《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 42


I didn’t wake until we were pulling into the drive and the crunching of the gravel reached my ears. Tristan was still stroking my hair. I sat up and stretched a little, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” I murmured, not quite awake yet.

“No worries love, you really were tired.” Tristan smiled at me.

“Your snoring didn’t bother us too much.” Mat teased.

I glared at him, “You really do have a death wish don’t you, Mattie?”

“Only with you Aly.”

I rolled my eyes at him and opened my door as Tristan shut the SUV off. I started gathering bags while the others got out. Kami, Mat and Tristan got the rest of the bags. I looked at Thomas and Will, “Thanks again for accompanying us.”

“It was no problem at all Luna.” Will smiled.

“Our pleasure, really.” Thomas added.

“If one of you will put the vehicle away you can both enjoy the rest of the day off.” Tristan nodded at them and they gave a wave as we headed off.

Our group of four headed inside, taking the bags up to mine and Tristan’s room. We dropped everything on the bed and I smacked Tristan’s hand for trying to peek in the lingerie bags, “Don’t be nosey.”

“Can’t blame a man for trying.”

“Sure she can.” Kami laughed.

“I’m gonna go shower and check in with Mom and Dad, make sure they don’t need anything.” Mat said, “It was nice to see you laughing and smiling again, Aly.”

“Thanks Mattie.” I hugged him and he headed off.

“Trist, why don’t you go check in with Mom and see if there’s anything we need to help with for tomorrow, and I’ll help Alyce put this stuff away.”

“You’re just trying to get rid of me so I can’t see anything.”

“True, but we should also see if there’s anything we can do to help.” I giggled at him and kissed him softly.

“Fine, fine, I’m going.” He kissed me back and headed for the door, taking his sweet time.

Kami gave him an encouraging shove out the door, locking it behind him, “Bye!”

I laughed and she and I walked to the closet with the bags. My side was practically bare, having only the sparse clothing I had brought with me from Red Moon.


“Let’s fill this space shall we?” Kami grinned at me.

I laughed, “Well, we already spent the money, so might as well put it all away.”

She handed me the lingerie and I started sorting it and putting it into drawers, or hanging it on a back rack so the other clothing would conceal it. She started putting away shoes and accessories. I was surprised to find my side had a built-in, swing open jewelry box.

“Well that’s convenient.” I commented.

“Isn’t it though? Mother had it put in when she became Luna and her and father lived on this floor.”

“Smart lady.” I laughed a bit and moved to hanging my tops and pants, organizing by material and style.

Kami started hanging my dresses, putting them on the rack in front of the hanging lingerie. Less chance of Tristan seeing it since the dresses wouldn’t be pulled out too terribly often, or so I hoped. She kept my dress for the ceremony out, “Mom will need to see it to coordinate decor for the ceremony, and I’ll store it so Tristan can’t peek.”

“Another smart lady.”

When we finished we headed out of the closet, putting the bags in a trash can in the hall on our way out to find Tristan and their parents.

“Where are you, love?” I mind-linked him.

“Alpha office.”

“On our way.”

“They’re in the office.” I told Kami and we made our way there, knocking as I opened the door and the two of us walked in to find Daemon, Tristan and Ivy.

“Good evening everyone.” I smiled at them as Ivy came to meet me in a tight hug.

“Hello darling, I hear you had an eventful day.”

“Oh, every day is eventful when Mattie is involved, Kami just kicks it up a notch or four.” I laughed a bit and Kami stuck her tongue out at me, “It was a good day though.”

I stepped over to Tristan, tucking myself into his side as he slipped an arm around me.

“Kami certainly keeps things interesting. She takes after her mother in that fashion.” Daemon chuckled.

“I can’t even argue that.” Kami sighed and smiled.

“How is the ceremony coming along? Is there anything I can do to help?” I asked Ivy.


“Did you find your dress today?” She asked in return.

“I did.”

“Then no, everything is on track and there is nothing you need to do, other than show it to me later.”

“Can I at least help out in the kitchen? I feel bad with everyone rushing around on my account…”

Tristan kissed the top of my head and smiled, “Always so concerned about everyone else, it’s ok to take a break for yourself, Love.”

“Tristan is right, we have everything under control.” Ivy confirmed.

“And I will get Matheau in on this if I have to.” Kami threatened.

“You do know I can take Mattie, right?” I lifted a brow at her in question.

“Oh I have no doubt, I have no doubt you can take 90% of the wolves in this pack. You’d give Trist a run for his money. However; I also know you won’t. Not without just cause, so just relax and let someone do something for you for once.”

I pouted and sighed with a nod, “Alright… I’ll try. I make no promises. Let me know if there’s anything I can do though.”

“I will, I promise.” Ivy smiled sweetly at me.

“Thank you.”

“Let’s go get some dinner, you didn’t eat much at lunch. Not that I can blame you after the antics of that woman.” Tristan growled a little. I linked my arm with his, resting my hand on his forearm gently to help calm him.

Daemon gave us a questioning look and Ivy tilted her head at us in curiosity, “What antics? What woman?”

Kami filled her parents in on the events at the diner.

“I will find out which pack she belongs to. A last name would help, but we will find her nonetheless, it just might take a day or two longer.” Daemon assured Tristan.

“I can’t stand she-wolves like that.” Ivy growled.

“Me either. They’re the worst type of pack members, and unfortunately 90% of the time their behavior can’t be changed.” I agreed.

“You all should go get some food and some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a long day, well worth it, but long.” Daemon diverted the conversation before Ivy could get too worked up.

“We will see you at the ceremony tomorrow, if not sooner.” Tristan nodded to his parents, tugging me towards the door. Presumably to take me off to get some food. I was actually rather hungry, I hadn’t eaten much of my lunch between the chaos of the waitress’ antics and the exhaustion from shopping.

I reached over and grabbed Kami’s hand, “Come on, let’s get some dinner. I’m sure Mattie is already there. He never misses food.” Kami and I were giggling as we made our way down the stairs, with Tristan having taken up the rear, shaking his head at us with a grin. He seemed to bring up the rear quite often. I’m not convinced it’s not just so he can look at my rear.

We wandered into the dining area, several heads turning our way as we were not even bothering to try and keep our noise down. Some of the older wolves were grinning, happy to see their future Luna and the Alpha’s daughter having fun and being happy. Some of the females were glaring at me, though it was low key and I felt it more than I saw it, so I just ignored it. Haters gonna hate.

Mat was already at a table, with a pile of food and he waved at us. I waved back with a smile and Kami waved as well. We got in line for food and I turned to Tristan, slinking my arm through his, “Any recommendations on what’s good?” I asked, smiling up at him.

“All of it is good, but the roast beef is usually the best.”

“I’ll try that then.” I loaded my own plate with roast beef, brussel sprouts, squash, zucchini and a bit of teriyaki chicken as well and some mashed potatoes with gravy.

Female wolves could eat their weight in food though the males usually ate twice their weight in food. Tristan’s plate had twice as much as mine did and it was mostly meat with a bit of potatoes and veggies. I rolled my eyes at him and he grinned at me. We headed to the table Mat was at, Kami joining us a couple minutes later.

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