《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 39



I watched Thomas’ eyes widen as he took the bags from Mat, and watched him do a double take. Odd. Thomas was usually a very stoic guy when on duty. He left to put the bags away and Will elbowed me, “Uh, Boss, you should take a look at the stairs. You’ll understand in a moment.”

“What are you talking about?” I turned, looking at Will with my brows furrowed. He pointed and I let my gaze continue to where he was pointing. My jaw dropped. Alyce and Kami were coming down the stairs. Alyce was laughing with Kami and she looked amazing. Her hair was loose, half pulled up from her face, save for a couple strands used to frame it. Her pale skin stood out against the dark fabric of her shirt, her cleavage visible, but not hanging out on display. The shirt was designed to let a small strip of skin on her stomach show. The dark wash jeans hugged her curves and somehow they had gotten her into a pair of shoes that gave her just a little lift. She was the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen, and I was lucky she was mine.

Kami and Alyce stopped at the landing of the stairs, turning their bodies to continue down the stairs. I stepped away from the counter and made my way to the stairs, waiting for them to get to the bottom.

Alyce’s eyes fell on me and she was blushing. I held my hand out for her, helping her down the last two or three stairs once she took it, “You look amazing Alyce.” I pulled her into me, inhaling her scent and kissing her softly, “Most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.” I murmured against her lips.

“Your opinion is rather biased there, Alpha.” She grinned at me and stepped back a bit, “You like it then?” She looked down at herself and then looked back up at me.

“Yes, I do. I like it very much.” I’d also like to take her home, strip her down and show her just how much I like everything about her, but now was not the time.


“Me too,” She smiled and slipped her hand into mine. Kami finished descending the stairs after giving us our moment together, “Looks like Thomas is back from putting the bags away, shall we head to the next store?”

“Sure, which one are we going to next?” I asked, tucking Alyce into my side, feeling an intense desire to keep her next to me and away from everyone else’s eyes as we exited the clothing store, Kami leading the way for the group.

“The lingerie store.” Kami waggled her eyebrows at us and laughed. Alyce was blushing, Mat was sniggering behind us and Will and Thomas were on their best behavior trying to have zero reaction.

“Are you all trying to kill me or get me to kill someone else? Why did I agree to this torture?” I muttered to myself, of course they all heard me and even Alyce had started laughing.

“I mean, it seems fair that if I have to be tortured, so do you love.” She teased, leaning up to kiss my cheek.

“Oh someone is gonna get tortured all right, and it’s gonna be the next guy that eyes you up and down while we’re out.” I growled a little, glaring at some teenager who was sitting across the street, blatantly staring at Alyce. He caught my gaze and quickly averted his attention elsewhere.

“Jealousy looks good on no one, remember love?” She threw my words from this morning back at me and I laughed.

“You’re right, thank you for the reminder.” I kissed her head and Kami stopped in front of a store, looking back at us all.

“Ready Alyce?”

“No, but do I have a choice?”

“Nope. Not even a little.” Mat chuckled, “And neither does Tristan. Who gets to stay outside so he can’t peek.”

“Hey, no way you’re going to check out my mate in lingerie.”

“First of all, I’m not going to check her out. Second of all, eeww, no offense Alyce.”

“She’s not actually going to be putting anything on here. We have her size, so it makes this stop easier, you just can’t see what she’s getting.” Kami added.


“Why not?” I did want to see what kinds of things she was buying.

“Because, us girls need to keep some things a surprise sir, now why don’t you, Will and Thomas go over to the diner and order everyone some lunch. We won’t be here too long.”

“Fine, but only because we can see the entrance from the diner will I take them both with me.” I grumbled. I pulled my card out and handed it to Mat. I didn’t trust Kami not to use it for her stuff, and I knew Alyce would never get what she needed and/or wanted if she knew the cost.

Mat took the card, tucking it away, “We’ll see y'all in 45 minutes, an hour at most.” he said and I kissed Alyce, then left with Thomas and Will to the diner.


I let Mat and Kami drag me inside, after kissing Tristan and watching him walk off with Will and Thomas. Kami and Mat found the section that had my sizes in it and then they went to town. Getting the basic bras and panties wasn’t hard and it didn’t take long. Kami helped make sure I had various styles to accommodate various outfit types.

The lingerie on the other hand. That was an entirely different story. I was trying not to let my embarrassment cause me to say no to all of them. It might be nice to have some lingerie to surprise him with from time to time, like after the Luna Ceremony.

After about 30 minutes we had a decent selection of everything, and I leaned over to Kami, “Can you come back here after we find my dress for the Luna Ceremony? Find something that will work with the dress?” I was beet red, but grinning at her nonetheless as I whispered to her.

It took a moment for what I was asking to register in her head and then she nodded, giggling, “Sure can.”

Mat walked back to us after settling the bill, they’d gotten everything into just two bags, “Do I even want to know what the damage was?”

“Just know, you’re worth every bit of it.” Mat said with a grin.

“And then some.” Kami added. “Now, let’s go get some lunch.”

“Yes! Feeeed meee!” I groaned at her.

Mat rolled his eyes at us both, “Let’s go, y'all act like you never eat.”

We left the lingerie store and headed for the diner. The three of us were laughing and joking the whole way there. We got across the street safely and then I was laying it on thick, hanging off Mat like I was too weak to go any further on my own. Kami soon joined in, hanging on his other side.

“Come on girls, you’re being ridiculous and dramatic.” Mat groaned, dragging us both along.

“Too weak…” Kami mumbled

“Can’t walk…” I added.

He got the diner door open and scanned the crowd before his eyes landed on Tristan, “You’re right, they’re psychotic. I have no other explanation for them.”

“Mmhmm, you were included in that comment this morning, not just them.” Tristan laughed as he stood and came to get me from Mat, “Although, if they’re too weak, we will have to eat their share of food, it should be here in a few minutes.”

“That sounds like an amazing plan.” Mat concluded.

I was snickering, Kami gave up the ploy, straightening right up, “No, no. I can eat my food, you jerks. How did I end up with such jerks for brothers?”

“At least you got an awesome sister out of it?” I suggested.

“Truth!” She laughed and so did I as we sat at the booth with the boys. I curled into Tristan’s side happily.

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