《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 41


An hour later we were settling our bill, I insisted on paying for lunch and left Krista a large tip. I grabbed my bags of clothing from the lingerie shop and Tristan carried the bags of dessert. We headed for the truck. Apparently the dress shop was on the other side of the plaza, about a mile from the diner.

We loaded into the vehicle, making sure our dessert bags wouldn’t tip over on the ride. I tucked my lingerie bags under my seat after folding them closed so nothing would slide out and no one could peek. It was a short trip across the shopping area and Tristan pulled into a parking spot just down from the shop.

Kami was out the door before Tristan even shut it off. Thomas and Will were scrambling to get out before Kami could run off without anyone. Thankfully she was waiting on me. I took my time getting out, giving the others a chance to get out as well.

“Hurry up, ya slow poke!” Kami laughed at me.

“Listen here Speedy McSpeedster, you’re far too excited for this.” I rolled my eyes at her.

“You should be too! It’s your dress shopping spree.”

“Did I mention, I hate shopping?” Now it was her turn to roll her eyes at me, linking her arm with mine as she dragged me toward the shop. Mat was on our heels. Tristan locked the SUV and he, Will and Thomas brought up the rear.

We entered the store and I stopped, Tristan nearly running into me because the stop was so sudden. I was looking over the store in awe, so many styles and colors. All of it looked far too expensive, I looked back at Tristan, “These dresses are gonna cost an arm and a leg, I can’t let you pay for them for me.”

“You can, and you will. You are my mate, my love. It’s my job to take care of you, no matter how big or how small a thing it is. You wouldn’t deny me the chance to take care of you, would you?” He murmured in my ear and kissed my temple with a grin.

I frowned, “That’s cheating and not fair.” I grumbled at him and he knew he had won. He chuckled and gently pushed me towards Mat and Kami.

“You’re gonna toss me to the wolves, just like that?” I scoffed at him, trying not to laugh at my corny joke, as Mat and Kami each took hold of one of my elbows and drug me towards the right hand wall, which held a large selection of various ball gowns.

“Of course, they promised not to eat you. Besides, I wanna see you in a fancy dress too.” He grinned at me.

“Traitor.” I hissed at him like I was actually upset. He just laughed more. I let Kami and Mat lead me to the dresses. One of the sales women approached us, “Can I help you find anything?”

“No, but if you can set up your VIP dressing room for us, that would be great.” Kami said from behind a rack, while Mat was holding a dress up to me.


“I’m sorry, but the VIP room is for VIPs only.” The woman said. She couldn’t see Kami clearly and she didn’t know who Mat and I were.

Tristan cleared his throat, catching the woman’s attention, “Are you implying that my wife is not a VIP?” his eyebrow arched at her in question.

“Mr. Willow, no of course not. I didn’t know you had a wife. My apologies sir. I will get the room ready immediately.” She looked back to Mat and I as Kami joined us, with another dress in hand.

I looked at the sales woman, “No harm no foul, thank you.” She nodded and scurried off to ready the dressing room. I looked back at Kami and the dress she’d found, “So do all the stores here have a VIP dressing room?”

“Yes, the pack owns most of the buildings and businesses in this town so we built them in when we renovated since we so often go out in groups, it makes security and shopping easier.”

“Makes sense. Hand me that dress you have.”

She handed it over to me and I held it up, inspecting it. It was gorgeous. It was form fitting with a wide, single shoulder strap. There was a thigh high slit on the two outer front edges. It also had a wrap around, satin skirt with sequins on the upper and lower hem. The skirt was detachable and so it could go from a ball gown to a sequined, floor length, evening gown in 30 seconds flat. It was a beautiful sage green color. I loved it.

“By the look on her face, I’d say we might have a winner for her Luna gown.” Mat said to Kami.

“I’d say you’re right.” She agreed, “Now let's see about getting her in it and a few others.

Mat took the dress from me with a smile and I smiled back at him, following them through the store as they picked a few from various sections, getting a handful of styles that would cover official dinners, alpha meetings, conferences and general events that would require formal wear.

“Let’s head to the VIP room. Trist, you stay out here. We’ll be out when we’re done.” Kami said sternly.

Tristan pouted, “But I wanna see her all dressed up too.”

“You will, tomorrow. At the ceremony.” Mat chuckled.

“Fine, but I don’t have to like it.”

“Fair enough.”

I giggled at the three of them and we headed to the VIP dressing room. Once again, Kami and Mat set up the dresses on a rack. The one I loved they set apart from the others, “We’ll save the best for last, or we’ll never get her through all of these.” Mat said.

I stuck my tongue out at him, but he was right. I wasn’t a huge fan of dresses, “Unfortunately, he’s right.” I sighed a bit.

Kami handed me a shorter, elegant, black dress with an open back and smaller bell sleeves. It was another modest cut dress, showing some cleavage but not displaying it. I took it and stepped into the changing room to put on the dress.


Once it was on I turned, looking at it from different angles. It was a little shorter than I liked, so I took it off and put it back on the hanger. I took it back out to them, “It’s a little shorter than I’d like.” I handed it to Mat and he set it on another rack.

“Ok, then maybe this one?” Kami handed me another black dress with an open back and loose, flowing, half sleeves. It had a square cut neckline, it was tighter in the chest and flowed out from just under the bust line with an asymmetrical hem-line.

I took it from her and headed back into the changing room. I slipped that one on and looked at myself in the mirrors. This one wasn’t bad, it came down to my mid thighs in the front which was better than the previous one, and to my knees in the back. I came out of the changing room and turned for them with a smile, “I like this one.”

“Perfect, every girl needs a little black dress, or three.” Kami said.

We spent about two hours rotating through dresses until we had three LBDs and about six others in various styles and colors. Finally Mat handed me the Luna dress. I really hoped it looked good, as I hadn’t picked out any others. I went back into the changing room and slipped on the evening gown part of it, checking myself out in the mirrors. It fit like a glove, like it was made just for me. I took the detachable skirt and wrapped it around my waist, securing it with little hook and loops before tying the ribbons into a bow at my waist, just a bit off center so one of the slits in the evening gown was visible. It was perfect, it was everything I could want in a dress, “This is it! This is perfect!” I hollered through the door.

“Well come out and let us see!” Kami exclaimed.

“Don’t keep us waiting!” Mat added.

I laughed and stepped out, looking at them with hopeful eyes. I turned on my toes, laughing some more. The skirt twirled around me as I did so.

“You’re right! It’s perfect!” Kami agreed.

“Absolutely. We don’t even need to tailor it at all.” Mat grinned.

“And the best part… It’s a double function dress…” I undid the skirt, taking it off so they could see it as just an evening gown.

Kami gasped and Mat nodded, “Absolutely perfect. Tristan will love it.”

“You think so?” I beamed.

“I know so.” Kami agreed.

“I certainly hope so.”

I was smiling from ear to ear as I went and changed out of the dress and back into the outfit I’d been in, thankfully the jeans were dry from the incident at lunch. When I came back out, with the dress in hand, we called one of the sales women to take the dresses we had picked out and put them in protective covers and take them to the register for us to pick up when we were done.

“Now shoes and accessories.” Kami said.

I groaned. “Do I have to?”

“Yes.” Mat said.

“This is the last of it though.” Kami offered to placate me.

“If I must.”

“You must.” They said together.

We headed out of the VIP room and over to the shoes, where we spent a good hour with the two of them finding shoes to match every dress and a few of the outfits I had gotten earlier in the day. I had agreed to a couple pairs of wedge style heels but mostly made them find low or no heel shoes. Next was jewelry and handbags or clutches for the outfits. They proceeded to ignore my protests on the more expensive pieces. I really didn’t need any of it, but they insisted that as Luna, I would need them for certain events and functions so I stopped arguing and let them do what they were going to do with a roll of my eyes.

Finally we were done, “Time to go home? Please say yes. I am so shopped out…”

“Yes, time to go home.” Kami said with a smile.

“Woohoo! Not that I don’t love and appreciate you two, but I am so not a shopper.”

“We know, we get it Aly. Let’s go settle this bill and get Tristan and the boys.”

I didn’t have to be told twice. I helped them carry the rest of the stuff we had picked out and carried it to the counter where the rest of my stuff was. I left it to Mat and Kami to settle the bill. I did not want to know. I wandered over to Tristan and dropped down into his lap with a sigh.

“Tired baby?” He asked.

“Very. I’m just glad to be done with it.” I smiled up at him and laid my head on his shoulder.

About ten minutes later Kami and Mat came back over to us with several garment bags and about 6 regular bags filled with shoes and accessories. Mat returned Tristan’s card to him and he put it back in his wallet.

“I think they thoroughly enjoyed torturing me.” I glared at the two in jest.

“You make it so easy though,” Mat grinned at me.

“I will kick your butt later, when I’m not exhausted.” I told him and he laughed.

“Let’s get home.” Kami chuckled.

“Yes please!” I jumped up from Tristan’s lap, offering to help with the bags, but Will and Thomas would not have it. The boys all divided up the bags, refusing to let Kami and I carry anything, they barely left Mat with anything to carry.

I rolled my eyes at them, “I’m tired, not broken.”

“It’s fine love, you three did all the work today anyway.”

“No, those two did. I was just a dress up doll.” I giggled and we all headed for the vehicle. We stored the bags and climbed in. Tristan started it up and headed for home. I curled up on the seat and laid my head on his leg. I fell asleep to him stroking my hair.

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