《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 37



“Soooo, what’s for breakfast love?” Tristan asked as we entered the pack house kitchen.

“I made homemade crepes with various fruit compotes and some vanilla creme filling.”

Sara, the Omega I spoke to earlier, walked over to us, “Alpha, Beta, Lu- Alyce, Lady Kami. I thought you were going to be late? I don’t have anything set aside yet.”

“There was a slight hiccup with plans, and that’s alright. No need to worry about it, we can serve ourselves. You go ahead and worry about your work, not us.” I smiled at her.

“Alright, if you’re sure?” She spoke softly.

“I’m sure.”

She nodded and headed back to her tasks. I looked at the others, “Let’s eat shall we?”

“Yes!” Kami was always so excited about food. It made me laugh.

We made our plates and sat down at a table, “So, we need to plan the ceremony for bringing you all into the pack, and your Luna ceremony Alyce.” Tristan said as he shoved a bite of crepe into his mouth, “Alyce, you really are a Goddess in the kitchen.”

I blushed a little, “I’m glad you like it. Keep an eye on Mattie, he’ll steal crepes right off your plate.” I eyed Mat a little, threatening him with a look.

“Not if he wants to keep his hand he won’t.” Tristan growled a little.

“I would never!” Mat looked appalled that I would even suggest such a thing.

“Mmhmm.” I murmured.

“So, I’m familiar with the pack joining ceremony, but what does the Luna ceremony entail?” I asked, curious about it.

“It’s a lot like the pack joining ceremony, but it links you to the pack as Luna. Mother and Father will also step down, passing on their titles to us.” Tristan explained.

“You get to wear a fancy dress and I’ll do your hair and make up!” Kami added, clearly excited at the prospect of having someone to do girl stuff with.

“That sounds like fun. Please tell me I don’t have to wear heels though… I will end up flat on my face…”

“We can find you a longer dress and put you in some flats.” Kami offered.

“That sounds much better than heels.” If I got a long enough dress I could ditch the shoes all together and no one would know.


“And we’re doing this when?” Mat asked.

“Tomorrow.” Tristan said.

“Is that enough time to plan it? Seems awfully soon.” I was a bit surprised.

“Don’t worry, Mother could whip one out in half a day if she wanted to.” Tristan chuckled.

“It won’t bother her?”

“No, I promise it won’t. She likes stuff like this, and I suspect the fact that it’s for you will just make it better.” Kami chuckled.

“Oh, ok. Well, let’s do it then.” I grinned at them, finishing off my breakfast.

“You say that, but you haven’t been shopping with Kami yet, you may yet decide you’re not so thrilled about it.” Tristan teased. Kami glared at him and threw a blueberry off her plate at him. He caught it and ate it.

I laughed, “And y’all haven’t been at the mercy of Mat in fashion mode.” I leaned over to Tristan and whispered loudly, “We can decide which one is worse after we survive the excursion.

He nodded at me, “That might be the best plan.” He eyed the two as if studying them, “Don’t worry, I’ll break you out if it gets too bad.”

“You say that, but if I had my way we’d never make it to the first shop. I hate shopping…”

“What girl hates shopping?” Kami exclaimed loudly, drawing attention to our group and horrified that it was even a possibility.

“Me, I’m that girl.”

“I will make it my mission to change your opinion!”

“Good luck,” Mat snickered.

“Let’s get moving then. I’ll have someone pull the SUV around.” Tristan finished his food and mind-linked one of the pack members to bring the vehicle around to the front of the pack house.

The rest of us finished up our food, and I gathered our dishes, taking them to the sink for the staff to clean. I rejoined the others and we headed for the door, “Oh, I do need to go get my wallet before we leave though. Go ahead, I’ll meet you at the vehicle.”

“I told you I’d be paying for your stuff today Alyce.” Tristan said.

“I know, I know, but I’d still like to have it.”

“Ok, we’ll meet you there then.” He kissed me softly and I darted up the stairs while they headed for the truck. It took me a hot minute to get up five flights of stairs, but I made it and headed to the bedroom. I grabbed my wallet out of my bag, along with the envelope of cash, I pulled some of the cash out and put it in my wallet.


I headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the SUV, hopping into the front seat with Tristan. Kami and Mat were in the back and there were two warriors in the back as well. I gave Tristan a curious look, “Why the warriors?”

“Just a precaution. None of the ranked members ever leave the main area without at least one warrior.”

I nodded, thinking nothing else of it, “Alright then. Let’s get this over with.” I set my wallet in the center console and leaned against Tristan as he put the truck in drive and headed for the shopping plaza.

Kami leaned forward into the front seat, “What do you want to shop for first? Your ceremony dress or everything else?”

I laughed, “ I need an outfit with pockets so I can carry my wallet, but other than that I have no preference.”

“Wait… Something not leggings? Who are you and what have you done with my Aly?” Mat gasped dramatically.

“Hey, maybe I can find leggings with pockets…?” I grinned back at him.

“You shut your barbaric mouth! Absolutely not. We’re getting you a real wardrobe today! Skirts, jeans, slacks, blouses, t-shirts, crop tops, sweaters, lingerie, sexy things, all of it!”

“I don’t need all that Mat, especially when Tristan insists on paying.”

“Don’t listen to her Mat, she absolutely needs it all, don’t forget things she can layer and winter clothing too, but lingerie and sexy things are super important too!” Tristan took Mat’s side and I was blushing intensely.

“You’re supposed to be on my side, Tristan.” I looked at Kami for some back-up.

“No ma’am, I’m with the boys on this one. You need all the things.”

“Ugh, fiiiine, I give. Y’all win, but no heels and some modesty!”

“Except for the sexy things.” Mat agreed.

I slapped my forehead and groaned, knowing I would not win that particular battle. We rode along the mountain roads for about 35 minutes, chatting and teasing each other. Tristan pulled into the plaza, finding a spot to park. The warriors stepped out of the vehicle, holding the doors for Mat and Kami to climb out. Tristan hopped out and came around to get mine.

I slid out of the truck, “Thank you.” I looked at the warriors as the group gathered on the sidewalk, “What are your names?”

“I’m Thomas, and that’s Will. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luna Alyce.”

“Please, just Alyce is fine. It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Thank you for accompanying us today.”

“It’s our pleasure.” Will said.

“Where to first?” Mat asked, looking at Kami as our guide. She probably knew this place better than any of us.

“This way, there’s a general clothing store just up the block, good place to start for the basics.” She grabbed my hand, and I grabbed Mat’s as she drug us along the street. Tristan, Will and Thomas followed along behind us, all three looking far more amused than should be allowed.

We rounded a corner and she led us to a large two story building, taking us in the front door. A couple of the clerks greeted us, smiling when they recognized Kami and gasping a little when Tristan walked in behind us.

One of the sales clerks smiled flirtatiously at Tristan and I felt myself bristle a little, “Alpha Tristan, how nice of you to grace our store with your presence today. Is there anything I can help you find?” She purred at him.

He looked at her with no acknowledgement of her flirtation, “I’m here for our Luna,” He motioned to me, “It’s her we are shopping for today, and Kami will help her find what she needs. Thank you.”

The clerk looked both surprised and jealous as she turned to appraise me. I felt her eyes raking up and down my form as she tried to hide her distaste, “I see. She’s awfully small, perhaps we have something in the Juniors section for her.”

“And perhaps you should learn your place and your job before offering your opinion or help.” I glared at her.

“Do not insult my mate, or you will find yourself looking for a new job and likely without any luck.” Tristan growled at her.

She paled, gulping a bit, and blatantly ignoring my comment. “Of course Alpha. I meant no harm.”

“Perhaps you should take an extended break,” Mat suggested.

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