Deal. Make arrangements with Kami and let me know in the morning.* I closed the link and then rinsed the conditioner out of my hair.

Tristan gave me a curious look, “Asked Mat to find Kami and arrange for the stylist to come early tomorrow, but he would only do so if I let him supervise the stylist. Something about letting someone loose on my hair the day of my ceremony.” I shrugged at him and he laughed.

“At least I know if I’m not around for whatever reason you’re well looked after.”

“He’s like a mother hen sometimes.”

“Personally, I’m thankful for it. It means I can worry just a little bit less about you.”


I opened my mouth to respond but he cut me off as he tapped the tip of my nose playfully, “I know, I know. You can take care of yourself and I have no doubt that you can, but I still worry.”

I smiled and let it go as I turned and grabbed my honey oatmeal body wash and put some on my loofah, scrubbing myself off with it. Then I scrubbed Tristan down with it too, “Now you’ll smell like me.” I giggled.

“I already smell like you, at least a bit, all snuggled up to me at night.” He grinned.

“Well, now you will smell more like me.”

“I certainly won’t complain.”

“I would hope not.”

We rinsed off and he shut the water off. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping my hair in a towel before drying myself with a second one. I could feel Tristan watching me and I shifted my gaze to him, “Yes?”

“Nothing, just enjoying the view.” He dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist. Now I was the one staring at his god-like body and the few drops of water his towel missed, rolling down the lines of his muscles.

“Pretty sure I have the best view in the house.” I mumbled as I wrapped myself in the second towel.

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

“I think you’re wrong and I have the best view.”

“We might have to agree to disagree, Love.”


We left the bathroom and he grabbed our dirty clothes, putting them in the laundry. I disappeared into the closet, grabbing one of his t-shirts and a fresh pair of panties to sleep in. I grabbed him a pair of boxers as well. He had stripped the bed down and made quick work of putting fresh sheets on it. I tossed him his boxers and put on my panties and t-shirt before fetching a fresh comforter from the closet and coming back out with it. That was an amusing sight in and of itself. The King size comforter nearly swallowed me whole. I heard Tristan laugh as he took the comforter from me. His efforts were rewarded with a dazzling smile as I helped him spread it on the bed and then crawled under the blankets. He slipped in behind me and pulled me to him.

He kissed the tip of my nose, “Get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow, Love.” He didn’t have to tell me twice, I let sleep take me, a smile on my face as I snuggled into him some more.

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